



1) Lexicography provides at its best a joyful sense of busyness with language2) One is

immersed in the details of language as in no other field. 3) Sometimes the details are so

overwhelming and endless they sap the spirit and depress the mind4) Often at the end of a

hard day’s work one realizes with dismay that the meager stack of finished work one has

accomplished has an immeasurably slight impact on the work as a whole 5) As I hope the

readers of this work will come to understand dictionaries do not sprint into being 6)People

must plan them collect information and write them.7 )Writing takes time and it is often

frustrating and even infuriating.8 )No other form of writing is at once so quixotic and so

intensely practical.9) Dictionary making does not require brilliance or originality of

mind.10) It does require high intelligence mastery of the craft and dedication to hard

work.11) If one has produced a dictionary one has the satisfaction of having produced a

work of enduring value.


1) Pollution is a problem because man in an increasingly populated and industrialized world is

upsetting the environment in which he lives.2) Many scientists maintain that one of man’s greatest

errors has been to equate growth with advancement. 3) Now “growth” industries are being looked

on with suspicion in case their side effects damage the environment and disrupt the relationship of

different forms of life.4) The growing population makes increasing demands on the world’s fixed

supply of air water and land.5) This rise in population is accompanied by the desire of more and

more people for a better standard of living, in an ever increasing amount of waste material to be

disposed of.6) The problem has been causing increasing concern to living things and their

environment.7) Many believe that man is not solving these problems quickly enough and that his

selfish pursuit of possessions takes him past the point of no return before he fully appreciates the






igent Test

1) There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term “intelligence” than

there is on how to interpret or classify them. 2) But it is generally agreed that a person of high

intelligence is one who can grasp ideas readily make distinctions reason logically and make use of

verbal and mathematical symbols in solving problems. 3) An intelligence test is a rough measure

of a child’s capacity for learning particularly for learning the kinds of things required in school. 4)

It does not measure character social adjustment physical endurance manual skills or artistic

abilities. 5) It is not supposed to-- it was not designed for such purposes. 6) To criticize it for such

failure is roughly comparable to criticizing a thermometer for not measuring wind velocity. 7)

Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter we must be sure that the scale

with which we are comparing our subjects provides a “valid” or “fair” comparison.



4. Bureaucracy

1) Most ironic was the image of government that was born of these experiences. 2) As any

scholarly treatise on the subject will tell you the great advantage bureaucracy is supposed to offer

a complex modern society like ours is efficient rational uniform and courteous treatment for the

citizens it deals with. 3) Yet not only did these qualities not come through to the people I talked

with it was their very opposites that seemed more characteristic. 4) People of all classes—the rich

man dealing with the Internal Revenue Service as will as the poor woman struggling with the

welfare department—felt the treatment they had received had been bungled not efficient;

unpredictable not rational; discriminatory not uniform; and all too often insensitive rather than

courteous. 5) It was as if they had bought a big new car that not only did not run when they

wanted it to but periodically revved itself up and drove all around their yards.




5. Problem with Educational System

1)There are 39 universities and colleges offering degree courses in Geography but I have never

seen any good jobs for Geography graduates advertised. 2)Or am I alone in suspecting that they

will return to teach Geography to another set of students who in turn will teach more Geography

undergraduates?3) Only ten universities currently offer degree courses in Aeronautical

Engineering which perhaps is just as well in view of the speed with which the aircraft industry has

been dispensing with excess personnel. 4) On the other hand hospital casualty departments

throughout the country are having to close down because of the lack of doctors. 5) The reason?

University medical schools can only find places for half of those who apply. 6) It seems to me that

time is ripe for the Department of Employment and the Department of Education to get together

with the universities and produce a revised educational system that will make a more economic

use of the wealth of talent application and industry currently being wasted on diplomas and

degrees that no one wants to know about.



6. Novelists

1) But if the open air and adventure mean everything to De foe they mean nothing to Jane

Austen.2) Hers is the drawing room and people talking and by the many mirrors of their talk

revealing their characters. 3) And if when we have accustomed ourselves to the drawing room

and its reflections we turn to Hardy we are once more spun around.4) The moors are round us

and the stars are above our heads.5) The other side of the mind is now exposed—the dark side

that comes uppermost in solitude not the light side that shows in company.6) Our relations are

not towards Nature and destiny.7) Yet different as these worlds are each is consistent with

itself.8) The maker of each is careful to observe the laws of his own perspective and however

great a strain they may put upon us they will never confuse us ad lesser writers so frequently do

by introducing two different kinds of reality into the same book.



Law of Competition

1) Under the law of competition the employer of thousands is forced into the strictest

economies among which the rates paid to labor figure prominently.2) The price which society pays

for the law like the price it pays for cheap comforts and luxuries is great but the advantages of this

law are also greater than its cost—for it is to this law that we owe our wonderful material

development which brings improved conditions in its train.3) But whether the law be benign or

not we cannot evade it; of the effect of any new substitutes for it proposed we can not be sure; and

while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual it is best for the race because it insures the

survival of the fittest in every department.4) We accept and welcome therefore as conditions to

which we must accommodate ourselves great inequality of environment; the concentration of

business industrial and commercial in the hands of a few; and the law of competition between

these ,as being not only beneficial but essential to the future progress of the race.



8. Key to Success in Business

1) Every successful business is built on superior senses—of timing opportunity responsibility

and not infrequently humor.2) None however is more critical than the ability to sense the market.3)

A senior executive’s instinctive capacity to empathize with and gain insights from customers is the

single most important skill he or she can use to direct technologies product and service offerings

indeed all elements of a company’s strategic posture.4) People like Bill Gates brought this ability

to the enterprises they founded.5) Without it their ventures might have been short-lived or at least

far less successful.6) But many top-level managers particularly those at industrial companies

consider customer contact the bailiwick of sales and marketing staff.7) And even if they do believe

that market focus is a priority most retain only limited contact with consumers as their

organizations grow relying instead on subordinates’ reports—second –or-third-hand

informati0n—to define and sense the market for them.


每一个成功的工商企业都是建立在一些卓越的意识之上的,即懂得审时度势,抓住机遇,承担责任,并不乏幽默感。但这一切都没有比对市场了解的能力更为重要。高级管理人员的一个非常重要的本事是能很自然地设身处地的为客户着想,并从他们那里获得真知灼见。他们利用这种能力来指导技术、产品和售后服务,乃至公司战略计划的各个方面。比尔 盖茨之类的成功者就曾把这种本事带进他们各自创立的企业中。没有这种能力,他们的事业或许只是昙花一现,至少没有像今天这样成功。但是许多高层经理,特别是工业公司的高层经理,把与顾客接触看成是销售和市场营销人员的事。即便他们确实也认为市场是公司的重心,但随着公司的发展,他们中在多数人也只与消费者保持十分有限的接触而已。他们判断和把握市场,依赖于下属送来的报告,即二手、三手的材料。

9. The Policy of Mass Media

1) Life is indeed full of problems on which we have to make decisions as citizens or as private

individuala.2) But neither the real difficulty of these decisions nor their true and disturbing

challenge to each individual can often be communicated through the mass media.3) The

disinclination to suggest real choice which is to be found in the mass media is not simply the

product of a commercial desire to keep the customers happy.4) The organs of the Establishment

however well—intentioned they may be have a vested interest in ensuring that the public boat is

not violently rocked and will so affect those who work within the mass media that they will be led

insensibly towards forms of production which though they go through the motions of dispute and

inquiry do not break through the skin to where such inquires might really hurt.5) They will tend to

move when exposing problems well within the accepted cliché—assumptions of democratic

society and will tend neither radically to question these clichés nor to make a disturbing

application of them to features of contemporary life



10. The American and the English

1) Of the intrinsic differences that separate American from English the chief have their roots in

the obvious disparity between the environment and traditions of the American people since the

seventeenth century and those of the English.2) The latter have lived under a relatively stable

social order and it has impressed upon their souls their characteristic respect for what is customary

and of good report.3) Until the World War brought chaos to most of their institutions their whole

lives were regulated perhaps more than those of any other people save the Spaniards by a regard

for precedent.4) The Americans though partly of the same blood have felt no such restrain and

acquired no such habit of conformity.5) On the contrary they have plunged to the other extreme

for the conditions of life in their country have put a high value upon the precisely opposite

qualities of curiosity and daring and so they acquired that character of restlessness that impatience

of forms that disdain of the dead hand which now broadly marks them.



