


· press

· v. [pres] ( presses; pressed; pressing )


· 双解释义


vt. 按,压 push firmly and steadily against


vi. 紧迫 make quick action or attention


vt. 逼迫,强迫 force or compel

· 基本要点



用作不及物动词时,常与ahead, forward, for等词连用。

· 词汇搭配


press a bell 按铃

press a button 按电钮

press a demand 坚持要求

press a policy 强行贯彻一项政策

press baby 抱紧婴儿

press clothes 熨衣服

press grapes 榨葡萄

press juice 挤汁


press oil 榨油

press one's way 奋力前进,向前挤

press sb's hand 紧握某人的手

press steel 轧制钢材

press table 压桌子

press the trigger of a gun 扣扳机


press hard 用力压

press home 极力(辩护)

press affectionately 亲切地握住

press brusquely 粗暴地压

press brutally 蛮横地压

press cautiously 小心地压

press darkly 无知地压

press directly 直接压

press emotionally 激动地握住

press forcibly 强有力地按住

press heavily 沉重地压

press hotly 热压

press indirectly 间接压

press lightly 轻轻地压

press strongly 竭力地压

press tenderly 轻柔地按住

press tightly 紧紧握住

press warmly 热情地握紧

press ahead 奋力前进

press back 推回去,击退

press crowd back 迫使人群后退

press down向下压 press forward


向前推进 press on

向前逼进 press on and on



press against 推,将…压在…上

press against door 用力推门

press a charge against 对(某人)起诉

press ear against door把耳朵紧贴在门上 press sb against wall

使某人贴住墙 press for

反复要求,敦促 press for an answer

催促答复 press sb for details

向某人追问详情 press for reform

迫切要求改革 press oil from soya beans

榨取豆油 press into

使压成,逼…致使,把…塞入 press sb into confession

逼某人坦白,逼供 press clay into various forms

把泥压成各种形状 press on〔upon〕

按,将…压在…上,使负重担,压迫 press on button

按电钮或键 press sth out of

从…中榨出 press through a door

挤过一扇门 press ahead with effort

加紧努力 press with hunger

为饥饿所迫 press hard with questions



press about〔around,round〕(v.+prep.)

拥护在…周围 crowd around sb



▲press about〔around,round〕 sb

The children pressed about her and made a ring.孩子们在她周围紧紧地围了一个圈。

Crowds pressed around her trying to get her autograph.人群把她团团围住,争着请她签名。

The fans pressed round the rock band.歌迷们把摇滚乐队团团围住。

press against(v.+prep.)

使贴着 push or thrust against

▲press oneself/sth against sth

The animal pressed itself against a tree trunk.那个动物将身子紧贴在树干上。

She pressed her face against the glass.她把脸紧贴在玻璃上。

The boy pressed his ear against the door.那男孩把耳朵贴着门。

press back(v.+adv.)

往后按; 迫使向后退 push sth back; force sb go back

▲press sb/sth⇔back

He pressed my arm back.他把我的手臂往后按。

The police pressed the crowd back behind the barriers.警察迫使人群退到路障后面。


press down(v.+adv.)

把…按下去 push sth down

▲press sth⇔down

Facer pressed down the lid.费塞把盖子按了下去。

He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car.他踩下汽车的油门。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The grass had been pressed down in place where people had been lying.人们躺过的地方,草都被压平了。

press for(v.+prep.)

