







.【例:How much is the shirt?


£19.15. B.

£9.18. C.





What is the man looking forward to?

A. The culture.


B. The food



What does the woman want to watch now?

A. A movie


B. A soap opera.



How do the speakers feel?

A. Angry. B. Confused.




How many dresses has the woman tried?

A. One. B. Two.




What is Max probably thinking of doing?

A. Quitting his job.



C. The wine.

C. A sports program.

C. Determined.

C. Three.

B. Working extra hard. C. Asking for a promotion.





6. How is the man related to the woman?

A. Her nephew. B. Her friend. C. Her co-worker.

7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Soldiers.

【答案】6. A 7. C


8. What are the speakers eating?

A. Chicken.

9. How was the meat kept?

A. Dried.

10. Which will the woman drink?

A. Juice.

【答案】8. B 9. B 10. C


11. What are the speakers trying to find?

A. Gas

12. Where are the speakers?

A. In Africa.

13. Who are the speakers?

A. Volunteers.

【答案】11. C 12. A 13. A


B. Teachers. C. Locals.

B. In Europe C. In Asia.

B. Oil. C. Water.

B. Wine. C. Tea.

B. Frozen. C. Canned.

B. Turkey. C. Duck.

B. Castles. C. Toys.

14. What does the song remind the man of?

A. friend. B. A holiday.

15. What kind of trips does the woman like now?

A. Lazy. B. Distant

16. What is the problem with the music?

A. It is too loud.

【答案】14. B 15. C 16. A

B. It is too old.


17. What does the speaker say about competitions in the past years?

A. They were a little disappointing

B. They were successful and fun.

C. They were rich in new experiences

18. What competition was held last year?

A. A reading contest. B. A singing contest

19. What is the purpose of the Pets’ Competition?

A. To help students select pets to take home.

B. To inform students to treat animals properly.

C. To give students chances to show their pets.

20. What does the speaker suggest the students do?

A. Train dogs in their free time.

B. Learn more theory about animals.

C. Keep record of the competition.

.C. A story.

C. Active.

C. It lasts too long.

C. A dancing contest.

【答案】17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C






Best Music Apps For 2020


Launched in France, Deezer is a music streaming service that’s available for nearly every single platform you

can think of. It’s available on Android and ioS devices, macOS and Windows desktop, xbox One, Roku, and via a

web browser. It’s older than Spotify and Apple Music and is available in 182 countries. Deezer features a more

diverse catalog of music than most competing apps. You can sign up for the free version or fork out $9.99 per month

for the premium (优质的) version. The free option is ad-supported and can only be used on your tablet or computer.


It’s not exactly a stand-alone music app. It’s more of a music detection app. If you don’t know the name of a song,

Shazam listens to it and gives you the name of the artist and the song. This app works best when it’s paired with

another streaming app. It recognizes songs and provides streaming and purchasing options from Spotify, Amazon

Music, Apple Music, and others. You can also view the lyrics of the detected songs. The Shazam app runs on iPhone,

iPad, and most Android devices. Shazam is available for free and with no ads

Apple Music

Apple Music is the best music app for iPhone. You can also use it on all other iOS devices including the iPad,

iPod, Apple watch, HomePod speakers, and on iTunes on your Mac or PC. The app is also available for Android users.

The one outstanding feature of Apple Music is the “Connect” feature. This feature allows you to follow artists, bands,

and individual creators so that you get a feed with all their updates. Subscription starts at $10 a month. There’s also a

student option for $5 and a family option for $15. Apple Music doesn’t have a free plan, but you do get a free trial for

a period of 3 months.


Spotify is great when you want to use a music app offline. It’s available on Android and iOS devices, Kindle Fire,

Windows Phone, and NOOK. You could apply for a Spotify FREE membership where you can still access the huge

collection of over 20 million songs. The only catch is that you have to listen to ads. And the ability to download songs

is restricted to premium members. Spotify premium members are allowed to download songs for offline listening for

only $10 a month. Get Premium Individual or Family plans including a Google Home Mini at no extra cost. But

firstly, try any Spotify Premium plan free for 3 months.