11. A political Speech

1) Within a very short time of coming back into power the present government had taken steps

to stabilize the position.2) First of all we applied ourselves to identifying the root causes of our

national ailments examining contemporary evidence and refusing to be slaves to outmoded

doctrinaire beliefs.3) Secondly we embarked on a reasoned policy to ensure steady economic

growth the modernization of industry and a proper balance between public and private

expenditure.4) Thirdly by refusing to take refuge—as the previous Government had continually

done in the preceding years –in panic –stricken stop-gap measures we stimulated the return of

international confidence.5) As a result of those immediate measures and aided by the tremendous

effort which they evoked from our people who responded as so often before to a firm hand at the

helm we weathered the storm and moved on into calmer waters and a period of economic

expansion and social reorganization



12. The Education of Humanists

1)The education of humanists cannot be regarded as complete or even adequate without

exposure in some depth to where things stand in the various branches of science particularly in the

areas of our ignorance.2)Physics professors most of them look with revulsion on assignments to

teach their subjects to poets.3) The liberal arts faculties for their parts will continue to view the

scientists with suspicion and apprehension. 4) But maybe a new set of courses dealing

systematically with ignorance in science will take hold.5) The scientists might discover in it a new

and subversive technique for catching the attention of students driven by curiosity delighted and

surprised to learn that science is exactly as some scientists described it: an “endless frontier.”6)

The humanists for their part might take considerable satisfaction in watching their scientific

colleagues confess openly to not knowing everything about everyone.7) And the poets on whose

shoulders the future rests might late nights thinking things over begin to see some meanings that

elude the rest of us.






13. Animals’ Rights

1) The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people arguing about the rights of

animals is fruitless.2) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to

think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other

humans or with no consideration at all.3) This is a false choice.4) Arguing from the view

be directed to other humans.6) But the most elementary form of moral reasoning is to

weigh others’ interests against one’s own.7)To see an animal in pain is enough for most to

engage sympathy.8) When that happens it is not a mistake it is mankind’s instinct for that

humans are different from animals in every relevant respect extremists of this kind think

that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.5) Any regard for the suffering of animals

is seen as a mistake—a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly moral

reasoning in action an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.

14. The Problems of Debt

1) Many economists insisted that only a major restructuring of the world’s could resolve the

problem.2) To avert the danger of major defaults and to restore security to the economic system

Western bankers and governments will have to ensure that they are imposing reasonable

repayment terms on developing countries terms that will not provoke revolution or chaos.3) They

will have to lower interest requirements with some form of subsidy from the central banks if

necessary.4) And they will have to strengthen the IMF as their ultimate safeguard.5) It is not

enough for the IMF and the banks to provide a financial fire brigade moving from one debt crisis

to another.6) The IMF must be given enough support to make longer—term loans in order to

enable developing countries to revive their exports without enduring crippling hardships.7) Unless

Western governments face up to this challenge they may face political catastrophes that will

require far more costly intervention.



15. Scofflawry

1) The dangers of scofflawry vary wildiy.2 The person who illegally spits on the sidewalk

remains disgusting but clearly poses less risk to others than the company that illegally buries

hazardous chemical waste in an unauthorized location.3) The fare beater on the subway presents

less threat of life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes.4) The most immediately and

measurable dangerous scofflawry however also happens to be the most visible.5) The culprit is the

American driver whose lawless activities today add up to a colossal public nuisance.6) The

hazards range from routine double parking that jams city streets to the drunk driving that kills

thousands of people yearly.7) Red-light running has always been ranked as a minor wrong and so

it may bi in individual instances.8) When the violation becomes habitual widespread and incessant

however a great deal more than a traffic management problem is involved.9) The violation of

basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood



16. American Study

1) The scientific interest of American history centered in national character and in the

workings of a society destined to become bast in which individuals were imp0rtant chiefly as

types.2) Although this kind of interest was different from that of European history it was at least as

important to the world.3) Should history ever become a true science it must expect to establish its

laws not from the complicated story of rival European nationalities but from the economical

evolution of a great democracy.4) North America was the most favorable field on the globe for the

spread of a society so large uniform and isolated as to answer the purposes of science.5) There a

single homogeneous society could easily attain proportions of three or four hundred million

persons under conditions of undisturbed growth.6) In Europe or Asia undisturbed social evolution

had been unknown.7) Without disturbance evolution seemed to cease.8) Wherever disturbance

occurred permanence was impossible.9) Every people in turn adapted itself to the law of necessity.




1) Life itself led London to reject this approach in his writing.2) He knew what it meant to be

one of the disinherited to be chained to the deadening routine of the machine and to

soul-destroying labor for an insufficient reward.3) Consequently he swept aside not only the

literature that pretended that ours is a society of sweetness and light but also that which contended

that the inculcation of the spirit of Christian fellowship would put an end to class controversy.4)

He did not oppose labor organization nor balk at the strike as a weapon of labor; rather he took his

heroes and heroines from the labor movement and wove his plots within their struggles.5) He

poured into his writings all the pain of his life the fierce hatred of the bourgeoisie that it had

produced in him and the conviction it had brought to him that world could be made a better place

to live in if the exploited would rise up and take the management of society out of the hands of the



生活本身使杰克 伦敦不能接受这样的看法。他知道作为一个被剥夺应有权利的人是什么滋味,也知道为得到微薄的工资天天困守在令人麻木的机器旁,干着心力交瘁的活儿是什么滋味。因此,他不仅撇开把我们的社会粉饰成一个光明美好的社会的一些作品,而且也反对主张灌输基督教的博爱精神就能消除阶级矛盾的那些作品。他不反对劳工组织,也不阻拦把罢工作为劳工斗争武器;而是从劳工运动中摄取他作品中的男女主人公,把他的故事情节交织在这些人的斗争中。他把他生活中遭受的痛苦,把这种痛苦在他心里产生的对资产阶级的深恶痛绝,把这种痛苦带给他的一种信念全部倾注在自己的作品里。这种信念便是:如果被压迫的人们站起来,从剥削者手中夺取社会管理权,那么世界就会变成一个人们能生活较好的地方。

18. Standardized Tests

1) Standardized tests have been the target of recent attacks in the daily press.2) The target is

wrong for in attacking the tests critics divert attention from the fault that lies with ill—informed or

incompetent users.3) All informed predictions of future performance are based upon some

knowledge of relevant past performance.4) How well the predictions will be validated by later

performance depends upon the amount reliability and appropriateness of the information used and

on the skill and wisdom with which it is isnterpreted.5) In general the tests work most effectively

when the qualities to be measured can most precisely defined and least effectively when what is to

be measured or predicted can not be well defined.6) They identify students whose high potential

has not been previously recognized but there are many things they do not do.7) For example they

do not compensate for gross social inequality and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged

youngster might have been gad he grown up under more favorable circumstances.






19. President Carter

1) President Carter has been calling his closest advisers together for what is called as a hard

reappraisal of his administration’s troubles but who will tell him the truth? 2) You can almost put it

down as a general rule in this town that presidents often invite “honest criticism” from their aides

but seldom get it and usually don’t follow it when they do.3) The reasons for this are not obscure.4)

The Oval Office is the most frightening room in America.5) It imposes a kind of respect on most

visitors and even those legislative lions who roar against the president on Capital Hill tend to

usually lower their voices and follow their prepared speeches when they walk through the White

House door.6) Few While House aides dare to say anything against the president without

betraying their fears.7) Even Henry Kissinger who is not an excessively modest or silent man

hesitated to face President Nixon with the disaster he knew lay ahead.

