


const char kProfilingAtStart[] = "profiling-at-start";// Specifies a location for profiling output. This will only work if chrome has// been built with the gyp variable profiling=1 or gn arg enable_profiling=true.//// {pid} if present will be replaced by the pid of the process.// {count} if present will be incremented each time a profile is generated// for this process.// The default is chrome-profile-{pid} for the browser and test-profile-{pid}// for char kProfilingFile[] = "profiling-file";// Controls whether profile data is periodically flushed to a file. Normally// the data gets written on exit but cases exist where chromium doesn't exit// cleanly (especially when using single-process). A time in seconds can be// char kProfilingFlush[] = "profiling-flush";// When running certain tests that spawn child processes, this switch indicates// to the test framework that the current process is a child char kTestChildProcess[] = "test-child-process";// When running certain tests that spawn child processes, this switch indicates// to the test framework that the current process should not initialize ICU to// avoid creating any scoped handles too early in char kTestDoNotInitializeIcu[] = "test-do-not-initialize-icu";// Sends trace events from these categories to a file.// --trace-to-file on its own sends to default char kTraceToFile[] = "trace-to-file";// Specifies the file name for --trace-to-file. If unspecified, it will// go to a default file char kTraceToFileName[] = "trace-to-file-name";// Gives the default maximal active V-logging level; 0 is the default.// Normally positive values are used for V-logging char kV[] = "v";// Gives the per-module maximal V-logging levels to override the value// given by --v. E.g. "my_module=2,foo*=3" would change the logging// level for all code in source files "my_module.*" and "foo*.*"// ("-inl" suffixes are also disregarded for this matching).//// Any pattern containing a forward or backward slash will be tested// against the whole pathname and not just the module. E.g.,// "*/foo/bar/*=2" would change the logging level for all code in// source files under a "foo/bar" char kVModule[] = "vmodule";// Will wait for 60 seconds for a debugger to come to attach to the char kWaitForDebugger[] = "wait-for-debugger";#if defined(OS_WIN)// Disable high-resolution timer on char kDisableHighResTimer[] = "disable-highres-timer";// Disables the USB keyboard detection for blocking the OSK on Win8+.const char kDisableUsbKeyboardDetect[] = "disable-usb-keyboard-detect";#endif#if defined(OS_LINUX) && !defined(OS_CHROMEOS)// The /dev/shm partition is too small in certain VM environments, causing// Chrome to fail or crash (see /715363). Use this flag to// work-around this issue (a temporary directory will always be used to create// anonymous shared memory files).const char kDisableDevShmUsage[] = "disable-dev-shm-usage";#endif#if defined(OS_POSIX)// Used for turning on Breakpad crash reporting in a debug environment where// crash reporting is typically compiled but char kEnableCrashReporterForTesting[] = "enable-crash-reporter-for-testing";#endif#if defined(OS_ANDROID)// Enables the reached code profiler that samples all threads in all processes// to determine which functions are almost never char kEnableReachedCodeProfiler[] = "enable-reached-code-profiler";#endif#if defined(OS_LINUX)// Controls whether or not retired instruction counts are surfaced for threads// in trace events on Linux.//// This flag requires the BPF sandbox to be char kEnableThreadInstructionCount[] = "enable-thread-instruction-count";#endif} // namespace switchesView Codecontentpubliccommoncontent_// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"#include "build/build_config.h"#include "media/media_buildflags.h"namespace switches {// The number of MSAA samples for canvas2D. Requires MSAA support by GPU to// have an effect. 