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Renewal journal/periodical latest/current/back issue reference desk extra copy editorial

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Register for/ sigh up for/ enroll for/ enlist in / take quit/drop a course pick…up earn

a credit course sheet workload transfer credit waive a course audit a course

introduction course/intro course prerequisite course intermediate course advanced course

optional/elective/selective class required /compulsory course science courses arts

courses curriculum seminar workshop credit course non-credit course computer

science philosophy psychology economics political science literature class

engineering architecture astronomy geology archaeology biochemistry

anthropology botany algebra math


Professor supervisor/advisor teaching assistant dean briefing give a lecture

make a speech school timetable cancel/call off postpone/put off make a

presentation build the interest attendance presence absence active involvement

punctual take notes skip the class make up


Novel non fiction science fiction detective story who done it mystery novel

biography autobiography history book social commentary bestseller be

addicted /attracted by the book pore over the book fast reader plough / get through

the book read selectively read extensively book review school /college newspaper

newsletter contribute editor in chief columnist


Assignment paper/essay/thesis term paper experiment project book report

lab report research/survey data polish rough draft have one’s hands full with

expectation fall short of one’s expectation be strict with due deadline

extension/ extend criticism feedback bibliography reference book


Quiz pop quiz standardized test national test reschedule exam week/period

review/go through/ go over stay up all night/ be up all night full mark high-low

grade /score/mark passing grade/score/mark straight As plus minus pass the

exams with flying colors fail in the exam make up the exam

紧张的表达Restless/ get cold feet/ can’t sit still / be on edge/ like a cat on hot bricks / have

butterflies in one’s stomach / keep pacing the floor / bite one’s nails


Enthusiasm improvement concentrate distraction lack confidence in discouraged

instruction after class prepare lessons before class exhausted take a break

relax help sb. Out come up with think highly/much of


Finish class late finish class early boring thought-provoking

stimulating/inspiring fascinating/ fabulous impressive catch/follow make

sense of / make hands and tails of / figure out get lost pushover doze off drop

off stay awake be swamped with


Participate in /take part in enroll in sigh up for participant taste

extracurricular activities chorus university band drama club dorm council

the students’ union run for vote questionnaire election campaign

campaign manager candidate ticket office/ box office ticket line line up for

tickets discount contest/competition award deserve semi-final go on

to the finals get eliminated part-time job have a job on the side


Stop/drop/come by/in/over keep in touch with contact take a message

appointment be on good terms sociable open easy going

considerable/thoughtful keep distance from go surfing picnic barbeque

cancel the trip talk sb. out of sth.


