



1. exciting as a quality or concept rather than as something real or solid

2. a feature ,a part of something

3. an order or instruction

4. an important aspect of something

5. single ;separate

6. an established tradition ;a habit ,a costume

7. a part of an animal or plant that has a specific function

8. the belief in animal worship of god

9. a reply an answer

10. ,remove ,pull or tear

11. to the extent that ;as much as

12. We use tools (相互合作),and (用语言交流) .

13. Now almost all the monkeys who haven’t (交流接触)this

grope don’t .

14. we still have the last feature –language .

15. (事实并非如此)

16. Teaching them language has been very successful if we are willing to


17. Chimpanzees have been (剥下树枝上得叶子) then put it

into a termite nest .

18. we have tool use and invention as ways of


19. this form of language is limited in it ability to (表达抽象意思) .


Perhaps the most important thing is that the (分界线) us from

them (不像我们过去认识的那样清楚).


1. exciting as a quality or concept rather than as something real or solid

(abstract )

2. a feature, a part of something (aspect )

3. an order or instruction (command )

4. an important aspect of something (feature /characteristic )

5. single ;separate (individual )

6. an established tradition ;a habit , a costume (instruction )

7. a part of an animal or plant that has a specific function (organ )

8. the belief in animal worship of god (religion )

9. a reply an answer (response)

10. ,remove ,pull or tear (strip)

11. to the extent that ;as much as (as far as )

12. We use tools cooperate with one another (相互合作),and communicate

with language (用语言交流) .

13. Now almost all the monkeys who haven’t come into contact with (交流接触)this grope don’t .

14. we still have held onto the last feature –language .

15. This is not the case .(事实并非如此)

16. Teaching them language has been very successful if we are willing to accept

other forms than just spoken word (接受口语以为的其他语言形式).

17. Chimpanzees have been striping the leaves off a branch(剥下树枝上得叶子) then put it into a termite nest .

18. we have ruled out tool use and invention as ways of telling animal behavior

from human behavior (区分人类行为和动物行为).

19. this form of language is limited in it ability to communicate abstract ideas(表达抽象意思) .

Perhaps the most important thing is that the dividing line (分界线) us from them

isn’t as clear as we used to think (不像我们过去认识的那样清楚).

本文标签: 语言意思行为交流口语