21. Who is the text mainly intended for?

A. Android users. B. Music lovers. C. App programmers. D. Advertisers.

22. Which of the following provides free trial for 3 months?

A. Deezer and Spotify.

C. Shazam and Apple Music.

B. Apple Music and Spotify.

D. Deezer and Shazam.

23. What do the four apps have in common?

A. All free options are ad-supported.

B. Discounts are offered to student subscribers.

C. Lyrics of songs are limited to paid members.

D. Android devices are part of the working platforms.

【答案】21. B 22. B 23. D


Rats and other animals need to be highly tuned to social signals from others so that can identify friends to

cooperate with and enemies to avoid. To find out if this extends to non-living beings, Loleh Quinn at the University of

California, San Diego, and her colleagues tested whether rats can detect social signals form robotic rats.

They housed eight adult rats with two types of robotic rat—one social and one asocial (不爱社交的)—for 5 our

days. The robotic rats resembled a bigger version of a computer mouse with wheels to move around and colorful


During the experiment, the social robot rat followed the living rats around, played with the same toys, and

opened caged doors to let trapped rats escape. Meanwhile, the asocial robot simply moved forwards and backwards

and side to side.

Next, the researchers trapped the robots in cages and gave the rats the opportunity to release them by pressing a

button. Across 18 trials each, the living rats were 52 percent more likely on average to set the social robot free than

the asocial one. This suggests that the rats perceived the social robot as a genuine social being. They may have

bonded more with the social robot, because it displayed behaviours like communal (共同的) exploring and playing.

“This could lead to the rats better remembering having freed it earlier, and wanting the robot to return the favour

when they get trapped,” says Quinn.

The readiness of the rats to befriend the social robot was surprising given its plain design. The finding shows

how sensitive rats are to social signals, even when they come from basic robots. Similarly, children tend to treat

robots as if they are fellow beings, even when they display simple social signals. “We humans seem to be fascinated

by robots, and it turns out other animals are too,” says Wiles.

24. Quin and her colleagues conducted a test to see if rats can ________.

A. pick up social signals from non-living rats

B. distinguish friends from enemies

C. learn sociable skills through training

D. send out warning messages to their fellows

25. What did the social robot do during the experiment?

A. It followed the asocial robot.

C. It set the trapped rats free.

26. Why did the rats release the social robot according to Quinn?

A. They tried to practice a means of escape.

B. They expected it to do the same in return

C. They wanted to display their intelligence

D. They considered it an interesting game.

27. What can we learn from the text?

A. Rats are highly adaptable to new surroundings.

B. Rats are more socially active than other animals.

C. Rats behave differently from children in socializing.

D. Rats are more sensitive to social signals than expected.

【答案】24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D

On paper, hydrogen looks like a dream fuel. In practice, things are trickier. Storing meaningful quantities of

hydrogen gas requires compressing (压缩) it several hundred times. Transforming it into liquid state is another option,

but one that requires cooling the stuff to -253℃. Either process requires

rugged tanks. Over time, hydrogen gas can

pass slowly into metals, weakening them and potentially causing cracks. Tanks must be built from special materials

designed to resist this breakdown.

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute led by Marcus Vogt, think that supplying hydrogen as goop (糊状) offers

a way around some of its limitations. They have been experimenting with a chemical compound that can be pumped

into a container and then persuaded to give off its hydrogen on demand.

Their invention, which they nickname “powerpaste”, looks like toothpaste. Its main ingredient is magnesium

hydride, a compound that when introduced to water, reacts with it to form hydrogen and magnesium hydroxide. The

escaped hydrogen can then be redirected into a fuel cell, where it reacts with oxygen from the air to generate electric

power. The magnesium hydroxide waste is emptied from the reactor automatically.