20. AIDS

1) But AIDS deprives us of our roles in the customary death scene intervenes in any

comfortable transaction we might have negotiated with Death.2) It is epidemic and so can never

be quite individual.3) It comes unjustly before its time sparing or striking arbitrarily and so can

never be wholly inevitable.4) Because of its arbitrary choices too one can never quite call it a

consequence of one’s own actions never entirely take responsibility for it as the hero of a tragic

drama ought to be able to do 5) It simply is there scattering fates this way and that truncating some

lives and leaving others mysteriously carefree prolonging some torments hideously and cutting off

others with the gentle snap of a leaf falling in autumn.6) Its combination of caprice and control

carried out on so large a scale undercuts almost any response we can summon. 7) We react to it

with a puzzled inhibited caution fearing simultaneously for our lives—a set of nervous supporting

players in a show whose volatile star has unexpectedly come onstage drunk with a loaded gun



21. On Incorruptibility

1) This reputation for incorruptibility is the greatest of our advantages in administering the

Empire.2) Its rarity among nearly all the other peoples I have known raises our officials almost to

the level of divine superiority and without it we could not hold the Empire together nor would it

be worth the pains.3) A business man who has worked long under the system of concessions in

Russia tells me that it is mow impossible to bribe the Commissar or other high officials there.4)

That is an immense advance for under Tsarism one had only to signify the chance of a good bribe

and one got what one wanted But nowadays on the suspicion of bribery both parties are shot

off-hand.5) It is a drastic way of teaching what we have somehow learnt so smoothly that we are

scarcely conscious of the lesson or of our need of it.6) Yet there was need.7) The change is

remarkable and I think it may be traced to an unconscious sense of honor somehow instilled

among the boys.



22. On “Mein Kampf”

1) Mein Kampf’s theme song recurring again and again is race race purity race supremacy

though nowhere did Hitler attempt to define race.2) It was never intended by Nature Hitler claims

that all races should be equal any more than individuals are equal.3) Some are created superior to

others.4) The Germans as the world’s strongest race should rule over the inferior through having

the habitat of the highest race extended and scattered Germanic peoples united under one rule.6)

The vast expansion visualized by Hitler would take place principally at the expense of other

races.7) To attain the objectives set by his soaring ambition Hitler proposes three methods:

propaganda diplomacy and force. 8) Nowhere in Mein Kampf is the author more revealing of

himself and his tactics than in his discussion of propaganda techniques—correctly believed by him

to be one of the Nazis’ most effective and formidable weapons.



23. A Jew’s Journey

1) It is a very long time since I attended a Mass.2) In this pilgrimage town you get the real

thing with a crowd of real worshippers—those who come include the paralyzed the crippled the

blind the deformed the dying a terrible parade a parade of God’s cruel jokes or inept mistakes if

you seriously maintain that he heeds the sparrow’s fall.3) Cold as it was in the church the air was

warm as May compared to the chill in my heart as the Mass proceeded.4) It would have been only

courteous to kneel at the proper time as all did since I had voluntarily come: but for all the

disapproving glances I the stiff—necked Jew would not kneel.5) I remember the first break with

my own religion as though it were yesterday.6) I can still feel my cheek stinging from the slap of

the mashiakh the study hall supervisor as I trudge in the snow on the town square in the purple

evening having been ordered out of the hall for impudent heresy.7) Perhaps in a larger city the

mashiakh would have had the sense to smile at my effrontery and pass it off.8) Then the whole

course of my life might have been different.



24. Extraterrestrial Life

1) Hand in hand with the recent spectacular advances in radio technology there has been a

dramatic increase in the scientific and public respectability of the entire subject of

extraterrestrial life.2) A clear sign of the new attitude is the Viking missions to Mars which are

to a significant extent dedicated to the search for life on another planet.3) But along with the

burgeoning dedication to a serious search a slightly negative note has emerged which is

nevertheless very interesting.4) A few scientists have lately asked a curious question: if

extraterrestrial intelligence is abundant why have we not already seen its manifestations?5)

Think of the advances by our own technological civilization in the past ten thousand years and

imagine such advances continued over millions or billions of years more.6) If only a tiny

fraction of advanced civilizations are millions or billions or billions of years more advanced

then ours why have they not produced artifacts devices or even industrial pollution of such

magnitude that we would have detected it ?



25. The Importance of being Interested

1) Now I have recalled these beginnings of the careers of Franklin Darwin and Mozart

because they strikingly illustrate a profound psychological truth the significance of which

can scarcely be overestimated.2) It is a truth to e sure that has long been partially

recognized.3) But its full meaning has not been—and could not be—appreciated until

quite recently.4) Only within the past few years has scientific research effected various

discoveries which make its complete recognition possible and of supreme importance—of

such importance that practical application of the principles involved would make for an

immediate and stupendous increase in human happiness efficiency and welfare.5) Stated

briefly the truth in question is that success in life meaning thereby the accomplishment of

results of real value to the individual and to society depends chiefly on sustained endeavor

springing out of a deep and ardent interest in the tasks of one’s chosen occupation.



26. How to Write Clearly

1) I have never had much patience with the writers who claim from the reader an effort to

understand their meaning.2) You have only to go to great philosophers to see that it is possible to

express with lucidity the most subtle reflections.3) One cause of obscurity is that many writers

think not before but as they write.4) The pen originates the thought.5) The disadvantages of this

and indeed it is a danger against which the author must be always on his guard is that there is a

sort of magic in the written word.6) The idea acquires substance by taking on a visible nature and

then stands in the way of its own clarification.7) But this sort of obscurity merges very easily into

the willful.8) Some writers who do not think clearly are inclined to suppose that their thoughts

have a significance greater than at first sight appears.9) It is flattering to believe that they are too

profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read and very naturally it does not occur

to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reis

with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reflection.



27. The Normandy Landings

1) The landings were very chancy and might have ended disastrously.2) A pyramiding of

mistakes and bad luck on German side gave Roosevelt success in his one audacious military

move.3) The mounting of the invasion armada was certainly a fine technological achievement; as

was the production of the huge air fleets with crews to man them.4) General Marshall’s raising

equipping and training of the land armies that poured into Normandy showed him to be an

American Scharnhorst.5) The U. S infantryman while requiring far too luxurious logistical support

put up a nice fight in France; he was fresh well—fed and unscarred by battle.6) But essentially

what happened in Normandy was that Franklin Roosevelt beat Adolf Hitler as surely as

Wellington beat Napoleon at Waterloo. 7) In Normandy the two men at last clashed in head—on

armed shock.8) Hitler’s mistakes gave Roosevelt the victory; just as at Waterloo it was less

Wellington who won than Napoleon who lost.


诺曼底登陆十分危险,结果很可能是一场灾难。德国方面的一错再错,加上运气不好,才使罗斯福在一次大胆的军事行动中得以成功。进攻船队的集结,确实是一个出色的技术成就,而庞大的冠军机群的生产和机上人员的配备,也是如此。马歇尔将军对于涌进诺曼底的地面部队的征募,装备和训练,显示出他是美国的一位沙恩霍斯特。美国步兵虽然需要过于奢侈的后勤支持,但在法国却进行了顽强的战斗。他们精神饱满,营养充足,没有在滑铁卢击败拿破仑那样,罗斯福确实是击败了希特勒。在诺曼底,这两人终于在正面的冲突中交手了。希特勒犯下的错误使罗斯 福取得了胜利。正如在滑铁卢战场上,与其说威灵顿打胜了,不如说拿破仑战败了。

28. A New Hunger

1) There was a huge library near the riverfront but I knew that Negroes were not allowed to

patronize its shelves any more than they were the parks of the city.2) But I managed to get some

books there.3) I grew silent wondering about the life around.4) It would gave been impossible for

me to have told anyone what I derived from these novels for it was nothing less than a sense of life

itself.5) All my life had shaped me for the realism the naturalism of the modern novel and I could

not read enough of them.6) Steeped in new moods and ideas I began to write; but nothing would

come or what did come was flat beyond telling.7) I discovered that more than desire and feeling

were necessary to write and I dropped the idea.8) Yet I still wondered how it was possible to know

people sufficiently to write about them? 9) I now knew what being a Negro meant.10) I could

endure the hunger.11) I had learned to live with hate.12) But to feel that there were feelings denied

me that the very breath of life itself was beyond my reach that more than anything else hurt

wounded me.13) I had a new hunger.