0 disables char kAcceleratedCanvas2dMSAASampleCount[] = "canvas-msaa-sample-count";// Allows processing of input before a frame has been committed.// TODO(schenney): Remove when /987626 is char kAllowPreCommitInput[] = "allow-pre-commit-input";// By default, file:// URIs cannot read other file:// URIs. This is an// override for developers who need the old behavior for char kAllowFileAccessFromFiles[] = "allow-file-access-from-files";// Enables TLS/SSL errors on localhost to be ignored (no interstitial,// no blocking of requests).const char kAllowInsecureLocalhost[] = "allow-insecure-localhost";// Allows loopback interface to be added in network list for peer char kAllowLoopbackInPeerConnection[] = "allow-loopback-in-peer-connection";// Allow a page to show popups during its unloading.// TODO(/937569): Remove this in Chrome char kAllowPopupsDuringPageUnload[] = "allow-popups-during-page-unload";// Allow a page to send synchronus XHR during its unloading.// TODO(/1003101): Remove this in Chrome char kAllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal[] = "allow-sync-xhr-in-page-dimissal";// Uses the android SkFontManager on linux. The specified directory should// include the configuration xml file with the name "".// This is used in blimp to emulate android fonts on char kAndroidFontsPath[] = "android-fonts-path";// Set blink settings. Format is [=[=],...// The names are declared in 5. For boolean type, use "true",// "false", or omit '=' part to set to true. For enum type, use the int// value of the enum value. Applied after other command line flags and char kBlinkSettings[] = "blink-settings";// Causes the browser process to crash on char kBrowserCrashTest[] = "crash-test";// Causes the browser process to display a dialog on char kBrowserStartupDialog[] = "browser-startup-dialog";// Path to the exe to run for the renderer and plugin char kBrowserSubprocessPath[] = "browser-subprocess-path";// Tells whether the code is running browser tests (this changes the startup URL// used by the content shell and also disables features that can make tests// flaky [like monitoring of memory pressure]).const char kBrowserTest[] = "browser-test";// Sets the tile size used by composited char kDefaultTileWidth[] = "default-tile-width";const char kDefaultTileHeight[] = "default-tile-height";// Disable antialiasing on 2d char kDisable2dCanvasAntialiasing[] = "disable-canvas-aa";// Disables Canvas2D rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay char kDisable2dCanvasImageChromium[] = "disable-2d-canvas-image-chromium";// Disables client-visible 3D APIs, in particular WebGL and Pepper 3D.// This is controlled by policy and is kept separate from the other// enable/disable switches to avoid accidentally regressing the policy// support for controlling access to these char kDisable3DAPIs[] = "disable-3d-apis";// Disable gpu-accelerated 2d char kDisableAccelerated2dCanvas[] = "disable-accelerated-2d-canvas";// Disables hardware acceleration of video decode, where char kDisableAcceleratedVideoDecode[] = "disable-accelerated-video-decode";// Disables hardware acceleration of video encode, where char kDisableAcceleratedVideoEncode[] = "disable-accelerated-video-encode";// Disable limits on the number of backing stores. Can prevent blinking for// users with many windows/tabs and lots of char kDisableBackingStoreLimit[] = "disable-backing-store-limit";// Disable backgrounding renders for occluded windows. Done for tests to avoid// nondeterministic char kDisableBackgroundingOccludedWindowsForTesting[] = "disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows";// Disable task throttling of timer tasks from background char kDisableBackgroundTimerThrottling[] = "disable-background-timer-throttling";// Disable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features.

