


Cultural practices, cultural differences, local manners, and mores: traveling the globe can be a

behavioral minefield, even when you have the best intentions. Everything from greeting to eating

can be an opportunity to do the wrong thing, and not only embarrass yourself, but offend your host

countrymen. Look out for the following cultural mistakes and try to avoid them while going



Touching Someone 触摸他人

Where It's Offensive: Korea, Thailand, China, Europe, the Middle East。


What's Offensive 禁忌:

Personal space varies as you travel the globe. In Mediterranean countries, if you refrain from

touching someone's arm when talking to them or if you don't greet them with kisses or a warm

embrace, you'll be considered cold. But backslap someone who isn't a family member or a good

friend in Korea, and you'll make them uncomfortable. In Thailand, the head is considered

sacred--never even pat a child on the head。


What You Should Do Instead 对策:

Observe what locals are doing and follow suit. In Eastern countries remember that touching

and public displays of affection are unacceptable. In places like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, men and

women are forbidden from interacting, let along touching。


Blowing Your Nose 擤鼻涕

Where It's Offensive: Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, France。


What's Offensive 禁忌:

Some cultures find it disgusting to blow your nose in public--especially at the table. The

Japanese and Chinese are also repelled by the idea of a handkerchief。


What You Should Do Instead 对策:

If traveling through Eastern and Asian countries, leave the hankies at home and opt for

disposable tissues instead. In France as well as in Eastern countries, if you're dining and need to

clear your nasal passages, excuse yourself and head to the restroom. Worst-case scenario: make an

exaggerated effort to steer away from the table. Let's hope you don't have a cold。


Talking Over Dinner 就餐时谈话就餐

Where It's Offensive: Africa, Japan, Thailand, China, Finland.

禁忌地禁忌地禁忌地禁忌地 非洲、日本、泰国、芬兰

What's Offensive 禁忌:

In some countries, like China, Japan, and some African nations, the food's the thing, so don't start

chatting about your day's adventures while everyone else is digging into dinner. You'll likely be

met with silence--not because your group is unfriendly, but because mealtimes are for eating, not

talking. Also avoid conversations in places a country might consider sacred or reflective--churches

in Europe, temples in Thailand, and saunas in Finland. What You Should Do Instead

在一些国家,如中国,日本和一些非洲国家,食品的东西,所以不要一开始聊起一天的冒险,而其他人都在大快朵颐。你很可能会遭遇沉默 - 这并非你是不友好的,但因为就餐时间都是用来吃的,不说话。此外,还要避免谈话的地方,一些被认为是神圣或需要沉思 - 比如欧洲的教堂,泰国的庙宇和芬兰的桑拿浴室。你应该做的

What You Should Do Instead 对策

Keep quiet! 保持沉默!

Removing Your Shoes„or Not 脱鞋......与否

Where It's Offensive: Hawaii, the South Pacific, Korea, China, Thailand.


What's Offensive 禁忌:

Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess

will find you uncivilized, but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia, Hawaii, or

the Pacific Islands and you'll be considered disrespectful. Not only does shoe removal very

practically keeps sand and dirt out of the house, it's a sign of leaving the outside world behind.

Corporate culture and negotiation style


What You Should Do Instead 对策

If you see a row of shoes at the door, start undoing your laces. If not, keep the shoes on.如果你在门口看到一排鞋子,就解开自己的鞋带开。否则,就穿鞋进去吧!

Knowing Your Right from Your Left 分清左右手

Where It's Offensive: India, Morocco, Africa, the Middle East.禁忌地:印度、非洲、中东

What's Offensive 禁忌:

Many cultures still prefer to eat using traditional methods--their hands. In these cases, food is

often offered communally, which is why it's important to wash your hands before eating and

observe the right-hand-is-for-eating and the left-hand-is-for-other-duties rule. If you eat with your

left hand, expect your fellow diners to be mortified. And when partaking from a communal bowl,

stick to a portion that's closest to you. Do not get greedy and plunge your hand into the center.

许多文化依然喜欢吃用传统的方法 - 他们的手。在这种情况下,食物往往,这就是为什么它重要的是要勤洗手,进食前和观察的右手是吃和左手是其他职务的规则。如果你吃你的左手,期待你的同伴会感觉蒙受羞辱。而当领受从公共的碗里,坚持到离您最近的一个部分。不要贪婪地把手的中心。

What You Should Do Instead 对策:

Left-handed? Attempt to be ambidextrous--even children who are left-handed in these

cultures are taught to eat with their right hand--or at least explain yourself to your fellow diners

before plunging in.

左撇子吗?尝试灵巧的 - 即使孩子谁是左撇子在这些文化被教导用右手吃饭 - 或者至少解释一下你的同胞食客,然后又把。

Once you are on the ground of a different country, remain highly sensitive to native behavior.

Never be completely surprised by anything; try to take it in stride, and don't feel offended if

something seems offensive--like queue jumping. After all, this is a global village, and we are all

very different.