29. Sunset

1) But owing to the constant presence of air currents arranging both the dust and vapor in

strata of varying extent and density and of high or low clouds which both absorb and

reflect the light in varying degree we see produced all those wondrous combinations of

tints and those gorgeous ever-changing colors which are a constant source of admiration

and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who

are accustomed to watch for those not infrequent exhibitions of nature’s kaleidoscopic

color painting.2) With every change in the altitude of the sun the display changes its

character; and most of all when it has sunk below the horizon and owing to the more

favorable angle a larger quantity of the colored light is reflected toward us.3) These as

long as the sun was above the horizon intercepts much of the light and color ; but when

the great luminary has passed away from our direct vision its light shines more directly on

the under sides of all the clouds and air strata of different densities.



30. Tragedy

1) Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we

can even bear it.2) There are no longer problems of the spirit.3) There is only the question:4)

When will I be blown up? 5) Because of this the young man or woman writing today has forgotten

the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because

only that is worth writing about worth the agony and the sweat.6) He must learn them again.7) He

must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and teaching himself that forget it

forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart

the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed—love and honor and pity

and pride and compassion and sacrifice.8) Until he does so he labors under a curse.9) He writes

not of love but of lust of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value of victories without hope

and worst of all without pity or compassion.



31. Technology vs. Genius

1) According to the new school of scientists science moves forward not so much through the

insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and

tools.2) “In short” a leader of the new school contends “the scientific revolution was largely the

improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science

in innumerable directions.”3) Over the years tools and technology themselves as a source of

fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science.4)

The modern school that hails technology argues that Galileo Newton Einstein and Edison attached

great importance to and derived great benefit from information and technological devices of

different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments.5) Government policy is necessarily

involved in the technology vs. genius dispute.6) Whether the Government should increase the

financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa often depends on the issue of

which is seen as the driving force.



32. Views on the World Wars

1) The Second World War in some ways gave birth to less novelty and genius than the First.2)

It was of course a greater cataclysm fought over a wider area and altered the social and political

structure of the world at least as radically as its predecessor perhaps more so.3) But the break in

continuity in 1914 was far more violent.4) The year 1914 looks to us now and looked even in the

1920s as the end of a long period of largely peaceful development broken suddenly and

catastrophically.5) In Europe at least the years before 1914 were viewed with understandable

nostalgia by those who after them knew no real peace.6) The period between the wars marks a

decline in the development of human culture if it is compared with that sustained and fruitful

period which makes the nineteenth century seem a unique human achievement so powerful that it

persisted even during the war which broke it to a degree which seems astonishing to us now.



33. Specialisations in Sciences

1) One must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines in the sciences

which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous numbers

of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined.2) Associated with this is the

growth of specialist periodicals which enable scholars to become aware of what is

happening in different centers of research and to meet each other in conferences.3) From

these meetings come the personal relationships which are at the bottom of almost schemes

of cooperation.4) But a the specializations have increased in number and narrowed in

range there has been an opposite movement towards interdisciplinary studies.5) These

owe much to the belief that one cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex

problems thrown up by the modern world and by the modern world and by recent

advantages in our knowledge along the narrow front of a single discipline.6) This trend

has led to a great deal of academic contact between disciplines and a far greater emphasis

on the pooling of specialist knowledge reflected in the broad subjects chosen in many

international conferences.



34. The Choice of Life

1) The lives of most men are determined by their environment.2) They accept the

circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good

will.3) They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the motorcycle

that dashes in and out of the traffic and speeds so jauntily across the open country.4) I respect

them; they are good citizens good husbands and good fathers and of course somebody has to pay

the taxes; but I don’t find them exciting.5) I am fascinated by the men few enough in all

conscience who take life in their own hands and seem to mould it to their own liking.6) It may be

that we have no such thing as free will but at all events we gave the illusion of it.7) At a cross-road

it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and the choice once made it is

difficult to see that whole course of the world’s history obliged us to take the turning we did.



35. Science Fiction

1) Moreover if SF is the laboratory of the imagination its experiments are often of the kind that

may significantly alter the subject matter even as they are being carried out.2) That is SF has

always had a certain feedback effect on society as its visions emotionally engage the future

consciousness of the mass public regarding especially desirable and undesirable possibilities.3)

The shape a society takes in the present is in part influenced by its image of the future.4) For that

matter some individuals in recent years have even shaped their own life-style after appealing

models provided by SF stories.5) The diffusion of SF futuristic images of alternative societies

through the media of movies and television may have speeded up and augmented SF’s social feed

back effects.6) Thus SF is not only change speculator but change agent sending an echo from the

future that is becoming into the present that is sculpting it.7) This fact alone makes imperative in

any education system the study of the kinds of works discussed here.



36. Scientific Research

1) The differences in relative growth of various areas of scientific research have several

causes.2) Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs.3) Others are

reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.4)

Some however are less reasonable processes of different growth in which preconceptions of the

form scientific theory ought to take by persons in authority act to alter the growth pattern of

different areas.5) This is a new problem probably not yet unavoidable; but it is a frightening

trrnd.6) This trend began during the Second World War when several governments came to the

conclusion that the specific demands that a government wants to make of its scientific

establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.7) It is therefore generally valuable to treat

the scientific establishment as a resource or machine or machine to be kept in functional order.



37. On Anxiety

1) This is the world out of which grows the hope for the first time in history of a society where

there will be freedom from want and freedom from fear.2) Our very anxiety is born of our

knowledge of what is now possible for each and for all.3) The number of people who consult

psychiatrists today is not as is sometimes felt a symptom of increasing mental ill health but rather

the precursor of a world in which the hope of genuine mental health will be open to everyone a

world in which no individual feels that he needs be hopelessly broken—hearted a failure a menace

to others or a traitor to himself.4) But if our anxieties are actually signs of hope why is there such

a voice of discontent abroad in the land?5) I think this comes perhaps because our anxiety exists

without an accompanying recognition of the tragedy which will always be inherent in human life

however well we build our world.6) We may banish hunger violence and secret police we

cannot—as we have tried to do—banish death itself



38. Induction and Deduction

1) Yon have heard repeatedly that men of science work by means of induction and deduction

that by the help of these operations they in a sort of sense manage to extract from nature certain

natural laws and that out of these by some special skill of their own they build up their theories.2)

There is a well-known incident in one of Moliere’s plays where the author makes the hero express

unbounded delight on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life.3) In

the same way I trust that you will take comfort and be delighted with yourselves on the discovery

that you have been acting on the principles of inductive and deductive philosophy during the same

period.4)Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in

motion a complex train of reasoning of the very same kind though differing in degree as that

which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena.



39. Talks on Science

1) In earliest times when the field of available knowledge was comfortably small and its

advance slow the lover of learning might hope to explore the greater part of it.2) Today when it is

not only driving ahead at a bewildering speed but tunneling back into wider and wider and wider

areas of the past even the most dogged adventurer can not hope to explore more than a small

fraction of the vast continent.3) In our listening as in our other intellectual activities we must pick

and choose.4) But nobody can afford to ignore modern science.5) Its intricate processes are of

course far above the heads of most of us bur we can at least grasp something of its conclusions

and theories and their implications and the B.B.C. provides opportunities to do so in numerous

talks and discussions many of them of outstanding excellence.6) When listening to all but the

simplest scientific programs I find it essential to take notes.7) Such listening is no easy

self-indulgence.8) But often I am rewarded by new and exciting ideas which stimulate my mind

and enrich my outlook on life.