// Use names from runtime_enabled_5, separated by commas.// Applied after kEnableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these// char kDisableBlinkFeatures[] = "disable-blink-features";// Enable Web Bluetooth Scanning// This switch enables Web Bluetooth Scanning without any// permission prompt for char kEnableWebBluetoothScanning[] = "enable-web-bluetooth-scanning";// Disables HTML5 DB char kDisableDatabases[] = "disable-databases";// Disable the per-domain blocking for 3D APIs after GPU reset.// This switch is intended only for char kDisableDomainBlockingFor3DAPIs[] = "disable-domain-blocking-for-3d-apis";// Disable all versions of char kDisableWebGL[] = "disable-webgl";// Disable char kDisableWebGL2[] = "disable-webgl2";// Disable FileSystem char kDisableFileSystem[] = "disable-file-system";// Disable 3D inside of char kDisableFlash3d[] = "disable-flash-3d";// Disable Stage3D inside of char kDisableFlashStage3d[] = "disable-flash-stage3d";// Disable user gesture requirement for char kDisableGestureRequirementForPresentation[] = "disable-gesture-requirement-for-presentation";// Disables GPU hardware acceleration. If software renderer is not in place,// then the GPU process won't char kDisableGpu[] = "disable-gpu";// Prevent the compositor from using its GPU char kDisableGpuCompositing[] = "disable-gpu-compositing";// Disable proactive early init of GPU char kDisableGpuEarlyInit[] = "disable-gpu-early-init";// Do not force that all compositor resources be backed by GPU memory char kDisableGpuMemoryBufferCompositorResources[] = "disable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources";// Disable GpuMemoryBuffer backed char kDisableGpuMemoryBufferVideoFrames[] = "disable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames";// For tests, to disable the limit on the number of times the GPU process may be// char kDisableGpuProcessCrashLimit[] = "disable-gpu-process-crash-limit";// For tests, to disable falling back to software compositing if the GPU Process// has crashed, and reached the GPU Process crash char kDisableSoftwareCompositingFallback[] = "disable-software-compositing-fallback";// When using CPU rasterizing disable low resolution tiling. This uses// less power, particularly during animations, but more white may be seen// during fast scrolling especially on slower char kDisableLowResTiling[] = "disable-low-res-tiling";// Disable the thread that crashes the GPU process if it stops responding to// char kDisableGpuWatchdog[] = "disable-gpu-watchdog";// Disallow image animations to be reset to the beginning to avoid skipping// many frames. Only effective if compositor image animations are char kDisableImageAnimationResync[] = "disable-image-animation-resync";// Disables the IPC flooding protection.// It is activated by default. Some javascript functions can be used to flood// the browser process with IPC. This protection limits the rate at which they// can be char kDisableIpcFloodingProtection[] = "disable-ipc-flooding-protection";// Suppresses hang monitor dialogs in renderer processes. This may allow slow// unload handlers on a page to prevent the tab from closing, but the Task// Manager can be used to terminate the offending process in this char kDisableHangMonitor[] = "disable-hang-monitor";// Disable the RenderThread's char kDisableHistogramCustomizer[] = "disable-histogram-customizer";// Don't kill a child process when it sends a bad IPC message. Apart// from testing, it is a bad idea from a security perspective to enable// this char kDisableKillAfterBadIPC[] = "disable-kill-after-bad-ipc";// Disables LCD char kDisableLCDText[] = "disable-lcd-text";// Disable char kDisableLocalStorage[] = "disable-local-storage";