Dr Vogt’s scheme offers several advantages over batteries, petrol and more conventional ways of handling

hydrogen. One is the storage of energy than either batteries or petrol can manage. A second is ease of refilling, which

is simply a matter of swapping an empty container of paste for a full one, and topping up the water, which is stored in


B. It made friends with toys.

D. It moved around alone.

a separate tank. A third advantage is that, unlike a battery, the paste does not gradually lose its stored energy if it is left

on the shelf. Moreover, the paste itself is harmless, as are the reaction’s by-products.

But there are still more to work through. Magnesium hydride reacts only slowly with water. To overcome this,

Dr Vogt and his team have found a chemical additive that greatly accelerates the reaction. They have also found a way

to ensure that the reaction can be controlled precisely enough to supply only as much hydrogen as is needed at any

given moment.

28. Which of the following best explains “rugged” underlined in paragraph 1?

A. Creative. B. Fragile. C. Tough. D. Enormous.

29. What can we know about the invention according to paragraph 3?

A. Magnesium hydride mixed with water releases hydrogen.

B. Several chemical reactions occur in the same tank.

C. Water and electricity are necessary in the process.

D. The remaining waste needs removing with extra help.

30. How is paragraph 4 mainly developed?

A. By providing examples.

C. By quoting sayings.

31. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Dream Fuel: Hydrogen Gas

C. Advantages of Hydrogen Goop

【答案】28. C 29. A 30. B 31. D

B. New Clean Energy

D. “Toothpaste” in Your Tank

B. By drawing comparisons.

D. By explaining a concept.


Pricing is more than number; it’s series of integrated (综合) strategies. For most businesses, managers put a

great deal of effort into making and marketing their products, but where many fall short is in transforming the value

they create into profits.

All too often critical pricing decisions prove ill-considered. Many companies base pricing primarily on their

costs, leaving money on the table in the form of hidden profits. In reality they could make more if they focused

instead on the value they deliver to customers. Baseball fans are willing to pay over $100 for a ticket stub (票根) for

the baseball game in which Cal Ripkin broke Lou Gehrigs’ record of playing 2,160 games in succession. For them,

these tickets have a collector’s value which far exceeds the admission cost charged that day to enter the ballpark.

A product’s cost simply represents the floor or minimum price that should be charged. Everything charged above

that floor is obtained from the perceived value in the mind of the purchaser. Think about how diverse people are. It

would be surprising to find two people who value the same product identically. Value is highly subjective and

intensely personal. Thus a clearly inter-linking, data-backed value analysis is the key to developing a worthwhile

pricing structure.

Adjusting your price with value and adopting multi-price mindset are the fundamentals of pricing for profits and

growth. The traditional search for the perfect price has to be replaced with a multi-price mindset. One price simply is

not the best. What is required is a series of strategies to benefit from each customer’s unique valuation of a product.

For example, managers in Carribean attractions know vacationers from snow-covered Boston will value their hotel

rooms more highly in January than those from sunny Florida. Therefore, they advertise their rooms for $350 a day in

Boston newspapers if you ring up and use the promotional code “Boston”. But if you were to use the code “Florida”

instead, you might get the same rooms for $250 a day—the price quoted Florida advertisements.

32. What needs improving for most businesses according to the author?

A. Making products. B. Expanding market. C. Digging pricing. D. Decreasing costs

33. What can we know about hidden profits?

A. They root in personal preferences.

C. They are often over-explored.

34. What can we infer form the last paragraph?

A. The more prices offered, the more profits to be made.

B. Businesses should outweigh pricing over anything else.

C. Customers prefer to buy the same products at different prices.

D. Proper pricing offers a shortcut to generating big new profits.

35. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text?