40. The Presidency

1) The Presidency has survived hard times and ordinary men before and so has the romance

Americans attach to it—the dream that it can still be made to work wonders if only Mr. Right

comes along.2) A sizable number of scholars and practitioners of Presidential power still believe

that the fault lies not in the office but in the men who have lately held it.3) Kennedy in this view

was cut down before he had a fair chance at President ing and his successors fell victim to their

own deficiencies of skill honor of leadership.4) The powers available to an Abra ham Lincoln of a

Franklin Roosevelt are still there says Prof. Richard of Columbia University waiting only for

“someone who knows how to be President.”5) Those who admire Reagan believe that he is the

man.6) Those who do not are still waiting for Mr. Right—and in rising chorus lamenting the state

of a political process that somehow presented the voters with a choice between Reagan and Carter



总统其职,历尽艰难时代,淘汰平庸之辈,一直延续到今。美国人还是对它抱有浪漫的看法:梦想只要一旦有某位“合适先生”问世,它仍然能够创造出赫赫的奇迹来。不少学者和参与过总统行政工作的人仍然认为,问题不在总统其职,而在于近些年来在这个职位上的人。照这些人看来,肯尼迪本来很有希望在总统任上大展宏图的,可惜惨遭暗算而夭折。其后的继任者们,或者无能,或者无耻,或者拙于领导艺术,而告失败。哥伦比亚大学的理查德教授说,林肯或罗斯福之 辈的大权还在那里,只是等待“一位会当总统的人”去用。里根的崇拜者认为里根即其人也。而他的反对者们还在等待别的“合适先生”问世,他们都异口同声地哀叹现在的政治制度只能让选民在里根和卡特之间挑选。

41. Ideas Are Dangerous

1) I do not doubt that it would be possible to inject ideas into the modern world that would

utterly destroy us.2) Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society one that

still does not possess the nuclear bomb of making it aware of the possibility of supplying

sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.3) Twenty or thirty pages of information

handed to any of the major world powers around the year 1925 would have been sufficient to

change the course of world history.4) It is a strange thought but I believe a correct one that twenty

or thirty pages of ideas and information would be capable of turning the preset-day world upside

down or even destroying it.5) I have often tried to conceive of what those pages might contain but

of course I cannot do so because I am a prisoner of the present-day world.6) We cannot think

outside the particular patterns that our brains are conditioned to or to be more accurate we can

think only a very little way outside and then only if we are very original.



42. Methodology

1) Methodology is a term that remains inherently ambiguous in the historical profession.2)

There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in

general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.3)

Historians especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of

“tunnel method” frequently fall victim to the “technician fallacy”.4) Also common in the natural

sciences the technician fallacy mistakenly identifies the discipline as a whole with certain parts of

its technical implementation.5) It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only

the external and internal criticism of sources and to social science historians who equate their

activity with specific techniques.



43. American English

1) Thus the American on his linguistic likes to make his language as he goes along and not all

the hard work of the school teacher can hold the business back.2) A novelty loses nothing by the

fact that it is a novelty; it rather gains something and particularly if it meets the national fancy for

the terse the vivid and above all the bold and imaginative.3) The characteristic American habit of

reducing complex concepts to the starkest abbreviations was already noticeable in colonial times

and such highly typical Americanisms as O. K. N. G. and P. D. Q. have been traced back to the

early days of the Republic.4) Nor are the influences that shaped these tendencies invisible today

for institution—making is yet going on and so is language—making.5) But of more importance

than the sheer inventions if only because much more numerous are the extensions of the

vocabulary both absolutely and in ready workableness by the devices of rhetoric.



44. Death

1) Americans who stem from generations which left their old people behind and never closed

their parents’ eyelids in death and who have experienced the additional distance from death

provided by two world wars fought far from our shores are today pushing away from them both a

recognition of death and a recognition of the tremendous significance—for the future—of the way

we live our lives.2) Acceptance of the inevitability of death which when faced can give dignity to

life and acceptance of our inescapable role in the modern world might transmute our anxiety about

making the right choices taking the right precautions and the right risks into the sterner stuff of

responsibility.3) Worry in an empty context means that men die daily little deaths.4) But good

anxiety—not about the things that were left undone long ago but active vivid anxiety about what

must be done now—binds men to life with an intense concern.



45. The Method of Scientific Research

1) The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the necessary mode

of working of the human mind; it is simply made by which all phenomena are reasoned about and

given precise and exact explanations.2) There is no more difference but there is just the same kind

of difference between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person as

there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in

common scales and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by

means of his balance and finely graded weights.3) It is not that the scales in the one case and the

balance the other differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the

latter is a much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the





46. Science of History

1) While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians modern practice

most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant

events of the past.2) Caught in the web of its won time and place each generation of historians

determines anew what is significant for it in the past.3) Interest in historical methods has arisen

less through external challenge to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more

from internal quarrels among historians themselves. 4) While history once showed its close

relationship with literature and philosophy the emerging social sciences seemed to afford greater

opportunities for asking new questions and providing rewarding approaches to an understanding

of the past.5) Social science methodologies had to be adapted to a discipline governed by the

primacy of historical sources rather than the imperatives of the contemporary world.6)During this

transfer traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to

interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.



47. Books

1) Since a particular bookstore happens to resemble a supermarket anyway the inescapable

though perhaps unintended message is that books are consumable items meant to be devoured and

forgotten like potatoes or pezza.2) The implied inclusion of books among the world’s perishable

goods is hardly made more agreeable by the reflection that increasing numbers of books these

days do seem to be written with just such consumption in mind and that most bookstores have

become little more than news stands for hard cover publications of this sort which are

merchandised for a few weeks—sometimes only as long as they remain on the best-seller

lists—and are then retired to discount store (those jumbled graveyards of books so saddening to

the hearts of authors) shortly before dropping out of print altogether.3) Books that are planned for

rapid oblivion probably make some kind of economic sense to publishing houses but as

contribution to literature they amount to a contradiction in terms.




48. Chamberlain’s Journey

1) Whatever the enthusiasm of the English who seemed to believe that the Prime Minister was

making the long journey to do what Mr. Asquith and Sir Edward had failed to do in 1914—warn

Germany aggression against a small power would bring not only France but Britain into war

against it—Hitler realized as the confidential German papers and subsequent events make clear

that Chamberlain’s action was a godsend to him.2) Already apprised by the German Embassy in

London that the British leader was prepared to advocate “far-reaching German proposals” the

Fuehrer was fairly certain that Chamberlain’s visit was a further assurance that as he had believed

all along Britain and France would not intervene on behalf of Czechoslovakia.3) The Prime

Minister had not been with him more than an hour or so before this estimate of the situation

became a certainty.



49. The Requirements of Writing Science Fiction

1) It hardly needs to be pointed out that a prime requirement for science fiction if it is to fulfil

the function just formulated is that it be entertaining.2) This is by no means synonymous with

jollity or with having a happy ending for tragedy is often more deeply strengthening than victory.3)

But the story should be one that absorbs and convinces us and at the same time affords us relief

from our daily doings by taking us via the narrative not the didactic route satisfactorily beyond our

accustomed horizons.4) Properly to meet this combination of conditions is a job that demands an

extremely high order of abilities.5) These must include not only a working understanding of the

major principles and possibilities of present-day natural science and technology in the diverse

lines relevant to the theme dealt with but also a rounded insight into human relations and feelings

a fertile but well-controlled imagination and the exacting skills of a writer.



50. The Principle of Evolution

1) Since Darwin biologists have been firmly convinced that nature works without plan or

meaning pursuing no aim by the direct road of design.2) But today we see that this conviction is a

fatal error.3) Why should evolution exactly as Darwin knew it and described it be planless and

irrational? 4) Do not aircraft design engineers work at precisely that point where specific

calculations and plans give out according to the same principle of evolution when they test the

serviceability of a great number of statistically determined forms in the wind tunnel in order to

choose the one that functions best? 5) Can we say that there is no process of natural selection

when nuclear physicists through thousands of computer operations try to find out which materials

in which combinations and with what structural form are best suited to the building of an atomic

reactor? 6) They also practise no designed adaptation but work by the principle of selection.7) But

it would never occur to anyone to call their method planless and irrational.






1) To promote the reunification of the motherland we must find a proper means.2) So we

suggest that the two Parties hold a talk on an equal footing and try for a third-time cooperation.3)

The fact the mainland and Taiwan have adopted differ end ideologies and political systems should

mot be allowed to stand to stand in the way of developing the relations between two sides of the

Taiwan Straits and achieving the peaceful reunification.