Dormitory apartment apartment-hunting landlord tenant utilities furnish

furniture heater air conditioner/ air conditioning messy be in chaos at

sixes and sevens vacuum a real dump neat spacious/roomy cramped

mop leaky faucet leaky pipe clogged sink freezing fix maintenance

people/technician electrician quite a distance commute


Tuition fee expenses finance financial aids grant student loan

scholarship fellowship apply for


Convenience store chain shop department store mall grocery

bakery invest in trade A in for B stock up on pay by installment

down payment deposit customer service display balance budget

luxurious items bargain stationery cosmetics kitchenware sports goods

electronic products digital video camera Women’s wear Man’s wear discount

shopping list receipt refund price tag wrap up free of charge

on sale sell out out of stock in stock deliver closing time

in season past the prime sell nothing but the best


trivial affairs housemaid housewife laundry iron fix the dinner

tidy/ clear up do the dishes in a mess put sth. away hoover / vacuum cleaner

cleaning and washing keep an eye on


eat out / dine out join in sb. Fr dinner treat make a reservation book a

table cater buffet specialty snack dessert appetizer

green salad champagne toast junk food French fries

hamburger yogurt roast beef steak rare medium done

spicy/hot bland tangy fatty food fattening food healthy food

organic food a light meal a square meal dressing sauce course

main course napkin tip


Keep pets tame dogs gardening play chess play cards

computer games classical music folk music symphony light music

rock music bass rehearse rehearsal one-act play intermission

master of ceremonies sound effect playwright live broadcast

commercial advertisement TV theater violence movie comedy tragedy

horror movie plot entertaining tennis court entertainment industry

clap tourist take a vacation travel agency package trip / tour

book a room reception desk service counter check in

go down to the beach/shore/seaside hike up into the mountains sightseeing

canoe highlights of a place scenic resort summer resort historic spots

landscape fantastic scene beyond description broaden one’s horizon


Bow tie pullover blouse jersey down jacket mitten scarf

sandal slippers sneakers / gym shoes navy blue dark blue light blue

fade/lose the color tight fitting loose fitting baggy shrink

shrinkage rate pack up be perfect with / go well with stain ink stain


Meteorologist unseasonable weather forecast meteorological overcast

drizzle light / heavy rain rain cats and dogs blizzard hail breezy

gusty sweltering steamy muggy stuffy chilly frigid

severe winter foggy / misty humid humidity heating

air-conditioning furnace environment protection reclaim deforestation

over-fishing dump ecosystem vegetation oxygen ozone layer

deterioration purify drought dust-storm acid rain rare

greenhouse effects global warming sensitive to climate endangered species

wipe out extinction conservation


Business hour operation hour opening hour closing hour schedule

lose/gain a minute costly/ dear overpriced steep rip-off overcharge

Fare living expenses household expenses keep down the cost economical

Withdraw interest rate exchange rate pay off


take turns driving antique car auto show estimate garage auto inspect center

commuter rush/peak hour bumper to bumper traffic traffic jam

hold up heavy / light traffic bus terminal break the traffic rule speeding

jay-walker make a wrong turn casualties driver’s license / driving license

fast lane / expressway one-way street intersection give a ride pedestrian

helmet taillight express train none-stop train transfer one-way ticket

carriage booking office sleeping car restaurant / dining car platform ticket

return / round-trip ticket attendant on a train train schedule punch a ticket

economy / first/ business class cabin luggage compartment departure time

safety inspection stewardess / air hostess steward checking counter visa

air/plane crash miss flight switch to a different flight behind schedule airsick


Landlord/landlady tenant rent and utilities spare rooms accommodate

Subway entrance put up with the noise monthly rent house-warming party

Furnished unfurnished furniture cupboard sink leak

Install maintenance man plumber light bulb heater air conditioner


Epidemic infectious illness symptom attack/access/fit sneeze

Coughing fit have a temperature/fever sore throat runny nose

Stuffed-up nose diarrhea stomachache cavity dental decay

Allergy/allergic itchy nausea insomnia indigestion fracture

Fatigue swell back and blue twist one’s ankle sprain one’s wrist

Fill teeth take one’s temperature physical inspection fill the prescription

Dosage take injection vaccinate transfusion infirmary ward

Physician surgeon anesthetist general practitioner


Physical examination / health checkup be of strong physique/powerful build tar

Be in good shape / in the pink be in poor health be/feel under the weather

Tobacco addict nicotine heavy smoker excessive drinking

stop drinking eat and drink too much at one meal put on weight lose weight

slimming drug on diet aerobics keep-fit class fitness center

exercise machine go in for physical training build up a good physique


Want ads recruit opening/vacancy consult resume credential

Application letter a letter of reference interviewee/interviewer inexperienced

Do odd jobs be no match for sb turn down


Fire/dismiss/sack lay off development space lose one’s job quit/resign



Be on business / be out of the office reschedule morning shift night / graveyard shift

Take over in charge of transfer weigh the advantages and disadvantages / weigh

the pros and cons


One’s immediate superior apply for a vacation fill in application form be involved in

favor approve / disapprove compromise meet each other half-way

A win-win situation


Optimistic pessimistic determined forgetful diligent perseverance

Hang on overwork work addict overwhelmed wear out workload

Work like a horse promotion pay raise recognition appreciation


Salary start salary wages health insurance allowance potential

money award/bonus retirement pay/pension annual leave paid vacation

probation (period) space for development / chances for development

本文标签: 工作成绩词汇