1.催逼,敦促; 迫切要求 demand urgently; make repeated requests for

▲press for sth

The workers formed a union to press for higher wages.工人们建立了一个工会以迫切要求提高工资。

We are in the process of problems are pressing for solution.我们正在改革进程中,许多问题迫切需要解决。

They agreed to press for the conference to deal with the problem.他们同意敦促大会处理这个问题。

They are pressing for a decision to be made.他们坚持要作出决定。

▲press sb for sth

The student got up, stood there, and said teacher pressed him

for an answer.那个学生起来,站在那儿,不说一句话。老师催他回答问题。

I don't know whether to accept this new job, and the firm is pressing me for

a decision.我不知道是否接受这份新工作,而公司正催促我作出决定。

No one really knew what had happened except the office ne pressed

him for more details.除了这个勤杂工以外,没有人知道到底发生了什么事。大家 5


◇ 用于be ~ed结构

I am pressed for a reply.我被催着作出答复。

2.缺少 have barely enough of sth

▲press sb for sth

◇ 常用于be ~ed结构

At that time we were pressed for money.那时我们手头拮据。

press in1(v.+adv.)

1.把…压 force sth inwards

▲press sth⇔in

I had to press my way in through the crowd.我只好挤过人群。

2.逼近 advance steadily

▲press in

Night was already pressing in as we reached the little town.当我们抵达那个小镇的时候,夜幕已经降临了。

press in2〔into〕(v.+prep.)

把…压进 push a lot of (things or people) in a mass or into sth

▲press sb/sth in〔into〕 sth

I tried to press more clothes in the case, but there was not enough room.我尽力往衣箱里塞更多的衣服,但是地方不够了。

She pressed a coin into the little girl's hand.她把一枚硬币塞到小姑娘的手 6


◇ 用于be ~ed结构

Too many people were pressed into the room, and I could hardly breathe.那屋里挤得水泄不通,我几乎都喘不过气来。

press on1(v.+adv.)

奋力前进; 坚持 make one's way with effort; insist on

▲press on

Shall we stop here or press on to the next town?我们是在这里停下还是赶紧奔向下一个城镇呢?

▲press on with sth

Let's press on with our work.咱们继续工作。

The police pressed on with the investigation.警方不顾困难,继续进行调查。

press on2(v.+prep.)

1.用力压 push hard on sb/sth

▲press on sb/sth

The driver must have pressed on the accelerator.司机一定是踩了油门。

The sleeping child was pressing on me and making me uncomfortably.熟睡的孩子压在我的身上,使我感到很不舒服。

▲press sb/sth on sb

She pressed the baby on her husband.她把婴儿塞给她丈夫。

2.坚持要(某人)接受 insist that sb take sth

▲press sth on sb


He tried to press another drink on me.他试图硬要我再喝一杯酒。

The hostess pressed fish on her guests.女主人催促客人吃鱼。

Don't press your opinions on her.不要逼她接受你的意见。

His aunts were pressing on him cups of tea and chocolate cookies.他的那些姑母不停地硬要他喝茶,吃巧克力饼干。

3.使(某人)负重 cause sb to be weighed or oppressed

▲press on sb

Steadily rising prices press mostly on the poor and the old people with fixed


press out(v.+adv.)

把…挤熨平 force sth out by pushing or holding tightly; iron usually clothes

▲press sth⇔out

I pressed out the rest of shampoo by force.我用力把剩下的洗发水挤出来。

Shall I press out the shirt for you?我帮你把衬衣熨平好吗?

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The juice of the grapes was pressed out.葡萄汁被压出来了。

press to(v.+prep.)

使紧靠 cause to keep sb/sth close to one or a part of one's body

▲press to sb/sth

The children pressed close to their mother.孩子们紧紧地依偎着他们的母亲。

▲press sb/oneself/sth to sb/sth


She pressed the little girl to her chest.她把小女孩紧紧搂在怀里。

He pressed himself to the ground.他紧伏在地上。

The little boy pressed his hand to his chest.那个小男孩把手按在胸口。

He pressed his ear to the instrument.他把耳朵贴在仪器上听。

press together(v.+adv.)

使彼此靠 cause to be tightly held to each other

▲press together

The crowd pressed together so tightly that we could hardly breathe.人群挤在一起,我们几乎喘不过气来。

▲press sth⇔together

She pressed her palms together.她把双掌紧紧地合在一起。

press with(v.+prep.)