1) College students now bear heavy academic pressure.2) You will find them—except seniors

who are beginning to look for a job—always too busy in studies to join campus organizations too

busy to take part in sports and other extracurricular activities too busy to share the interests of

their friends and too busy to pay attention to anything that is not connected with their studies.3) In

short they have become nothing but a robot.4) They are under pressure to do too much work in too

little time.5) If their roommates are studying in the library until it closes at midnight while they go

to a movie they will feel guilty.6) The very idea of doing nothing during the day will make them

uncomfortable and sleepless all night.7) They study so hard that they have hardly had time to

savor life and to pursue other interests to grow as well-rounded people.8) The pursuit of college

education costs them too much personal happiness and health.




1) After that I stood all day behind the bar attending to my duties.2) Although I did nothing

wrong at this job I found it somewhat boring and monotonous.3) My boss was a fierce-looking

man the customers were not pleasanter and the tavern failed to be bright.4) There was not any

laughter until Kong Yiji came. That’s why I still remember him.





1,2) Only a few days after the Lunar New Year in dilapidated little railway stations throughout

the countryside millions of peasants are gathering with a single purpose to get to the cities.3,4)

Even since the early 1980s when the agricultural reform freed millions of farmers to seek city jobs

the mass not just because of the pressure it puts on infrastructure.5) Many fear that migration on

such a giant scale will lead to social strain,6) As a result they have treated the migrants as

second-class citizens.6) For instance workers form the rural heartland are denied the right to settle

down as permanent residents and to send their children to city schools.7) But on the other hand in

booming cities and special economic zones factories and construction sites need all the labor they

can get.8,9) And the government believe that if the rural masses did not get a share of and poor

countryside would further widen leading to a building-up resentment that might fuel social unrest.




1) Despite lip service paid to friendship what matters to athletes is success.2) Whoever comes

first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing.3) What the spectators

sometimes fail to notice is that anyone who wants and has little spare time.5) It is understandable

that athletes want some tangible reward.





1) We must be courageous enough to venture on experiments as far as reforms are concerned.2)

A certain amount of risk-taking is necessary.3,4) Who dares to claim that he is 100 percent sure of

success right from the beginning and without taking any risk? There is no such thing as certainty.5)

I have never had such notions as thinking I’m 100 percent correct.6) Every year leaders should

review what they have done so as to hold to what works and discard what does not or take

immediate corrective steps.7) We should lose no time in tackling them whenever new problems

arise.8) No one can afford the luxury of slow decision-making whether it involves fighting a battle

or making a reform.9) In many cases you have to take a chance and correct your mistakes as you

go along.10) I’m afraid that it may take another 30 years to establish a set of more mature and

more consistent system in all fields of endeavor under which all policies will be more consistent



现在的国际金融是没有国界的,当东京的股市大跌时,受影响的不只是日本,而是全世界。因此保持我们中国的经济稳定发展,就要帮助 恢复亚太地区的稳定的发展。我们中国在这次亚洲金融危机中勇敢地承担了自己的责任。


1)International finance has no respect for national borders.2) When stock markets fall in Tokyo

the effects are no longer local; they are global.3) So to have sustained economic growth China

must help to restore stability and growth in the Asia Pacific region.4) China has steadfastly

shouldered its responsibilities to the region in this latest financial crisis.




1)The floods in the Yangtze River basin are the worst in 44 years.2) Official figures indicate

that more than 2000 people have been drowned and 13.8 million have been driven from their

jhomes.3) Crops have been destroyed on 4.5 million hectares.3 percent of China’s total cropland.4)

Industrial output has suffered as factories have had to shut.5) The transportation of goods and

people has been disrupted.6) The overall effect on China’s economy will be felt for many

months.7/8) Despite the serious damage China deserves a lot credit for the nationwide effort to

deal with flooding during which the Chinese have demonstrated a remarkable capacity for shoring

up dikes and protecting themselves from flooding.9) For example 1.6 million troops have been

mobilized to help protect the dikes and to move people out of areas being flooded.10) Literally

millions of civilians are involved in this enormous human effort.




1,2)Increasing activity in the stock market the treasury bond and enterprise bond

markets—Shanghai’s biggest and most active capital markets—reflects the growing sophistication

of the local financial system and the efforts of local enterprises to beat the credit squeeze by6

borrowing directly from the public.3.4) It also indicates that Shanghai investors are getting

smarter spreading their portfolios among inflation-linked fixed bank deposits treasury bonds

shares and enterprise bonds and other financial instruments now available as a hedge against

inflation.5) Treasury bonds issued each year has been the most popular with institutional and

individual investors.6) Enterprise bonds are also popular because they have a short maturity and

offer an interesting rate of 1—2% more than the average bank deposit rate.7) Often RMB 100

million worth of enterprise bonds are subscribed within a few days by anxious by anxious

investors who queue overnight outside banks.




1.2)By advocating enjoyable education we mean to challenge the notion that grades are an

exclusive measure of one’s talent and to aim to develop children’s total personality not just their

academic ability.2) We are also value virtues physical endurance manual skills or artistic

abilities.3) For China in her development needs not only engineers and scientists but talent of

different kinds.




1) Since the 1970s the Chinese community in the USA has undergone tremendous changes

among which is its rapid increase in population as many Chinese have kept flooding into

America’s shore.3) As the population of the American citizens of Chinese descent has increased

and their qualities have evidently improved so their economic conditions have prospered.4) It is

said that since 1986 the US citizens of Chinese descent have leapt to a good lead over other racial

minorities Japanese and Koreans for instance.5) The average Chinese family’s yearly income has

now come to exceed that of the average American family.6) At present there is a number of

enterprisers of Chinese descent in the economic circles in the US who enjoy considerable fame.7)

An even more cheerful phenomenon is that in recent years there have sprung up in the US

prominent scientific and technical talents of Chinese descent.8) Their achievements have come to

command the notice and admiration of scientists and technical experts in the world.9) Meanwhile

Chinese-descent citizens have roles to play in American political circles as they have risen

evidently in political status.




1) The effect of pollution on the environment was not fully realized.2,3,4) Until recently

pollution was seen as more than a nuisance that blackened buildings and sullied streams but as a

threat to human health the threat that has become so great in recent years as to challenge the

survival of many living things including man himself.




1) Attitudes towards retirement vary from person to person.2) Some people think that they will

enjoy their time in retirement, 3) but when it comes they may feel a little disappointed.4)

Unwilling to resign themselves to the prospect of being put on the scrap heap they try to seek

alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of income that employment can

provede.5) Others have already prepared themselves for the significant change in their lives.6)

Tired out after all exhausting life revolving around work they are anxious to relax in retirement

with all the strains relieved.7) As there is no more need to rush to catch a morning bus and no

more anxiety about promotion they now have enough time to fulfill an old dream such as writing

painting growing flowers and traveling around.8) On the whole female workers tend to have a

more favorable attitude towards retirement than male workers.9) Withdrawal from employment to

complete domesticity is a far less threatening experience for a woman than for a man.




1) Basically the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost their

economy. Consequently they lack food clothing and shelter and their wage increases are offset

by inflation.

With a decline in living standards widespread layoffs and unemployment people have to

suffer chronic hardship.2) If economic growth remains at the low rate it is difficult for any

government to raise people’s living standards.


北京大学的前身是燕京大学。它是一所贵族学校。按理说,学生在政治上应该是保潮开始在校园蔓延。到了1953年,燕京大学竟成为学生抗议运动的策源地。由此爆发了全国抗日战争。就在这时,美国作家爱德加 斯诺来到燕京大学任教。在燕大他呆了两年,接触了中国近代青年。了解了中国大学生的思想。自那后,燕京大学这所外国教会学校发生了很大的变化,它逐渐变成了完全由中国人自己掌握的学校。今天在北京大学的湖畔到处可以听到新一代大学生的欢声笑语。


1) Formerly Beijing University was called Yanjing University.2,3) It was an upperclass

institution whose students normally should have been political conservatives.4,5) But as the

national crisis deepened when the long-standing civil war merged with Japan’s conquest in the

North a wave of radicalism began to spread there.67) By 1935 Yanjing university had

unexpectedly become the birthplace of student protests which touched off a nationwide

anti-Japanese war.8,9) For this reason Edgar Snow an American writer came to teach in Yanjing

where he spent nearly two years in touch with modern Chinese youth and their thought.10) Since

then Yanjing had evolved from a missionary institution into complete Chinese control.11) And

today its lakeside echoes with the chatter and laughter of a new generation of students.




