


2022-2023学年四川省南充市高坪区白塔中学高一(上)入学英语试卷一、听力(共两节,满分15分)1.(1分)What is the man going to do?

A.Go to the cinema.

B.Leave for some place.

C.Stay in the hotel.2.(1分)How much will the woman get if she can accept tips?

A.6 dollars. B.34 dollars. C.40 dollars.3.(1分)What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man didn't tell the truth.

B.The woman has a complaint about the man.

C.The man thinks it is not his fault.4.(1分)Why does the woman feel tired?

A.She went to bed very late last night.

B.She got up very early this morning.

C.She couldn't sleep well recently.5.(1分)What do we know about the man?

A.He has given up smoking.

B.He is used to smoking more.

C.He is smoking fewer than before.6.(3分)听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8小题.

6.Which floor will the man stay on?

A.The fourth floor. B.The third floor. C.The sixth floor.

7.What does the man request especially in his room?

A.Hot water. B.TV set. C.Computer.

8.Who will show the man to his room?

A.The manager. B.The woman. C.A boy.7.(3分)听下面一段对话,回答第9至第11小题.

9.What does the woman know about the Empire State Building?

A.It has 120 stories.B.It was built in 1930.C.It looks modern-fashioned.

10.What is not mentioned in the conversation?

A.St.Patrick's Cathedral.B.The Central Park.C.New York Stock Exchange.

11.What does the woman think of the buildings facing the park?

A.They are the most expensive properties in the world.

B.They stand for a landmark in the history of architecture.

C.They are mostly private homes and trade centers.8.(4分)听下面一段独白,回答第12至第15小题.

12.How many more people will Britain have from now to 2050 according to the talk?

A.About 15 million. B.About 24 million. C.About 38 million.

13.Which is the right order about the future population according to the talk?




14.Where do the predictions come from?

A.A British body. B.A US body. C.A UN body.

15.What can be inferred from the talk? A.The birthrate among British-born women rose slowly.

B.Mothers in Britain had more children than at any time since 1937.

C.Britain's population is larger than that of any other country in Europe.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分15分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。9.(1分)---Shall we put off the experiment till next week?

--- .I don't think our teacher will be happy with it.(  )A.Never mindC.Yes,better notB.Sure,go aheadD.I'd rather not10.(1分)Most of his works didn't gain the international they deserved until his death.(  )A.challengeC.recognitionB.satisfactionD.measure11.(1分)-Did you note down what the teacher said?-Sorry.I my Iphone 6 just now.(  )A.had playedC.would playB.have playedD.was playing12.(1分)The 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine was to Chinese female scientist To Youyou,who discovered Qinghaosu in 2011.(  )A.returnedB.awardedC.abandonedD.rewarded

13.(1分)We have been told that the contract is for one year starting from the fifteenth of June of this year.(  )A.effectiveC.practicalB.complicatedD.significant14.(1分)______ a reply,the anxious mother decided to send an e-mail to her daughter abroad again.(  )A.Not receivingC.Not having receivedB.Receiving notD.No having received15.(1分) that developed countries want to limit the development of the developing countries in the climate conference in Copenhagen.(  )A.It is no possibilityC.There is no denyingB.It is no needD.There is no chance16.(1分)The presidents of America and Canada hold regular meetings, they can discuss ways to strengthen security cooperation between the two countries.(  )A.whereB.whichC.whatD.why17.(1分)Only under special circumstances to take make-up tests.(  )A.are freshmen permittedB.freshmen are permittedC.permitted are freshmenD.are permitted freshmen18.(1分)However frequently he in doing the experiment,he never loses his confidence.(  )A.defeatC.was defeatedB.gets defeatedD.will defeat19.(1分)How I wish I that skirt when it was available!Ugh!I regret it every time.(  )A.have boughtC.had boughtB.boughtD.would have bought

20.(1分)Jim knows little about computer,so his wife thinks he can't the development of times.(  )A.keep pace withC.throw light onB.take advantage ofD.put enthusiasm into21.(1分)When she was in trouble,I did what I could to help her. my help,she wrote me a letter of thanks.(  )A.In honor ofC.In terms ofB.In case ofD.In return for22.(1分)-Sorry,Mum! I failed the job interview again.