一旦你在地面上的一个不同的国家,到本机的行为保持高度敏感。永远无法完全惊讶的东西,尝试采取它在大步,不要太介意,如果事情似乎进攻 - 像插队。毕竟,这是一个地球村,我们都非常不同。


1) To get out of bed on the wrong side means you will have a bad day. 下床方向错了,一天都不会顺利。

2) It is unlucky to have a black cat cross the road in front of you. 看见黑猫在你面前横穿马路是不吉利的。

3) The bride should not see the husband on the morning before the wedding. 在婚礼举行前的早上,新娘不应见自己的丈夫。

4) Cattle lying down indicate rain. 牛躺下预示有雨。

5) A cricket in the house is good luck. 屋里有蟋蟀会带来好运。

6) To pass under a ladder brings bad luck. 从梯子下面走过会带来厄运

7) Lighting three cigarettes from one match brings bad luck to the third person.一根火柴点燃三支香烟会给第三个人带来厄运。

8) To break a mirror brings seven years' bad luck. 打碎镜子会带来7年厄运。

9) Carrying a rabbit's foot brings good luck. 提起兔脚可交好运。

10) Opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck. 在屋中撑伞会倒霉。

)The number of taboos:

In particular, many Western Catholics do not believe that "13" This figure is dangerous and

should avoid it as much as possible. Some people even a month "13" on this day was also some

anxiety, they also believe that Friday is unlucky because the West is not some "13" days

(especially Friday), are generally not held. Even house number, hotel room number, floor number,

its banquet table, the number of motor vehicle fleet are not "13" the figure, the banquet is not in

the "13" held more taboo "13" people were with the meal I. Taboo "13" and the main reason for

Friday, reportedly because of "13" as betraying Jesus and Judas died in "Last Supper" and the

myth of the order of a few of the symbol of the kingdom of heaven凶神; and Friday, is Jesus was

crucifixion and Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit of the day were driven out of paradise. If

"13" and on Friday, happened on the same day, the day was the West known as "Black", some

people feel a constant state of anxiety.



In addition, the death of the West because of the war of terror, but also taboo "3", especially

in the cigarette lighter, when the third person point, they are often reluctant surface, and some

people even declined.

In Africa, most countries with the view that odd color negative; while in Japan, while

odd-numbered side of the coin is to see Fuxing auspicious figures, not even of interest on. The

Japanese language there are many taboos, such as "bitter" and "death", and even some of

homophonic words are list of taboo, such as the numeral "4" the same pronunciation and death,

"42" is the pronunciation of the verb to die shape means that the bad luck and misfortune. Send

gifts in everyday life 4, the theater not on the 4th. Therefore, there is no general hospital in Japan 4

and 42 of the rooms and beds. Who do not want to lie "dead" is dead upper beds. Taboo phone

users with "42", not the general prison cell on the 4th. "13" is the number of taboo, and many

hotels do not "13" floors and "13" room, there is no Haneda Airport "13" No. apron. And "9" and

the pronunciation of "bitterness" is similar and, therefore, the list of taboo. Hong Kong and Macao

compatriots, overseas Chinese in Guangdong also忌用"4" to do signs, in the face of the non-said

"4" when not on the "double-double" or "two two" instead.


在非洲,大多数国家的观点,即奇彩负,而在日本,而奇数的是硬币的一面,看到复兴的吉祥数字,甚至没有利息。日本有许多禁忌,如“苦”和“死”,甚至一些谐音字列表的语言禁忌,如数字“4”相同的发音和死亡,“42”的发音模具形状的动词,意味着厄运和不幸。在日常生活中4,剧院在4送礼品。因此,有没有一般医院在日本4和42的房间和病床。谁不想说谎“死”,死了上张病床。禁忌“42”的手机用户,而不是一般的牢房第4。 “13”是忌讳的数量,很多酒店都没有“13”楼层和“13”的房间,有没有羽田机场“13”号停机坪。和“9”和“苦”字的读音是相似的,因此,禁忌之列。港澳同胞,海外华人在广东也忌用“4”做标志,当不上“双双”或“二二”,而不是在面对非说:“4”。

(2) Color taboo:

Different countries and peoples to have different color preferences and taboos, such as the

Japanese anti-green, not as auspicious, and a number of countries in Europe and Asia, green has

been widely welcomed. Brazilians see the brown color of mourning for the death. Yellow忌用Syria and Pakistan. Egypt, the Belgian anti-blue, but in the Netherlands,娜威, Switzerland, Syria,

Iraq and other countries, while blue is the color of love. Turks preferred plain,忌用color, is

considered an ill omen. In some countries, for political or historical reasons, the use of color is

also taboo. Such as Ireland忌用red, white, blue group (the British flag colors); Venezuela忌用red, green, tea, black and white (for the five major party); France, Belgium忌用dark green,

because it is the Nazi uniform color, these two countries in the Second World War, the military

occupation was Shearer, so people see a dark-green, generally showing the emotions disgust.