// Force logging to be disabled. Logging is enabled by default in debug// char kDisableLogging[] = "disable-logging";// Disables using CODECAPI_AVLowLatencyMode when creating DXVA char kDisableLowLatencyDxva[] = "disable-low-latency-dxva";// Disables clearing the rendering output of a renderer when it didn't commit// new output for a while after a top-frame char kDisableNewContentRenderingTimeout[] = "disable-new-content-rendering-timeout";// Disables the Web Notification and the Push char kDisableNotifications[] = "disable-notifications";// Disable partial raster in the renderer. Disabling this switch also disables// the use of persistent gpu memory char kDisablePartialRaster[] = "disable-partial-raster";// Disable char kDisablePepper3d[] = "disable-pepper-3d";// Disables the Permissions char kDisablePermissionsAPI[] = "disable-permissions-api";// Disable Image Chromium for Pepper char kDisablePepper3DImageChromium[] = "disable-pepper-3d-image-chromium";// Disables compositor-accelerated touch-screen pinch char kDisablePinch[] = "disable-pinch";// Disable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD char kDisablePreferCompositingToLCDText[] = "disable-prefer-compositing-to-lcd-text";// Disables the Presentation char kDisablePresentationAPI[] = "disable-presentation-api";// Disables throttling of ate/replaceState char kDisablePushStateThrottle[] = "disable-pushstate-throttle";// Disables RGBA_4444 char kDisableRGBA4444Textures[] = "disable-rgba-4444-textures";// Taints all elements, regardless of char kDisableReadingFromCanvas[] = "disable-reading-from-canvas";// Disables remote web font support. SVG font should always work whether this// option is specified or char kDisableRemoteFonts[] = "disable-remote-fonts";// Disables the RemotePlayback char kDisableRemotePlaybackAPI[] = "disable-remote-playback-api";// Turns off the accessibility in the char kDisableRendererAccessibility[] = "disable-renderer-accessibility";// Prevent renderer process backgrounding when char kDisableRendererBackgrounding[] = "disable-renderer-backgrounding";// Whether the ResourceScheduler is disabled. Note this is only useful for C++// Headless embedders who need to implement their own resource char kDisableResourceScheduler[] = "disable-resource-scheduler";// Disable shared char kDisableSharedWorkers[] = "disable-shared-workers";// Do not use runtime-detected high-end CPU optimizations in Skia. This is// useful for forcing a baseline code path web char kDisableSkiaRuntimeOpts[] = "disable-skia-runtime-opts";// Disable smooth scrolling for char kDisableSmoothScrolling[] = "disable-smooth-scrolling";// Disables the use of a 3D software char kDisableSoftwareRasterizer[] = "disable-software-rasterizer";// Disables the Web Speech API (both speech recognition and synthesis).const char kDisableSpeechAPI[] = "disable-speech-api";// Disables the speech synthesis part of Web Speech char kDisableSpeechSynthesisAPI[] = "disable-speech-synthesis-api";// Disables adding the test certs in the network char kDisableTestCerts[] = "disable-test-root-certs";// Disable multithreaded GPU compositing of web char kDisableThreadedCompositing[] = "disable-threaded-compositing";// Disable multithreaded, compositor scrolling of web char kDisableThreadedScrolling[] = "disable-threaded-scrolling";// Disable V8 idle char kDisableV8IdleTasks[] = "disable-v8-idle-tasks";// Disables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay char kDisableWebGLImageChromium[] = "disable-webgl-image-chromium";// Don't enforce the same-origin policy. (Used by people testing their sites.)const char kDisableWebSecurity[] = "disable-web-security";

// Disable rasterizer that writes directly to GPU memory associated with char kDisableZeroCopy[] = "disable-zero-copy";// Disable the video decoder from drawing directly to a char kDisableZeroCopyDxgiVideo[] = "disable-zero-copy-dxgi-video";// Specifies if the |DOMAutomationController| needs to be bound in the// renderer. This binding happens on per-frame basis and hence can potentially// be a performance bottleneck. One should only enable it when automating dom// based char kDomAutomationController[] = "dom-automation";// Disable antialiasing on 2d canvas clipsconst char kDisable2dCanvasClipAntialiasing[] = "disable-2d-canvas-clip-aa";// Disable YUV image decoding for those formats and cases where it's supported.// Has no effect unless GPU rasterization is char kDisableYUVImageDecoding[] = "disable-yuv-image-decoding";// Logs Runtime Call Stats for Blink. --single-process also needs to be// used along with this for the stats to be char kDumpBlinkRuntimeCallStats[] = "dump-blink-runtime-call-stats";// Enables LCD char kEnableLCDText[] = "enable-lcd-text";// Enable the creation of compositing layers when it would prevent LCD char kEnablePreferCompositingToLCDText[] = "enable-prefer-compositing-to-lcd-text";// Enable one or more Blink runtime-enabled features.// Use names from runtime_enabled_5, separated by commas.