


TED演讲者:Renny Gleeson | 雷尼 格里森演讲标题:"Renny Gleeson: 404, the story of a page not found" | “404 找不到页面”的故事内容概要:谁也不喜欢看到电脑屏幕上出现“404 找不到页面”,但是雷尼.格里森却通过一个个有创意而又有趣的404页面告诉我们,每个小错误都是意想不到的机会。Renny Gleeson helps navigate brands through fresh concepts, such as viral marketing andsocial media, to find the pulse of the modern 外语剧本网今天我想给大家讲个关于“找不到的404页面” 的So what I want to try to do is tell a quick story about a 404小故事,以及从中我们所学到的经验和教训[00:13]page and a lesson that was learned as a result of it.但在开始之前,我们最好先来了解一下 到底什么是But to start it probably helps to have an understanding of404页面[00:19]what a 404 page actually is.这就是404页面[00:26]The 404 page is that.它是在浏览网页时让人很崩溃的一种体验[00:29]It's that broken experience on the Web.它是当你点击某网页 却无法找到时[00:31]It's effectively the default page when you ask a website forsomething and it can't find it.所显示的默认页面[00:37]And it serves you the 404 's

inherently a feeling of being broken when you go through404页面很容易让人感到崩溃[00:39] I just want you to think a little bit about, remember for大家回想一下,当你点出一个 404页面时,心里那种烦躁[00:44]yourself, it's annoying when you hit this thing.就像被女朋友甩了一样那么不爽[00:50]Because it's the feeling of a broken that's where it's actually also interesting to think about,但这里同时也有一个很有意思的问题值得我们去思考 404页面究竟是从哪里来的?[00:52]where does 404 come from?事实上它只是一系列错误代码中的一个 这里还有It's from a family of errors actually -- a whole set ofrelationship errors, which, when I started digging into them, it好多其他错误代码 当我仔细研究过之后 我发现它looks almost like a

checklist for a sex

therapist or a couples们就好像是性功能障碍治疗医师的检查单一样[00:57]ntly: adv.内在地;固有地;天性地

checklist: n.清单;检查表;备忘录;目录册

therapist: n.临床医学家;治疗学家一条一条越往下看,越是奇形怪状[01:08]You sort of get down there to the bottom and things getreally

dicey.(Laughter) these things are 're on sites big, they're on sites is a global a 404 page tells you is that you fell through the

that's not a good experience when you're used toexperiences like can get on your Kinect and you can have

unicornsdancing and


spraying out of your mobile phone.这个时候突然冒出来一个404页面[01:41]A 404 page is not what you're looking for.感觉就像突然被人啪的甩了一耳光似的[01:43]You get that, and it's like a

slap in the to think about how a 404 felt, and it would be like if试想一下当你遇到404页面时是什么感觉? 就好像you went to Starbucks and there's the guy behind the counter你走进星巴克买咖啡 柜台后面站着个小伙子 你想买黑咖啡却没有[01:46]and you're over there and there's no skim : adj.不确定的;冒险性的;认命的;危险的

cracks: n.[高分子]裂缝,裂纹;龟裂(crack的复数形式);板间间隙/v.使破裂;砰地一声打开(crack的三单形式)

unicorns: n.独角兽(unicorn的复数)

rainbows: n.怪物彩虹(游戏名称)

spraying: n.喷涂;喷雾;喷洒/v.喷射;飞溅(spray的ing形式)

slap in the face: 侮辱你就问他:“能给我一杯黑咖啡吗?”[01:54]And you say, "Hey, could you bring the skim milk?"(笑声) 是的[01:11]但这些错误在网络上比比皆是[01:16]大网站上也有,小网站上也有[01:18]全球各地无不是如此[01:21]404页面想告诉你的就是 “这儿没有你想要的”[01:24]这可不是什么好的体验 你本来感觉是这样的[01:31]周围美景如画 有独角兽在跳舞 天上有彩虹[01:35]