-Oh,it's too bad.You __________ have made full preparations.(  )A.mustB.canC.wouldD.should23.(1分)After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress,Anne Benedict went on __________ all the people who had helped in her career.(  ) thankC.having have thanked第二节:完形填空(共1小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31-50题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。24.(30分)Ever since my childhood,I wanted to grow up and do something good for society.Specifically,I had always dreamed of establishing houses for tramps(流浪汉).But I faced a big (31)

e trouble speaking freely with people-speaking to others always made me (32)

f I wanted to advance,being too (33)

During my first week of college,I (34)

ned about how so many students are (35)

was something that I must overcome in my life.

a LEAD orientation(培训) program.After the program,I lear and becoming"leaders".I saw the program as a (36)

growth.In LEAD,I completed (38) pro.One project was t every home an 20 other students t-I used to hav nervous.I realized i opportunity.I joined because it was good for my (37)

o collect old (40)

jects.So many changes happened in me that people were convinced I really (39)

.I formed a team of 13 other"leaders".My team and I (41)

d asked people to donate their second-hand clothes.We gave them to the homeless.My project was (42) and the exciting result was even covered in newspaper.My success also (43)


The other project was to combine my singing talent with (44)

on for young children to(45)

p a house for the homeless.

society.I conducted a singing competiti.These kids usually didn't get much exposure to these activities,(46) I wanted to give them a platform to show their talents.And later I realized my dream-I finally set u

LEAD made me open my mouth,and my heart.This helped me (47)

l for the support and (48)



31.A.obstacle32.A.eventually33.A.generous34.A.admitted35.A.recognizing36.A.simple37.A.cultural38.A.single39.A.improved40.A.clothes41.A.put down42.A.difficult43.A.exposed44.A.studying45.A.get through46.A.so47.A.lose48.A.development49.A.forgetful50.A.willingB.gratitudeB.extremelyB.embarrassedB.refusedB.growingB.funnyB.mentalB.twoB.leftB.booksB.dropped in atB.ambitiousB.contributedB.shapingB.make up forB.becauseB.recognizeB.encouragementB.ordinaryB.cautiousC.purposeC.excitedlyC.shyC.attendedC.playingC.greatC.physicalC.scoreC.recoveredC.furnitureC.paid attention toC.successfulC.persuadedC.helpingC.put up withC.ifC.makeC.achievementC.sadC.confused in my life.I believe that as long as you are (50)

more friends.I'm really gratefu from LEAD.Now,I feel proud of myself;I feel like I've done something to practice,you will become stronger in lD.amazementD.graduallyD.vividD.regrettedD.actingD.commonD.personalD.fourD.finishedD.stampsD.set aboutD.helpfulD.attractedD.reflectingD.participate inD.thoughD.forgetD.resultD.significantD.accessible第三部分:阅读理解(共4小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。25.(12.5分)Best Places to Visit in Iceland

Welcome to Iceland,a land that comes across as being a unique and beautiful destination.It is open to visitors who like to study an unknown course,and everything about Iceland waits to be explored.Here are just a lot of places you can take on…


Dettifoss waterfalls,located 90km from the town Húsavík,is the most powerful waterfall in Europe.You can access the waterfall either by hiking or driving down along the road leading to the falls.The access roads,however,remain closed during the winter months.That is from January to April.


Landmannalaugar or the people's pools,is a major tourist attraction in Iceland.Known as the heart for hikers,the area is popular for hot springs.Open only during summers,it is accessible from Thorsmork Biking in this area.However,it is relatively difficult,and is recommended only for trained mountain bikers.


Reykjavik,which actually means"Steamy Bay",got its name from the sight of steam rising from the geothermal hot springs,which attracted the Vikings when they landed at the bay.You can relax by hiking,or go fishing in the Elliea River.Don't forget to go skinny-dipping in the famous Blue Lagoon,a geothermal(地热的) pool in the area.


Gotafoss,also known as the waterfall of the gods,is one of the most impressive attractions in Iceland.Located on the Skjalfandafljot river flowing south of road 1 or the Ring road,it is easily accessible,thus attracting tourists and divers alike.As the story goes,it was these falls that the Lawspeaker Thorgeir Ljosvetningagoti threw the statues of his Norse gods into,hence giving it the name Gotafoss.


Known to be a museum of ice sculptures,Jökulsárlón is a large glacier lake on the South Eastern border.The lake which is around 200 meters deep is home to some of the big icebergs.During the summer months,you can use boat rides that will take you face to face with the ice sculptures that melt away splendidly.In the winters,you will spot a number of seals and the great Skua at the lake.

51.The writer's purpose in writing the passage is to

A.praise the beauty of nature in Iceland

B.persuade more people to visit the places in Iceland

C.tell people the culture and history of Iceland

D.attract more people to explore the fields in Iceland online

52.When you travel in Iceland,you will enjoy the natural attractions except

A.splendid waterfall sculpture

C.stone beaches springs

53.The name of Gotafoss is given .