// Applied before kDisableBlinkFeatures, and after other flags that change these// char kEnableBlinkFeatures[] = "enable-blink-features";// Enables Canvas 2D overlays for char kEnableCanvas2dSwapChain[] = "enable-canvas2d-swap-chain";// Enable native caret browsing, in which a moveable cursor is placed on a web// page, allowing a user to select and navigate through non-editable text using// just a keyboard. See /977390 for links to char kEnableCaretBrowsing[] = "enable-caret-browsing";// Enables experimental WebAssembly char kEnableExperimentalWebAssemblyFeatures[] = "enable-experimental-webassembly-features";// Enables Web Platform features that are in char kEnableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures[] = "enable-experimental-web-platform-features";// Disables all RuntimeEnabledFeatures that can be enabled via char kDisableOriginTrialControlledBlinkFeatures[] = "disable-origin-trial-controlled-blink-features";// Specify that all compositor resources should be backed by GPU memory char kEnableGpuMemoryBufferCompositorResources[] = "enable-gpu-memory-buffer-compositor-resources";// Enable GpuMemoryBuffer backed char kEnableGpuMemoryBufferVideoFrames[] = "enable-gpu-memory-buffer-video-frames";// When using CPU rasterizing generate low resolution tiling. Low res// tiles may be displayed during fast scrolls especially on slower char kEnableLowResTiling[] = "enable-low-res-tiling";// Force logging to be enabled. Logging is disabled by default in release// char kEnableLogging[] = "enable-logging";// Enables the type, downlinkMax attributes of the NetInfo API. Also, enables// triggering of change attribute of the NetInfo API when there is a change in// the connection char kEnableNetworkInformationDownlinkMax[] = "enable-network-information-downlink-max";// Disables the video decoder from drawing to an NV12 textures instead of char kDisableNv12DxgiVideo[] = "disable-nv12-dxgi-video";// Enables testing features of the Plugin Placeholder. For internal use char kEnablePluginPlaceholderTesting[] = "enable-plugin-placeholder-testing";// Make the values returned to more granular and more// up to date in shared worker. Without this flag, the memory information is// still available, but it is bucketized and updated less frequently. This flag// also applys to char kEnablePreciseMemoryInfo[] = "enable-precise-memory-info";// Enables PrintBrowser mode, in which everything renders as though char kEnablePrintBrowser[] = "enable-print-browser";// Enables RGBA_4444 char kEnableRGBA4444Textures[] = "enable-rgba-4444-textures";// Set options to cache V8 data. (off, preparse data, or code)const char kV8CacheOptions[] = "v8-cache-options";

// If true the ServiceProcessLauncher is used to launch services. This allows// for service binaries to be loaded rather than using the utility process. This// is only useful for char kEnableServiceBinaryLauncher[] = "enable-service-binary-launcher";// Enables the Skia benchmarking extensionconst char kEnableSkiaBenchmarking[] = "enable-skia-benchmarking";// On platforms that support it, enables smooth scroll char kEnableSmoothScrolling[] = "enable-smooth-scrolling";// Enable spatial navigationconst char kEnableSpatialNavigation[] = "enable-spatial-navigation";// Blocks all insecure requests from secure contexts, and prevents the user// from overriding that char kEnableStrictMixedContentChecking[] = "enable-strict-mixed-content-checking";// Blocks insecure usage of a number of powerful features (device orientation,// for example) that we haven't yet deprecated for the web at char kEnableStrictPowerfulFeatureRestrictions[] = "enable-strict-powerful-feature-restrictions";// Feature flag to enable HTTPS subresource internal redirects to compressed// char kEnableSubresourceRedirect[] = "enable-subresource-redirect";// Enabled threaded compositing for web char kEnableThreadedCompositing[] = "enable-threaded-compositing";// Enable tracing during the execution of browser char kEnableTracing[] = "enable-tracing";// The filename to write the output of the test tracing char kEnableTracingOutput[] = "enable-tracing-output";// Enable screen capturing support for MediaStream char kEnableUserMediaScreenCapturing[] = "enable-usermedia-screen-capturing";// Enable the mode that uses zooming to implment device scale factor char kEnableUseZoomForDSF[] = "enable-use-zoom-for-dsf";// Enables the use of the @viewport CSS rule, which allows// pages to control aspects of their own layout. This also turns on touch-screen// pinch char kEnableViewport[] = "enable-viewport";// Enable the Vtune profiler char kEnableVtune[] = "enable-vtune-support";// Enable the Web Authentication Testing API.