And they

walk out from behind the counter and they've got小伙子从柜台里走出来,结果你发现他没穿裤子![01:56]no pants on.这时你的感觉肯定是:“妈呀,我可不想看这And you're like, "Oh, I didn't want to see that."个!”[01:58]这就和你遇到404页面时是一样的感觉吧?[02:01]That's the 404 feeling.(笑声) 还真的有人跟我这么形容过[02:03](Laughter) I mean, I've heard about where this comes into play and why this is important is I于是乎,404页面的重要性就在这里体现出来了 我head up a technology

incubator, and we had eight startups曾经领导过一个科技培训孵化小组 那时组里有八个刚创业的公司[02:07]sitting around there.他们工作的重点在于找到“他们在做什么”,而And those startups are focused on what they are, not whatthey're not, until one day Athletepath, which is a website that非“他们不是什么” 直到有一天 “运动之路”,一个专为极限运动员而开设的网站 发现了这样一个focuses on services for extreme

athletes, found this video.视频[02:15](画内音)男声:乔伊![02:25](Video) Guy: Joey!观众:噢![02:28]Crowd: Whoa!噢,他看起来不太好[02:33]Renny Gleeson: You just ... no, he's not took that video and they

embedded it in their 404 page他们把这个视频嵌入了网站的404页面里 这个举动让所有人眼前一亮[02:36]and it was like a light bulb went off for everybody in out: 走出;罢工;退席;把(某人)领出

head up: 领导;抬高;加盖子于

incubator: n.[禽]孵卵器;[儿科]保温箱;早产儿保育器;细菌培养器

athletes: n.运动员;身强体健的人(athlete的复数形式)

embedded: adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的/v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式)Because finally there was a page that actually felt like what it因为终于有了一个页面 让人真真切切地感受到了点出404页面时的那种感觉[02:43]felt like to hit a 404.(笑声)[02:49](Laughter)(鼓掌) 关于404页面的比赛就此展开[02:51](Applause) So this turned into a ath that offers inspiration put inspiration on their 404给人们提供灵感的“Dailypath”网站 在他们的404页面上放上了名人名言[02:55]page.帮人寻找宠物寄养的“Stayhound”网站 则用萌Stayhound, which helps you find pet

sitters through your宠的照片来表示对你的同情[03:00]social network,

commiserated with your pet.这八个初创网页服务公司在24小时之内[03:05]Each one of them found this.纷纷加入这场竞赛[03:07]It turned into a 24-hour contest.到第二天早上的4:04分,我们送出了404块现金At 4:04 the next day, we gave out $404 in cash.[03:08]And what they learned was that those little things, done right,在这个项目中他们所学到的经验就是 无论多小的actually matter, and that

well-designed moments can build事情,只要做对了,就能产生极大的功效 那些经过精心计划的细节很容易产生品牌效应[03:11] you take a look out in the real world, and the fun thing is最有意思的是 你甚至还可以创造你自己的404页面[03:18]you can actually hack these can type in an URL and put in a 404 and these will pop.只要将URL链接进去就行了[03:22]看,这一个是在同情你[03:25]This is one that commiserates with you.这一个是在怪你[03:27]This is one that blames s: n.代人临时看管小孩的人;当模特儿的人;坐着的人

commiserated: vt.同情,怜悯/vi.同情,怜悯;吊慰

well-designed:adj.精心设计的;设计巧妙的这个页面我非常喜欢[03:29]This is one that I is an error page, but what if this error page was also an这虽然是一个错误页面 但在错误中蕴含着机会又有何不可?[03:30]opportunity?So it was a moment in time where all of these startups had to所以在那个时候 所有的这些创业新生儿都陷入了sit and think and got really excited about what they could be.思考 并对他们所可以成就的未来而感到非常兴奋[03:37]回到最初那个谈恋爱的比喻 通过这个小练习,他们Because back to the whole relationship issue, what theyfigured out through this exercise was that a simple mistake所认识到的是 一个小错误可以告诉我你的弱点 同样也可以提醒我,我为什么爱你[03:44]can tell me what you're not, or it can remind me of why Ishould love you.谢谢[03:55]


本文标签: 页面网页治疗故事