使(某人)受…所困扰 cause sb to be puzzled with

▲press sb with sth

The policeman pressed him with questions.警察不断向他提问题。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

He was pressed with hunger.他为饥饿所迫。

She is pressed with sorrows.她愁肠百结。

· 句型例句




This dress pressed well.这衣服容易熨平。

Time presses.时间紧迫。

The matter is pressing.这事情很紧迫。

We will let you know if anything presses.有紧急情况,我们会通知你的。

The men gave a loud cheer at these words and pressed ahead.听到这番话,人们大声欢呼,纷纷涌向前来。

Many people pressed forward to shake hands with him.很多人挤向前和他握手。

We can either make camp now, or press ahead until dark and be that much nearer

our objective.我们要么现在扎营,要么在天黑前加紧行动,更接近我们的目标。

We must press ahead with our efforts to reach an agreement.我们必须加紧努力以达成协议。

They wanted us to press forward with the work.他们要我们加紧进行这项工作。



Press the button, then the machine will work.按下电钮,机器就能运转了。

She has already pressed her skirt.她已经把裙子熨平了。

Cage pressed her friend's arm tightly.凯奇紧紧握住她朋友的手臂。

It is no good pressing him at this time.这种时候催他是没什么好处的。

The enemy army is pressing an attack.敌军在发动猛攻。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

Your trousers need to be pressed.你的裤子得熨一下。

She was pressed by hunger and cold.她饥寒交迫。



She pressed her guests to stay a little longer.她竭力劝说客人们多呆一会儿。

They pressed us to stay for lunch.他们强留我们吃午饭。


It is not wise to press them to leave here so early.催促他们这么早离开这里是不明智的。

The children pressed their parents to take them to the sea-bathing resort.孩子催他们的父母带他们到海滨浴场去。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The man was pressed to pay off his debt.那人被逼把债还清。


It's easy for me to press the pastry flat and thin.对我来说,把馅饼皮压得又薄又平很容易。

They like to press wet snow hard to make snowballs.他们喜欢把湿雪捏成雪球。

Our frontier soldiers pressed the enemy hard.我边防战士向敌人逼近。

Don't press me so hard.别逼我那么紧。

· 词语辨异

press, pinch, squeeze



Press the button, then the machine will work.按下电钮,机器就能运转了。

Press the button to ring the bell.按那个钮可以打铃。


The child was crying because somebody had pinched her.那孩子哭了,因为有人掐她。

He pinched the boy's face playfully.他开玩笑地拧了这男孩的脸。


Squeeze the sponge so that all the water comes out.捏紧海绵,把水挤出来。

This only gave them opportunity to squeeze profits.这只能为他们提供机会榨 11



We pressed her to continue her story.

We pressed her into continuing her story.


The shoe presses my toe.

My toe presses against the shoe.


· · press

· n. [pres] ( presses )