// /webauthnconst char kEnableWebAuthTestingAPI[] = "enable-web-authentication-testing-api";// Enable WebGL2 Compute char kEnableWebGL2ComputeContext[] = "enable-webgl2-compute-context";// Enables WebGL extensions not yet approved by the char kEnableWebGLDraftExtensions[] = "enable-webgl-draft-extensions";// Enables WebGL rendering into a scanout buffer for overlay char kEnableWebGLImageChromium[] = "enable-webgl-image-chromium";// Enables interaction with virtual reality char kEnableWebVR[] = "enable-webvr";// Enable rasterizer that writes directly to GPU memory associated with char kEnableZeroCopy[] = "enable-zero-copy";// Handle to the shared memory segment containing field trial state that is to// be shared between processes. The argument to this switch is the handle id// (pointer on Windows) as a string, followed by a comma, then the size of the// shared memory segment as a char kFieldTrialHandle[] = "field-trial-handle";// Define an alias root directory which is replaced with the replacement string// in file URLs. The format is "/alias=/replacement", which would turn// file:///alias/some/ into file:///replacement/some/ char kFileUrlPathAlias[] = "file-url-path-alias";// Always use the Skia GPU backend for drawing layer tiles. Only valid with GPU// accelerated compositing + impl-side painting. Overrides the// kEnableGpuRasterization char kForceGpuRasterization[] = "force-gpu-rasterization";// Disables OOP rasterization. Takes precedence over the enable char kDisableOopRasterization[] = "disable-oop-rasterization";// Turns on out of process raster for the renderer whenever gpu raster// would have been used. Enables the chromium_raster_transport char kEnableOopRasterization[] = "enable-oop-rasterization";// Turns on skia deferred display list for out of process char kEnableOopRasterizationDDL[] = "enable-oop-rasterization-ddl";// Enables WebGL overlays for char kEnableWebGLSwapChain[] = "enable-webgl-swap-chain";// The number of multisample antialiasing samples for GPU rasterization.

// Requires MSAA support on GPU to have an effect. 0 disables char kGpuRasterizationMSAASampleCount[] = "gpu-rasterization-msaa-sample-count";// Forces use of hardware overlay for fullscreen video playback. Useful for// testing the Android overlay fullscreen functionality on other char kForceOverlayFullscreenVideo[] = "force-overlay-fullscreen-video";// This forces pages to be loaded as presentation receivers. Useful for testing// behavior specific to presentation receivers.// Spec: /TR/presentation-api/#interface-presentationreceiverconst char kForcePresentationReceiverForTesting[] = "force-presentation-receiver-for-testing";// Force renderer accessibility to be on instead of enabling it on demand when// a screen reader is detected. The disable-renderer-accessibility switch// overrides this if char kForceRendererAccessibility[] = "force-renderer-accessibility";// For development / testing only. When running content_browsertests,// saves output of failing accessibility tests to their expectations files in// content/test/data/accessibility/, overwriting existing file char kGenerateAccessibilityTestExpectations[] = "generate-accessibility-test-expectations";// Extra command line options for launching the GPU process (normally used// for debugging). Use like char kGpuLauncher[] = "gpu-launcher";// Makes this process a GPU char kGpuProcess[] = "gpu-process";// Starts the GPU sandbox before creating a GL char kGpuSandboxStartEarly[] = "gpu-sandbox-start-early";// Causes the GPU process to display a dialog on char kGpuStartupDialog[] = "gpu-startup-dialog";// Start the renderer with an initial virtual time override specified in// seconds since the char kInitialVirtualTime[] = "initial-virtual-time";// Run the GPU process as a thread in the browser char kInProcessGPU[] = "in-process-gpu";// Overrides the timeout, in seconds, that a child process waits for a// connection from the browser before killing char kIPCConnectionTimeout[] = "ipc-connection-timeout";// Require dedicated processes for a set of origins, specified