A. To uncover challenges in business.

C. To decode the art of pricing.

【答案】32. C 33. A 34. D 35. C

B. To blame casual pricing decisions.

D. To promote multi-price mindset.

B. They vary with the market.

D. They are closely cost-related.



When I was teaching, we talked a lot about high vs. low-stakes (风险) writing. Recently, I’ve been thinking

about friendships the same way—high and low-stakes friendships. Since the stakes might be different for men and

women, will limit this discussion to women’s friendships with men and women. ____36____

Friendships are high stakes when they are intimate (亲密的). ____37____ We also depend on the other person

for support in difficult times; advice in times of conflict, and sympathy in times of regret. We feel “known” by them.

The loss of a high-stakes friend is painful: it has a noticeable impact on our lives.

Low-stakes friendships, on the other hand, are more casual and limited emotionally. We may play bridge or

tennis together; go out for dinner with our partners. ____38____ We don’t share any feelings or experiences that

would make us feel emotionally fragile and we do not talk about feelings toward each other. The loss of a low-stakes

friend may be regrettable, but it does not leave any mark in our lives.

According to Professor Harry Stack Sullivan, the first high-stakes friendship is typically formed in

pre-adolescence with friend of the same sex, a “chum” (密友). Chumship is a relationship in which the other person’s

interest and security become as important as one’s own.

____39____ The preadolescent who successfully enters a chumship finds someone with whom she can share her

innermost thoughts and feelings. To her chum, she can reveal what she feels to be the most terrible things about

herself in an atmosphere of acceptance. Successful chumships offer an opportunity to work through disagreements

and learn to compromise. ____40____

A. But we do not feel “known”.

B. What do I mean by high and low-stakes friendships?

C. The formation of chumship is crucial to personality growth.

D. It is a developmental stage that lays the groundwork for later relationships.

E. We share feelings about important aspects of our lives and about each other.

F. An end to the friendship would have a dramatic impact on our sense of well-being.

G. Chumships occur during preadolescence (10-12), but they can continue much longer than that.

【答案】36. B 37. E 38. A 39. C 40. D





Enter Nick Spigler’s room and you’ll find the delicate ____41____ of a tree swallow and rows of book about

birds. Actually, this 16-year-old was not having his head in the clouds or his feet off the ____42____. Twice a week,

Ellie Andreen, 15, visits a park near her home to ____43____ her little family. The bird boxes she placed there have

____44____ several families of youngsters, which Ellie fusses over like a mother hen.

These two are not the only youngsters who ____45____ birding in Harford, Maryland of the US. Several local

schools offer ____46____ in ornithology (鸟类学), even if some kids cant’ yet spell the word. Both Nick and Ellie

____47____ birding early on. They call themselves the Early Birds or Bird Buddies. Once a month, they join groups

of 20 to 30 students to walk through ____48____ fields before class, hoping to spot a parrot or woodpecker.

“Being part of the bird club since second grade made it seem more common than just some ____49____ hobby,”

Nick said. “I had to get up at 7:00 am for the walks. That was for the birds, so didn’t ____50____.” ____51____, he

has attended bird camps, studied bird habits and migratory patterns, and at the last count ____52____ seen 190 of the

more than 400 species in Maryland.

Raising youth awareness is a(n) ____53____, longtime birders say. Mary Murray, 65, a ____54____ member of

the Harford Bird Club, said, “These children are going to inherit (继承) Earth, and we need to teach them early how to

____55____ it. Birds are an indicator species, and if kids pay attention to what birds are doing, they will understand

the health of their environment.”

41. A. desk

42. A. yard

43. A. set up

44. A. produced

45. A. consider

46. A. announcements

47. A. came across

48. A. rough

49. A. traditional

50. A. mind

51. A. Now and then

52. A. personally

53. A. claim

54. A. legal

55. A. agree with

B. nest

B. court

B. turn to

B. dismissed

B. enjoy

B. preparations

B. made up

B. nearby

B. strange

B. insist

B. Before long

B. instantly

B. must

B. temporary

B. start with

C. shelf

C. ground

C. hold up

C. declared

C. ignore

C. findings

C. reflected on

C. grassy

C. plain

C. fight

C. Since then

C. smoothly

C. assumption

C. leading

C. take charge of

D. cupboard

D. ceiling

D. check on

D. handled

D. admit

D. programs

D. took up

D. average

D. current

D. contradict

D. In no time

D. obviously

D. demand

D. random

D. take care of

41. B 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. B 46. D 47. D 48. B 49. B 50. A 51.

【答案】C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. D



Language is ever changing, and English is no ____56____ (except). Grammar changes slowly, ____57____ new

words expand the language almost every day! , the world’s leading online dictionary, proved as much

when it ____58____ (announce) that it had added some new words in August.

