

F Flag Scramble Competition

The party began, the greasy uncle was playing cards, the fat otaku was eating, and the little beauty was drawing.

At the party, people will play a game called Flag Scramble. The rule of this game is that the host speaks a sentence, and people find the letter that appears the most in the sentence. The first person who calls this letter wins. If your answer is wrong or someone else wins, you will be fined. You don’t need to deal with many situations, just find the letter that appears most frequently in the statement of this problem and print it out, the letters are case insensitive.

Very simple, right? Please remember to count carefully! Do not count wrong! This is the most straightforward question after all, but do not get a time penalty here, it is not worth it! In order for everyone to have a good experience, I really tried my best, and finally thought of such a question as a sign-in question, do not thank me too much, manual dog head.

Input Specification:

There is no input for this question, please output your answer directly!

Output Specification:

Just print a lower-case letter, indicating your answer.

Sample Input:

(no sample input)

Sample Output:

(no sample output)




#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 1000;
int c[N];
int main() {
	string s;
	//cin >> s;
	s = "At the party, people will play a game called Flag Scramble. The rule of this game is that the host speaks a sentence, and people find the letter that appears the most in the sentence. The first person who calls this letter wins. If your answer is wrong or someone else wins, you will be fined. You don't need to deal with many situations, just find the letter that appears most frequently in the statement of this problem and print it out, the letters are case insensitive.\n"
		"Very simple, right ? Please remember to count carefully!Do not count wrong!This is the most straightforward question after all, but do not get a time penalty here, it is not worth it!In order for everyone to have a good experience, I really tried my best, and finally thought of such a question as a sign - in question, do not thank me too much, manual dog head.";
	//cout << s << endl;
	for (auto &x : s) {
		if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'z') {
			c[x - 'a']++;
		else if(x >='A' && x <='Z') {
			c[x - 'A']++;
	int pos = 'a';
	for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
		if (c[i] > c[pos]) pos = i;
	cout << (char)(pos + 'a') << endl;
	return 0;



本文标签: 大学FlagcompetitionScramble