1) With new highways weaving their intricate webs above the city of Shanghai more and more

skyscrapers emerge and push the skyline ever higher.2,3) Thousands of visitors pack the shops and

malls of this shoppers’ paradise and businessmen in smart designer suits discuss business over

portable phones as they weave briskly through the crowds.



1)After more than four decades of efforts to develop economy China has gradually raised the

standard of living.2) Now it has solved the problem ;of food and clothing to a point where it has

managed to feed its l. l billion people 22 percent of the world’s total population with only 7

percent of the world’s cultivated land.





1)A recent phenomenon in the choice of careers on the part of college graduates is the

increasing trend towards big companies.2) Few are interested in research fields.3,4) This is an

unavoidable problem in a materialistic society where tempting salaries and fringe benefits are

offered by big companies to compete with each other to recruit students before they have

completed their studies.5) On the other hand as many big enterprises and even governments tend

to concentrate on immediate economic results and show comparatively little interest is long range

research there is a steady shift of scientists and researchers from the pure research to the applied

field where there are more jobs available with better salaries.7) All this has not only seriously

influenced young people’s view on the choice of careers but on education as well.8) Many college

these hers deplore that fewer and fewer students these days acquire knowledge only for its own





1) Wuxi the pearl on the Tai Lake lies in the south of Jiangsu Province the center of the

beautiful and rich Changjiang Delta.2) The mildness of its climate with slight temperature

variations and infrequent rainfall combined with a high average level of sunshine and brilliant

skies all make it ideal for tourism all the year around.3) To these climatic advantages must be

added the beauty of its natural attractions which have acquired an international reputation as a key

national scenery city.4) The ancient Beijing-to-Hongzhou Canal as well-known as the Great Wall

just runs through the city offering visitors on a boat a chance to get a view of the lives of people

along the banks of the river.6) Merely 7 kilometers away from the center of the city is the

Meiliang the best attraction of the Tai Lake scenery.7) One cannot help being intoxicated by white

sails rolling and curving above the sparkling waters with dark and green hills around.8) Among

the hills Tortoise Rocks named after its shape resembling a tortoise head overlook the vastness of

the Tai Lake They are as GuoMoruo the Chinese great poet put it the best place to enjoy the Tai

Lake scenery.




1) Few visitors to China will fail to notice the eagerness of the Chinese to learn English.2) In

public parks there are special corners where English learners old and young gather at regular time

to practise their spoken English.3) Foreign visitors are often besieged on streets by English

learners who want to talk with them in English abut anything from weather to politics.4) English

classes are mushrooming across the land.



1) In his talk he tackled serious subjects like the reform of state-owned enterprises and the

growing bureaucracy China’s commitment to her Asian neighbors and determination not to

devalue her currency the need to clean up the environment or root out corruption.2) All the while

people alternately nodded in approval or held their sides with laughter.




1) Mr. Zhang a retired miner bought four chicks early this yeae.2) One day he found one of

them missing.2) He got so angry that he kept blaming his wife for it all the time.3) Towards

evening into his yard came a chick followed by his neighbor Wang who ran to catch the chick.4)

Naturally Zhang’s wife wouldn’t let him go with the chick.5) and so a quarrel ensued.6) It turned

out that Wang had also lost one of his two chicks recently which he bought nearly the same time

as Mr Zhang did.7) Their quarrel drew another neighbor Lee to the yard to see what was

happening.8) Having heard the story he put the chick somewhere between their homes and let it

off.9) The chick went straight to join Zhang’s flock and kept returning whenever it was driven to

Wang’s home.10) And at Zhang’s call “Chick chick” all the chicks including the one in question

recede in response to him.11) Wang had no more to say but made an immediate apologize. Thus

ended the quarrel over a chick.




1,2) China has had many great leaders each seemingly custom-made for the occasion.3) It took

Chairman Mao to end a century of foreign oppression and create a new China It took Deng

Xiaoping the architect of the socialist market economy to lead the nation in her transition to

maturity.4) China now enters a period of its fastest economic growth in this century.





1,2) The Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995 has brought Chinese

women into the world attention.3) The founding of new China in 1949 marks the beginning of the

times when Chinese women can enjoy equal rights with men in all spheres in the political

economic social and family life.4,5) Women in China now receive equal pay for equal work and

cease to be dependent upon their husbands as they once were.6,7) Traditionally male professions

are now open to wom-in many of them even rising to leadership positions.8) It is true that Chinese

women have made enormous strides toward equality But the goals of equal opportunity of

employment for women have not been fully realized.9,10,11) The status of women is closely

linked to the economy: the last to be hired they are usually the first to be laid off when

employment drops off.12) Obviously women still have a long way to go in their struggle for





1) During his life time Xu Xiake visited 16 provinces leaving his footprints nearly everywhere

across the land.2) He never blindly accepted the conclusions given by books nor did he treat

authority as the sole basis for truth.3) As a result he found many inaccuracies in the travel notes

on geography written by his predecessors.4,5) In order to get a detailed and truthful picture of

the particular places he preferred to travel on foot instead of by cart or boat despite long

distances and even ventured into mountainous areas and jungles which are rarely traveled by

people and full of dangers.5,6) The payoff for his effort was his discovery of many fantastic

landscapes which attracted him to return in different seasons and even different hours of the day

to observe their kaleidoscopic spectacles.7) He was not only a good observer accurate patient

and objective but also applied persistent thought to the observations he made.




1) Some people are worrying that the wide use of computer technology will cause further

unemployment.2) Another argument however holds that although some individuals will lose their

jobs society as a whole will benefit economically through increases in productivity.3) Despite its

effects on society one thing is certain: the technically trained will become ever more valuable

while the jobs for the blue-collar population will become less available.





1) The last twenty years has brought nearly half a million Chinese intellectuals into the Western

world especially into the United States.2) It is said that Shanghai’s musicians abroad could form a

world class symphony orchestra.3) A similar story has been told in science medicine and sports

circles.4) Chinese intellectuals emigrate because they believe they cannot bring their talent into

full play in the homeland.5) They often feel depressed and frustrated for a variety of reasons.6,7)

The situation was so grim that once we suffered an acute shortage of talent as one batch of gifted

people after another had gone abroad.8,9) It didn’t change much until the early 1990 when the

efforts was made by the government to upgrade the status of the intellectuals both social and






1) Today’s progress should not come at tomorrow’s expense.2,3) It should be recognized that

China’s remarkable economic growth in the last two decades has come with a huge cost: the water

we drink and the air we breathe are polluted and the forest is diminishing.4) The cost is not only

environmental it is also more serious in terms of the decline in public morals.




1,2) Hong Kong a tiny island perched on the tip of Southern China plays a pivotal role in an

increasingly globalized economy.3) Given its strategic location internationally oriented business

culture and excellent communications it has become a crossroad of world trade and the nerve

center of the Asia—Pacific region.4) Commercial links reach out to corporations in over 170

countries and regions.5) Its trade with the rest of Asia has increased substantially.6) Its container

port is now the busiest and is undergoing further expansion.7) Although Hong Kong’s emergence

as a world financial center came in recent 20 years offshore loans account for more than half of

the total loan provided by its banks.8) As the “Pearl of the Orient” returns once again to China’s

palm its people see her future as brighter than ever.





1) When we examine environmental problems in a global context the first thing that impresses

us is the variety of concerns they evode.2, 3) Whereas in the developed world the focus is on air

and water pollution the energy shortage and chewing up of the rural areas by urban sprawl the

concern of the developing countries will most likely center on malnutrition population growth

insufficiency of water the lack of education and jobs.