A.because of its surroundings B.because of the people there

C.because of its location D.because of a story

54.Which two places have the same attraction?

A.Dettifoss and Gotafoss B.Jökulsárlón and Dettifoss

C.Gotafoss and Landmannalaugar D.Landmannalaugar and Jökulsárlón

55.It can be inferred from the passage that

A.we can enjoy swimming in Reykjavik

B.Iceland now is totally powered by the sun

C.we can see some attractions only in summer winter we can drive down the road to visit waterfall..

26.(12.5分)I can tell you from experience,both private and public schools have one thing in common.Look around your school.What do you see?Beautiful buildings?Good teachers?I'll tell you what I see:the need to have the most expensive clothing,newest phone,most expensive car,etc.Think about it.Do you find yourself wanting to one-up (胜过) your friends?Be honest.I know I have at some point in time.

In my school parking lot,for example,there are more BWM's and Mercedes than one could possibly imagine.When I look at my 2006 Honda CRV,the butterflies in my stomach start flapping their wings wildly.Do people look at me differently because my car is old?

What about my phone?What about text messaging?Earlier this year in my statistics class my teacher asked our class how many texts each student received in the past 24 hours.My count was twelve.Twenty minutes later,people started to come up with the answers of 200 or more.I firmly believe that people were in competition with each other.Who could get the most texts?Having only twelve texts sent to me made me feel terrible.Was it bad that hardly anyone had texted me?My teacher would never have thought that his question which intended a better understanding of the course made me uncomfortable.

How about the difference between grade levels in high school?Come on.There is a distinct difference from being a senior and a freshman.At gatherings,the senior class boos(喝倒彩) every other grade,sometimes causing fights.Being a senior,I don't want to make negative comments on people in other grade levels.High school is hard enough as it is.Freshman,sophomores and juniors don't need four hundred students to remind them.

Trying to impress everyone is hard.Most of the stress we have as teens is living up to everyone else's expectations.The only people we need to impress are ourselves.Be in competition with yourself and you'll live a h

appier life.

56.What is the common thing between private and public schools according to the writer?

A.Good teaching resources.

B.Having a beautiful environment.

C.Great need for advanced technology.

D.Students' competition for material things.

57.How does a person feel if he has a butterfly in his stomach?


58.Why did the teacher ask the students about the number of the texts they received?

A.He wanted to learn about their social habits.

B.He wanted to make his class interesting.

C.It was connected with what he was teaching.

D.He tried to stop them texting in his class.

59.We can learn from the fourth paragraph that

A.the writer is a considerate person

B.the writer finds it hard to get on well with others

C.students in lower grades should be reminded to behave well

D.fights and quarrels are common between different grades

60.To live a happier life,teens are advised stop buying expensive things stop competing with others do things as they are expected leave a good impression on others..

27.(12.5分)A study of school design has discovered that school design can influence a child's development by as much as 25 percent-over the course of an academic year.The 751 pupils using 34 classrooms across seven primary schools in Blackpool were studied by the University of Salford.Standardized data-such as age,gender(性别) and academic performance-were collected on each child at the start and end of the year,while each classroom was evaluated for quality on ten different environmental factors,such as direction for natural light,shape,color and temperature.

The results,published in Building and the Environment,showed that the architecture and design of classrooms has an important role to play in influencing academic performance.Six of the environmental factors-color,choice,connection,complexity,flexibility and light-were clearly correlated with grade scores.

Architect Peter Barrett,the study's head author,said,"This is the first time a whole assessment has been made that successfully links the overall impact directly to learning rates in schools.The impact identified is in fact greater than we imagined."According to the results,once the differences between the"worst"and"best"designed classrooms in the study were taken into account,it was found that the influence that"best"designed classrooms bring is equivalent(相等的) to the progress that a typical pupil would be expected to make over a year.

The results are particularly interesting as the government has introduced a controversial series of standardized templates(模板) for new school buildings,with the purpose of reducing the costs of hiring architects.The opinion on a range of strictly-defined design features replaces the previous Labour government's more architecturally luxurious Building Schools for the Future program,which was canceled by education secretary Michael Gove.He has claimed that his department's new Priority School Building Program,and its basic plans,will put an end to a situation which he believes existed only to"make architects richer".

61.It can be inferred that the standardized data

A.were based on ten environmental factors

B.were collected twice in an academic year

C.were collected by the University of Salford in person

D.were changeable because of the school environment

62.The underlined phrase"correlated with"has the closest meaning to

A.associated with

B.compared to

C.unconcerned with

D.based on

63.What did Peter Barrett think of the result of the study?A.It was not believable.