as a// comma-separated list. For example:// --isolate-origins=,st char kIsolateOrigins[] = "isolate-origins";// Disable latest shipping ECMAScript 6 char kDisableJavaScriptHarmonyShipping[] = "disable-javascript-harmony-shipping";// Enables experimental Harmony (ECMAScript 6) char kJavaScriptHarmony[] = "javascript-harmony";// Specifies the flags passed to JS engineconst char kJavaScriptFlags[] = "js-flags";// Overrides the Lite Page Subresource char kLitePagesServerSubresourceHost[] = "litepage-server-subresource-host";// Logs GPU control list decisions when enforcing blacklist char kLogGpuControlListDecisions[] = "log-gpu-control-list-decisions";// Sets the minimum log level. Valid values are from 0 to 3:// INFO = 0, WARNING = 1, LOG_ERROR = 2, LOG_FATAL = char kLoggingLevel[] = "log-level";// Overrides the default file name to use for general-purpose logging (does not// affect which events are logged).const char kLogFile[] = "log-file";// Resizes of the main frame are caused by changing between landscape and// portrait mode (i.e. Android) so the page should be rescaled to char kMainFrameResizesAreOrientationChanges[] = "main-frame-resizes-are-orientation-changes";// Allows user to override maximum number of active WebGL contexts per// renderer char kMaxActiveWebGLContexts[] = "max-active-webgl-contexts";// Sets the maximium decoded image size char kMaxDecodedImageSizeMb[] = "max-decoded-image-size-mb";// Sets the width and height above which a composited layer will get char kMaxUntiledLayerHeight[] = "max-untiled-layer-height";const char kMaxUntiledLayerWidth[] = "max-untiled-layer-width";// Indicates the utility process should run with a message loop type of char kMessageLoopTypeUi[] = "message-loop-type-ui";// Set the default result for MockCertVerifier. This only works in test char kMockCertVerifierDefaultResultForTesting[] = "mock-cert-verifier-default-result-for-testing";

// Use a Mojo-based LocalStorage char kMojoLocalStorage[] = "mojo-local-storage";// Sets the timeout seconds of the network-quiet timers in IdlenessDetector.// Used by embedders who want to change the timeout time in order to run web// contents on various embedded devices and changeable network bandwidths in// different regions. For example, it's useful when using FirstMeaningfulPaint// signal to dismiss a splash char kNetworkQuietTimeout[] = "network-quiet-timeout";// Disables the use of a zygote process for forking child processes. Instead,// child processes will be forked and exec'd directly. Note that --no-sandbox// should also be used together with this flag because the sandbox needs the// zygote to char kNoZygote[] = "no-zygote";// Disables V8 mitigations for executing untrusted char kNoV8UntrustedCodeMitigations[] = "no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations";// Number of worker threads used to rasterize char kNumRasterThreads[] = "num-raster-threads";// Override the behavior of plugin throttling for testing.// By default the throttler is only enabled for a hard-coded list of plugins.// Set the value to 'always' to always throttle every plugin instance. Set the// value to 'never' to disable char kOverridePluginPowerSaverForTesting[] = "override-plugin-power-saver-for-testing";// Override the default value for the 'passive' field in javascript// addEventListener calls. Values are defined as:// 'documentonlytrue' to set the default be true only for document level nodes.// 'true' to set the default to be true on all nodes (when not specified).// 'forcealltrue' to force the value on all char kPassiveListenersDefault[] = "passive-listeners-default";// Argument to the process type that indicates a PPAPI broker process char kPpapiBrokerProcess[] = "ppapi-broker";// "Command-line" arguments for the PPAPI Flash; used for debugging char kPpapiFlashArgs[] = "ppapi-flash-args";// Runs PPAPI (Pepper) plugins char kPpapiInProcess[] = "ppapi-in-process";// Specifies a command that should be used to launch the ppapi plugin process.// Useful for running the plugin process through purify or quantify. Ex:// --ppapi-plugin-launcher="pathtopurify /Run=yes"const char kPpapiPluginLauncher[] = "ppapi-plugin-launcher";// Argument to the process type that indicates a PPAPI plugin process char kPpapiPluginProcess[] = "ppapi";// Causes the PPAPI sub process to display a dialog on launch. Be sure to use// --no-sandbox as well or the sandbox won't allow the dialog to char kPpapiStartupDialog[] = "ppapi-startup-dialog";// Enable the "Process Per Site" process model for all domains. This mode// consolidates same-site pages so that they share a single process.