1) Of course there is a strong element of luck in both success and failure but it is my belief that

there are no “secrets” to success.2) One thing I have discovered is that attitudes and values that I

acquired in China long before came to the United States have had a great bearing on the success in

my business.3) These values have much in common with some of the virtues of Confucianism the

Chinese philosophy that stresses moderation.4) However although I respect the spirit of

Confucianism I have not tried to adapt this ancient Chinese philosophy to modern society.5) For

besides moderation other things I have found to be essential to success are patience adaptability

decisiveness confidence unconventional thinking social responsibility and last luck.6) The

importance of these attributes is in their interaction.7) Some of them are antithetical to

others—patience will often collide with decisiveness for instance—and yet it is hard to think of

any of my decisions in which they did not play a role.




1) An important decision is always made by individuals not by committees whether it involves a

company or a government.2) We need committees because that’s where people could share their

opinions and experiences.3) But they could not replace individuals.4) The reason is obvious: a

committee faced with a major decision can’t always move as quickly as the events it is trying to

respond to.




1) In September an American delegation traveled to China for the ground-breaking ceremony of

the Center for Chinese and American Studies.2) The driving rain and typhoon winds did not

seem to dampen the spirits of Chinese and American officials who donned their hard hats and

rubber boots to trek through the mud and lift the first shovels of dirt from the ground.3) The

Center will open in three years.4) Day-to-day administration will be in the hands of two

co-directors: one Chinese and one American.5) Under them up to a dozen faculty members of

both nationalities will offer a variety of courses at the master’s level.6,7,8) The Americans

studying with Chinese professors will concentrate on China and use Chinese in their

coursework and in the daily communication with their Chinese roommates while the Chinese

will examine the United States under direction of American faculty and use English.9) At least

one common-core course team-taught by a Chinese and an American professor will be offered

to all students.10) A series of guest lectures by government and corporate personnel based in

China and abroad will supplement the regular academic offerings.




1,2) Since the beginning of the 90’s when the Chinese government announced the plan to

develop Shanghai’s Pudong the east side of the Huangpu River Pudong New Area is gradually

evolving into a modern dynamic and exciting business district which will soon match that of the

world financial centers such as New York London and Tokyo in its provision of an excellent

working environment.3) The emerging Jin Mao Building has become a symbol of the new area.4)

Situated in the financial district and next to the Shanghai Stock Exchange the 88-storey building is

Shanghai’s premiere business address.5) Towering over the other buildings in Shanghai it boasts

the tallest in China and enjoys commanding views of the whole area of Pudong and of the

Huangpu River and the main city to the west.6) With 52 floors of offices situated below the

five-star Grand Hyatt and a six-floor retail podium building tenants enjoys the best of everything

this skyscraper has to offer.




1) At present a sweeping social and economic reform is being carried out in China.2,3) This

remarkable transformation has turned a closed command economic system to a driving

market-based economy lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty and generating

unprecedented economic growth..4,5) Per capita income has doubled. Most people are leading

lives they could not have imagined just 20 years ago.




1) Yuyuan was originally the private garden of Pan Yunduan the governor of Sichuan Province

during the Ming Dynasty.2,3) The garden whose construction began in 1559 and was completed in

1577 boasts a long history of more than four centuries.4,5) It covers an area of over 20000 square

meters and is divided in some thirty different scenes connected by twisting corridors and

passages.6) The layout of the pavilions terraces towers rockeries and ponds shows much

originality in affording a wide view in a small confined space.7) Buildings in the garden

ornamented with fine brick designs and wood carvings are characteristic of the Southern

architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.8) One scene is the Hall for Summoning Spring

used by the uprising army of the “Small Sword Society” in 1853 as their headquarters in the

northern part of the old city.9) Since the 16th century the garden has undergone many changes and

suffered repeated devastation.10) On the eve of the liberation of old China the garden was reduced

to a desolate waste.11) When new China was founded it was restored and opened to the public in

1961.11) Since then it remains a place of popular resort in Shanghai.




1,2) The corporation called an Asian-pacific customers meeting in Beijing the first of its kind

being held in China in its 80-year history.3) The president explained that the meeting was to

express its appreciation for the assistance given by the Chinese government to its development in

China and that the corporation would like to take the opportunity to solicit suggestions from its

customers for the purpose of expanding its market.4) But the economic circles here shared the

view that the holding of the meeting in China was a sign that China is becoming the fastest

growing telecom market in the Asian-Pacific region.




1) Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really counts in your

career. Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener to be sensitive toward

others’ needs to take criticism well.3) People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes and

take their share of blame which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error.4) That’s why

many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are

being laid off.5) Sensitive in their dealings with others they are well liked everywhere.6) People

with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.7) When confronted with a mistake

they let their ego get in the way.7) They deny responsibility and became moody or angry.7) They

mark themselves as “prickly”.




1) Coercion still underlies the one-child policy and the rationing of the right to become pregnant

remains a source of tension in many parts in China.2) But there are indications of a change in

attitudes with more and more couples falling in line with the nation’s one-child policy as a matter

of choice rather than compulsion.3) Some experts predict that China’s population will decline after

peaking in the 21stcentury.




1) To help the Chinese to gain an appreciation of the value of friendship in different cultures he

selected and arranged one hundred sayings popular at home and abroad on the subject of

friendship.2,3) This short work enjoyed an immediate acceptance especially among college

students and was reprinted many times.4) Its popularity needs no explanation for a brief perusal of

the questions shows that they embody the notions of civilized friendship.5) The maxims stress

selflessness and concern for the material and spiritual welfare of the friends.6) Consequently this

work could not fail to exert strong appeal among a people who since earliest times had held

friendship in the highest regard.7) In this age of growing contacts between East and West and the

consequent development of mutual understanding between both sides of the globe to publish this

work has a profound influence.




1) The construction of buildings and roads in the Yangtze basin is increasing at a staggering

pace.2) The basin is now home to 400 million people With the average household in China

consisting of fewer than four people a population of 400 million means 100 million housing

units.4) The human pressure on the land is intense.5) And land hunger is forcing more and more

homes to be built on the land once covered with the forests.




1,2) The Three Gorges Dam is now under construction on the Yangtze the fourth largest river on

the planet.3) According to the project’s designers the world’s largest dam will help prevent

flooding in central and eastern China by holding back flood water in a new reservoir.4) The dam

could also provide one third of China’s 1.2 billion people with as many as one-ninth of needed

electric power saving 50 million tons of coal each year.4) But the new lake the dam creates will

completely submerge 13 riverside cities 140 large towns and numerous small villages.6,7) Some

12 million people will have to relocate to less fertile areas on higher ground.8,9) Opponents to the

project also contend that the rising water will threaten wildlife and permanently alter the

spectacular three Gorges the steep-wall canyons for which the Gorges are named10) Worse yet an

earthquake could stride Three Gorges with tragic consequences.




1)College provides a chance to explore the vast areas of unlimited knowledge.2) To have a rich

full life a college student should make the most of the opportunities at hand.3) He should realize

that going to college means a lot more than earning a degree and securing a good job.4) If he can

explore beyond his immediate career objectives he will enjoy the rest of his life.




1) During the Anti-Japanese War Mme Sun Yatsen was Chairman of the China Defense

League.2,3) It was her activities in Hong Kong after the fall of Shanghai and Nanking that had led

directly to its formation.4) A leader of the National Salvation movement she had throughout

supported the claim for a “United Front” of all political parties in China.5) In Hong Kong she

rarely appeared in public but carried out effective relief work for the guerillas and the 8th Route

Aroute Army.6) She took little time off from her untiring effort t raise the funds and hospital

supplies to help alleviate the neglect with which the Chinese treated their sick and wounded

soldiers.7) It is difficult for anyone who had not worked with her to suggest what her sweetness

and dignity and passionate devotion to the Chinese Revolution have meant to the victory of the

war.8) She is respected and beloved across the country and in any land where the struggle for

human freedom and progress goes on.

本文标签: 中国没有社会