“Plogging” is buzzword ____59____ (combine) the Swedish phrase “plocka upp” (pick up) and the English

word “jogging”. ____60____ (describe) by the online dictionary as “a Swedish exercise trend that combines jogging

with picking up litter”, the running trend unites environmentalism with ____61____ (fit).

has added ____62____ range of terms based on social media and pop culture searches.

Selfies (自拍) have become an unavoidable part of our lives. We have many words to describe selfies and the

online dictionary has collected some of them. A new ____63____ is “hamster (仓鼠) angle”, ____64____ is the

camera angle that makes you look slightly fat like a hamster.

Memes are another source of new words “Hot girl summer” was also added to the popular online dictionary. It’s

about having fun and feeling _____65_____ (confidence) in who you are.

【答案】56. exception

57. but/ while

58. announced

59. combining

60. Described

61. fitness

62. a 63. one

64. which 65. confident

















【答案】 School Art Festival

Last week witnessed an important event — our school’s art festival. All the teachers and students were looking

forward to the annual activity. Students of many talents leaped at it as soon as the school encouraged them to sign up.

The school art festival lasted a week. It included an exhibition of students’ excellent art works and ended with a

grand show. During the week, beautiful paintings and calligraphy works were displayed on campus. The lovely and

rich atmosphere of art enveloped us. The art festival climaxed on Friday evening with a grand show, where students

and teachers’ brilliant performances left the audience panting for more. “It was really a feast for the eyes!” a teacher


This art festival was a great success. It added some spice to our lives.




One evening I was resting in a cafe. I wore a pair of newly bought white leather shoes, which were rather

expensive. Then a boy came to me.

He was in an unfit shirt, looking pale and about eleven. At sight of my new leather shoes, his big eyes were

bright with hope. No sooner had I begun to speak than he opened the box in his hand and took out the tools of

shoe-polishing. He quickly bent down, took off my leather shoes, and began to shine them.

He was busy doing his work when heavy rain began to pour down. People rushed to the café for shelter from the

rain. More and more people crowded in and gradually separated the boy from me before I realized it. Hours passed,

and it turned dark. I had no shoes on my feet and wondered where the boy had been. I thought he would not return my

expensive shoes, and I would have to go home on my bare feet.

When it was near midnight the rain ended, and there were fewer and fewer people in the café. The café was to be

closed. I had to move slowly to the door, head lowered. Just as I went to the gate, was surprised to find that a boy of

about eleven, looking very familiar, was sleeping at the door with his head leaning against a box and his upper body

being bare. He was holding a package made of his shirt tightly in his arms.






Paragraph 1. I shook him slightly and woke him up.


Paragraph 2. I felt it necessary to do something for the boy.


【答案】One possible version:

Paragraph 1. I shook him slightly and woke him up. He jumped up and rubbed his eyes for quite a while before

he finally recognized who I was. Then he opened the package in his arms with caution, gave me my leather shoes, and

apologized again and again to me shyly. I paid him and wrapped his cold little body with his unfit shirt, which had

wrapped my leather shoes. On my way home, the image of the little boy stayed in my mind.

Paragraph 2. I felt it necessary to do something for the boy. The next day I went to the café again and was not

surprised to see the boy there, making his way among customers looking for some business. I asked him to sit down

and we talked over a cup of coffee. I learnt that he was trying to make some money to help his sick father and to get

back to school. “You know what? I just need someone to polish shoes for my employees as they are too busy to do

that,” I said, smiling.

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