B.It was wonderful.

C.It was arguable.

D.It was against his expectations.

64.Why did Michael Gove cancel the program?

A.Because the program didn't reach the standard.

B.Because standardized templates were not finally decided.

C.Because the program was made by the previous government.

D.Because it was against the government's demand for cost saving.

65.What's the best title for the passage?

A.School Design Can Greatly Affect Teachers' Life

B.School Design Can Greatly Affect Teachers' Work

C.School Design Can Greatly Affect Children's Interest

D.School Design Can Greatly Affect Children's Grades.

28.(12.5分)To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example oversimplifies.No child imitates every action he sees.Sometimes,the example the parent wants him to follow is ignored while he takes over contrary patterns from some other example.Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory than"Monkey see,monkey do."

Look at it from the child's point of view.Here he is in a new situation,lacking a ready response.He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends.If he lacks a ready response for the situation,and cannot reason out what to do,he observes a model who seems able to get the right result.The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.

There is a second element at work in this situation.The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people who observe him.When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message,he is told emphatically that such a racket(叫嚷) is unpleasant,that he should walk into the next room and say his say quietly.Thus,the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly.One of the early things the child learns is that he gets more affection and approval when his parents like his response.Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others.If one is to maintain the support of others and his own self-respect,he must adopt responses his social group approves.

In finding trial responses,the learner does not choose models at random.He imitates the person who seems a good person to be like,rather than a person whose social status he wishes to avoid.If the pupil wants to be a good violinist,he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players;while some other person may most influence his approach to books.

Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole,and he becomes an identifying figure.We use some people as models over a wide range of situations,imitating much that they do.We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.

66.By the last sentence of the first paragraph,the author

A.compares children's behaviors to monkey's

B.tells us that children do not learn by imitation

C.thinks it is partial to regard imitation as"Monkey see,monkey do."

D.means that children should not learn by imitating their parents

67.The first element at work when a child learns by imitation is

A.the need to find a way to attain the desired goal

B.the desire to be acknowledged by his social group

C.the desire to find an expert and authority

D.the need to find a way to avoid criticism

68.According to the third paragraph,besides achieving his goals,a child should also learn to

A.attain his desired results as soon as possible his love for his parents and friends in a low voice

D.behave properly

69.It can be inferred that children usually imitate people

A.who do not scold them

B.who they want to be like

C.who have a high social status

D.who give them many rewards

70.The last two paragraphs are mainly about children learn by imitation

B.the motive of children's imitation children choose models imitation influence children's growth..

第一节:阅读表达(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。29.(10分)16-year-old Laresce Brown has become the strongest schoolgirl in the UK.She says her success is due to a joint condition,which used to engender great pain.

Laresce has six British and World Champion power-lifting records under her belt.Yet until just two years ago,a condition called hypermobility left her in so much pain that she was unable to take part in sport.Rather than letting her illness limit her life,Laresce took inspiration from her father,and began weight-lifting.This put an end to her pain,and she became a champion in her field.

Laresce loves to dance and she was a keen Morris dancer at the age of eleven.After that,she had to face daily pain in her knees,elbows and hands.She was forced to miss several days of school each month,due to pain and the lack of sleep that caused.

However,she is now effectively cured,since taking up the sport of power-lifting 18 months ago.

Laresce's position as Britain's strongest power-lifter for her age is down to her spirit and determination.To ensure her success,Laresce must train for eight hours a week."I really enjoyed the feeling of power I got and the excitement of people encouraging me to do my best.Becoming a champion was a big surprise-I just started off for fun and I was not expecting anything.So to win six titles was amazing,"she said.

Laresce's father said,"Being the father of such a high-achieving teen,I couldn't be more proud.She's truly the apple of my eye and has worked so hard to be where she is today.She's made us all so happy,and I feel we all enjoy a bright future together thanks to her."

71.What does the underlined word"engender"in Para.1 probably mean?(1 word)

72.What achievements has Laresce got?(no more than 8 words)

73.What helped her defeat the illness?(no more than 8 words)

75.What do you think of Laresce Brown?(no more than 25 words)

74.Why did she think winning six titles was amazing?(no more than 15 words)


30.(25分)上周末,来自英国的交换学生Tim 随代表团到你们学校进行为期两天的访问,作为接待家庭,你参加了这次活动.请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,介绍参加这次活动的完整过程,给学校英文投稿.注意:1、文章开头已为你写好,不计入总词;2、词数不少于100.

We had some American exchange students in our school last week.As a host brother,I'd like to share some happy experiences with you.

本文标签: 小题阅读短文回答学校