//// More details here:// - /developers/design-documents/process-models// - The class comment in site_instance.h, listing the supported process models.//// IMPORTANT: This isn't to be confused with --site-per-process (which is about// isolation, not consolidation). You probably want the other char kProcessPerSite[] = "process-per-site";// Runs each set of script-connected tabs (i.e., a BrowsingInstance) in its own// renderer process. We default to using a renderer process for each// site instance (i.e., group of pages from the same registered domain with// script connections to each other).// TODO(creis): This flag is currently a no-op. We should refactor it to avoid// "unnecessary" process swaps for cross-site navigations but still swap when// needed for security (e.g., isolated origins).const char kProcessPerTab[] = "process-per-tab";// The value of this switch determines whether the process is started as a// renderer or plugin host. If it's empty, it's the char kProcessType[] = "type";// Uses a specified proxy server, overrides system settings. This switch only// affects HTTP and HTTPS requests. ARC-apps use only HTTP proxy server with the// highest priority.// TODO(yzshen): Move this switch back to chrome/common/chrome_switches.{h,cc},// once the network service is able to access the corresponding setting via the// pref char kProxyServer[] = "proxy-server";// Enables or disables pull-to-refresh gesture in response to vertical// overscroll.// Set the value to '0' to disable the feature, set to '1' to enable it for both// touchpad and touchscreen, and set to '2' to enable it only for touchscreen.// Defaults to char kPullToRefresh[] = "pull-to-refresh";// Register Pepper plugins (see pepper_plugin_ for its format).const char kRegisterPepperPlugins[] = "register-pepper-plugins";// Enables remote debug over stdio pipes [in=3, out=4].

// Optionally, specifies the format for the protocol messages, can be either// "JSON" (the default) or "CBOR".const char kRemoteDebuggingPipe[] = "remote-debugging-pipe";// Enables remote debug over HTTP on the specified char kRemoteDebuggingPort[] = "remote-debugging-port";const char kRendererClientId[] = "renderer-client-id";// The contents of this flag are prepended to the renderer command line.// Useful values might be "valgrind" or "xterm -e gdb --args".const char kRendererCmdPrefix[] = "renderer-cmd-prefix";// Causes the process to run as renderer instead of as char kRendererProcess[] = "renderer";// Overrides the default/calculated limit to the number of renderer processes.// Very high values for this setting can lead to high memory/resource usage// or char kRendererProcessLimit[] = "renderer-process-limit";// Causes the renderer process to display a dialog on launch. Passing this flag// also adds service_manager::kNoSandbox on Windows non-official builds, since// that's needed to show a char kRendererStartupDialog[] = "renderer-startup-dialog";// Manual tests only run when --run-manual is specified. This allows writing// tests that don't run automatically but are still in the same test binary.// This is useful so that a team that wants to run a few tests doesn't have to// add a new binary that must be compiled on all char kRunManualTestsFlag[] = "run-manual";// Causes the process to run as a sandbox IPC char kSandboxIPCProcess[] = "sandbox-ipc";// Visibly render a border around layout shift rects in the web page to help// debug and study layout char kShowLayoutShiftRegions[] = "show-layout-shift-regions";// Visibly render a border around paint rects in the web page to help debug// and study painting char kShowPaintRects[] = "show-paint-rects";// Runs the renderer and plugins in the same process as the browserconst char kSingleProcess[] = "single-process";// Enforces a one-site-per-process security policy:// * Each renderer process, for its whole lifetime, is dedicated to rendering// pages for just one site.// * Thus, pages from different sites are never in the same process.// * A renderer process's access rights are restricted based on its site.// * All cross-site navigations force process swaps.// *