· 双解释义



压,按,挤 act of pushing steadily with sth held in the hand



印刷机 machine for printing



出版社,通讯社 business for printing books or periodicals



报刊,报界,新闻界 newspapers, periodicals and the news sections of

radio and television

· 基本要点






· 词汇搭配


censor the press 检查新闻舆论

control the press 控制新闻舆论

go to press 付印

have a good press 受新闻界的好评

muzzle the press 压制新闻舆论


bad press 在报上名声不好

blue press 黄色的报刊

foreign press 外国报刊

free press 享有新闻自由的报刊

good press 在报上受好评

gutter press 格调低下的报刊,三流小报

local press 当地报刊

military press (举重运动推举中只用臂力的)硬推,实力推•

permanent press 永久性熨平


bench press 卧推

cider press 苹果汁榨取机

full-court press 全场紧逼防守

university press 大学附属出版社

wine press (酿酒用的)葡萄压榨机

the Associated P- 美联社

the United P- 合众社



press agent 宣传员

press association 国际新闻通讯社

press conference 记者招待会

press corps 记者团

press corrector 校对员

press correspondent 新闻通讯员


in the press 在印刷中

· 句型例句

They have leaked the information out to the press.他们已经把消息泄露给了新闻界。

Someone in the ministry had leaked the story to the press.部里有人把内情泄露给了新闻界。

These letters were duly handed in, and copies were given to the press


The foreign minister declared in a statement to the press that he would never

submit to blackmail.外长向新闻界发表的声明中宣称他绝不屈服于讹诈。

The discovery is hardly commented by the press.报界对该发现几乎未加评论。

A reactionary government is able to suppress the press, but not able to

control public opinion.一个反动政府可以有办法压制报界,但却无法操纵舆论。

Keep this to yourself; don't let it out to the press.你要保守秘密,别把它泄露给记者们。

The press are/is interested in sports.新闻界对体育运动感兴趣。

The press are/is interested in old maps.新闻界对旧地图产生了兴趣。

At the press conference, the reporters copied down every word spoken by the

prime minister.在新闻发布会上,记者们逐字记下了首相的讲话。


As a diplomat, you have to pick your words at a press conference.作为一位外交官,在记者招待会上必须措辞谨慎。

We listened in on the premier's press conference.我们从广播里听了总理举行的记者招待会。

The prime minister imparted the news of his trip at a press conference.在新闻发布会上首相透露了他旅行的消息。

They'll not readily sacrifice their freedom of the press.他们不会轻易放弃自己的新闻自由。

He does not sign his contributions to the press.他投给报社的稿件上没有署名。

Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press issued a new magazine last year.外语教学与研究出版社去年发行了一种新杂志。

A special press was broadcast last night.昨晚广播了一条特别消息。

Her press of what happened is simply not borne out by the facts.她对发生的事件所作的评论毫无事实根据。

A manufacturer can amplify the demand of a product by press advertising widely.厂商能用大做报刊广告的方法来扩大人们对产品的需求。

He brushed past the reporters without making any press comment.他从这些记者旁擦身而过,没做任何新闻评论。

He felt himself a press agent of importance.他觉得自己是个重要的宣传员。

It looks as if the blame has been fastened on an innocent press agent.看起来好像一个无辜的宣传员受到了惩罚。

The press officer denied any knowledge of their plans.那个新闻代言人否认了解他们的计划。

Recently he enrolled in the Press Association.他最近加入了新闻协会。

This type of press can feed out papers much faster than an ordinary one.这种印刷机印刷报纸比普通印刷机快得多。

Prices are correct at the time of going to press.付印前价目无误。

Flatten the dough with a press of the hand.用手把生面团压平。

Those trousers need a press.那条裤子应该熨一熨。


At the end of his speech, the press of people caught alight and began cheering

wildly. 讲演快结束的时候,人群情绪激昂,狂热欢呼。

The press of people was quite carried away by the young singer's performance.那个年轻歌手的表演使全场听众神魂颠倒。

“Go home!”the press of people shouted.人群在高喊:“滚回去!”

Don't fling your shoes in the linen press.不要把你的鞋扔在衣物柜里。

The room was furnished with a linen press and some old furniture.房间里有一个衣物柜和几件旧家具。

· 词语辨异

press, gazette, journal, newspaper


· 正误解析


[误] That big corporation tried to bribe press to sit on the story.

[正] That big corporation tried to bribe the press to sit on the story.


[误] Press pulled the plug on the Liberal candidate, and he lost the


[正] The press pulled the plug on the Liberal candidate, and he lost the


[析] press作“新闻界”解时,要与定冠词the连用。


· 补充资料

[派生词] pressed adj.紧缺的,缺少的‖pressing adj. 紧迫的;迫切的;再三要求的,恳切要求的

[同义词] v. adpress, afflict, iron, sue, surge, vex pers, reporters

[反义词] v. expand, lighten, relieve

[词源] <古法语presser<拉丁语pressare(压,挤,按)



本文标签: 新闻界新闻报刊印刷机记者