(3) Flower taboo:

How beautiful and attractive flowers, which people feel the vigor and vitality up, but in a

different country where the meaning of certain flowers also in understanding 'the difference. Such

as tulips in Turkey is seen as a symbol of love, but the Germans did not think that it is the feelings

of flowers. Orchid is a symbol of South-East Asia, while in Poland that is a passion flower. White

lily of the Romans, it is a symbol of beauty and hope, and in the Persian people think it is the

expression of innocence and virginity. Flowers in China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Egypt and

other countries a very high rating, but in Japan is regarded as a symbol of the ominous does not

matter to hold a memorial ceremony. Chrysanthemum is Japan's royal family occupation was

Shearer, so people see a dark-green, generally showing the emotions disgust.



(3) Flower taboo:

How beautiful and attractive flowers, which people feel the vigor and vitality up, but in a

different country where the meaning of certain flowers also in understanding 'the difference. Such

as tulips in Turkey is seen as a symbol of love, but the Germans did not think that it is the feelings

of flowers. Orchid is a symbol of South-East Asia, while in Poland that is a passion flower. White

lily of the Romans, it is a symbol of beauty and hope, and in the Persian people think it is the

expression of innocence and virginity. Flowers in China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Egypt and

other countries a very high rating, but in Japan is regarded as a symbol of the ominous does not

matter to hold a memorial ceremony. Chrysanthemum is Japan's royal family dedicated flowers,

people have the utmost respect, but the chrysanthemum in Spain, Italy and Latin American

countries were considered "spent demon," and the soul can only be used before the cemetery. In

France, the yellow flowers that were seen as disloyal.



Early African American: Jumping the Broom In the times of slavery in this country,

African American couples were not allowed to formally marry and live together. To make a

public declaration of their love and commitment, a man and woman jumped over a broom

into matrimony, to the beat of drums. (The broom has long held significant meaning for the

various Africans, symbolizing, the start of home- making for the newlywed couple. In

Southern Africa, the day after the wedding, the bride assisted the other women in the

family in sweeping the courtyard, indicating her dutiful willing ness to help her in-laws with

housework till the newlyweds could move to their new home.) Some African-American

couples today are choosing to include this symbolic rite in their wedding ceremony.

Armenia: Two white doves may be released to signify love and happiness. The bride

may dress in red silk and may wear cardboard wings with feathers on her head. Small

coins may be thrown at her.

Belgium: The bride may still embroider her name on her handkerchief, carry it on the

wedding day, then frame it and keep it until the next family bride marries.

Bermuda: Islanders top their tiered wedding cakes with a tiny sapling. The newlyweds

plant the tree at their home, where they can watch it grow, as their marriage grows.

Bohemia: The groom gives the bride a rosary, a prayer book, a girdle with three keys

(to guard her virtue), a fur cap, and a silver wedding ring. The bride gives the groom a shirt

sewn with gold thread blended with colored silks and a wedding ring. Before the ceremony,

the groomsman wraps the groom in the bride's cloak to keep evil spirits from creeping in

and dividing their two hearts.

Caribbean: A rich black cake baked with dried fruits and rum is especially popular on

the islands of Barbados, Grenada and St. Lucia. The recipe, handed down from mother to

daughter, is embellished by each. It is considered a "pound" cake——with the recipe

calling for a pound each of flour, dark brown sugar, butter, glace cherries, raisins, Prunes,

currants, Plus a dozen eggs and flavorings. The dried fruits are soaked in rum and kept in

a crock anywhere from two weeks to six months.

Croatia: Married female relatives remove the bride's veil and replace it with a kerchief

and apron, symbols of her new married status. She is then serenaded by all the married

women. Following the wedding ceremony, those assembled walk three times around the

well (symbolizing the Holy Trinity,) and throw apples into it (symbolizing fertility).

The Czech Republic: Friends would sneak into the bride's yard to plant a tree, then

deco rate it with ribbons and painted eggshells. Legend said she would live as long as the

tree. Brides in the countryside carry on the very old custom of wearing a wreath of

rosemary, which symbolizes remembrance. The wreath is woven for each bride on her

wedding eve by her friends as a wish for wisdom, love, and loyalty.

Egypt: Families, rather than grooms, propose to the bride. In Egypt, many marriages

are arranged. The zaffa, or wedding march, is a musical procession of drums, bagpipes,

horns, belly dancers, and men carrying flaming swords; it announces that the marriage is

about to begin.

England: Traditionally, the village bride and her wedding party always walk together

to the church. Leading the procession: a small girl strewing, blossoms along the road, so

the bride's path through life will always be happy and laden with flowers.

早期非洲裔美国人:跳扫帚 在美国的黑奴时代,黑人男女是不允许正式结婚生活在一起的。为了向世人宣布他们的爱情和婚约,一对黑人男女和着鼓声的节奏,一起跳过一把扫帚。(扫帚对各种非洲人长期来都具有很重要的意义,因为它意味着新婚夫妇组成家庭的开始。在南部非洲,新娘在婚后的第一天要帮助夫家的其它女性清扫院子,以此表明在住进自己的新家前,她愿意尽职地帮助丈夫的家人承担家务劳动。)直至今日,一些美国黑人还在他们的婚礼上举行这种象征性的仪式。










本文标签: 新娘国家禁忌日本认为