


六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How was your holiday?


Lesson 1- Lesson 2

1. was[wɔz;弱wəz]是(is,am的过去式)

2. holiday ['hɔlədi]假日;节日

3. diary ['daiəri] 日记

4. fantastic[fæn'tæstik]奇异的;极好的;了不起的

5. city ['siti]城市

6. back [bæk] n. 背部;后面 adv. 向后地 adj. 后面的

7. coconut['kəukənʌt]椰子

8. spend [spend]花费 (过去式为spent)

9. eve [i:v]前夜;前夕

10. programme['prəuɡræm]程序;节目;计划,规划

11. exciting[ik'saitiŋ]使人激动的,令人兴奋的

12. delicious [di'liʃəs]美味的

13. wonderful['wʌndəful]令人惊奇的;奇妙的

14. were[wə: ]是(are的过去式)

15. during ['djuəriŋ]在……期间

16. travel ['trævəl]旅行;长途旅行


sting ['intristiŋ ]有趣的;引起兴趣的

[强 tu:, 弱 tu ]到… , 往… , 向…


Lesson 3- Lesson4

day ['jestədi ]昨天;在昨天

op ['bukʃɔp]书店(英国英语) bookstore['bukstɔ:]书店(美国英语)

[lɑ:st ]最后的;最近;最后来的人或发生的事情;持续


sted ['intristid ]感兴趣的

['mu:vi]电影 (近义词:film)


n [kɑ:'tu:n]卡通片;动画片1 / 12

六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

[kɔ:l] 打电话叫… ; 称呼;把…叫做


11. museum[mju:'ziəm]博物馆




Lesson 5- Lesson6


[hwen]在那时;何时;当… …时






[æz]conj. 因为;依照;当…时;随着;虽然prep. 当作;以…的身份;如同adv.


[il]有病的;不健康的 同义词:sick 比较级:worse 最高级:worst

in 爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)

en 安徒生 (Hans Christian Anderson,丹麦的童话作家)




Revision( Unit One )

y ['laibrəri]图书馆;藏书楼







ly['sʌdnl i]突然地

六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How was your holiday?


Lesson 1- Lesson 2

1. come back to 返回

2. enjoy oneself=have a good time = have fun 过得愉快

3. many banana trees 许多香蕉树

4. go there 去那儿

5. in summer 在夏季

6. on the eve of the Spring Festival 在春节前夜

7. that night 那天晚上

8. during your holiday 在你的假期期间

9. in Shanghai ( Kunming) 在上海 (昆明)

Lesson 3- Lesson4

1. at home 在家;在国内 be at home in 精通;熟悉

the bookshop在书店

the shop 在商店

the cinema 在电影院

5.a lot of new books 许多新书

6.a book of cartoon 一本卡通书

a movie 看电影

8. a little late 有点儿晚

interested in doing sth.对做某事感兴趣

doing sth.喜爱做某事


that time在那时

the playground ( gym )在操场上(体育馆)

to bed 上床睡觉;go to the bed 向床走去

Lesson 5- Lesson6

the same day as you与你在同一天

New Year’s Day在新年

January 1st,1992 在1992年1月1日

week 上周

of birth=birthdate出生日期

6. place of birth =birthplace出生地

physics 研究物理学

stories for children为孩子们写故事

essays for the Chinese people为中国人写文章

books for children为孩子们写书

to me 向我哭泣

Revision( Unit One )

care of 照顾;负责

something 发现了一些东西

home 到家

morning (afternoon ) 今天早上(下午)

the library 在图书馆

angry with sb. 对…生气

六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How was your holiday?


Lesson 1

1. School begins. The sudents come back to school.开学了。学生们都返回了学校。

2. I went to Hainan with my parents. 我和父母去了海南。

3. Did you have a good time? Sure! 你玩得开心吗?当然能开心了!

4. We went to visit Sanya. We saw many banana trees, coconut trees and flowers



5. Sanya is a beautiful city. 三亚是座美丽漂亮的城市。

6. I will go there in summer. 夏天我会去那儿。

7. I spent the Spring Festival in Beijing. 我在北京过的春节。

8. I was very happy. 我过得很开心。

9. I watched TV on the eve of the Spring Festival. 我在春节前夜看了电视。

10. The TV programmes were very interesting and exciting.


11. I ate jiaozi that night . They were delicious. 那天晚上我吃了饺子,饺子很好吃。

Lesson 2

1. How was your holiday ? It was exciting. 你假期过得怎么样?太兴奋了。

Where were you during your holiday? 你假期期间在哪儿?

I was at home. 我在家里。

2. How was your holiday ? It was wonderful. 你假期过得怎么样?好极了。

Where were you during your holiday? 你假期期间在哪儿?

I was in Shanghai. 我在上海。

3. How was your holiday ? It was fantasic. 你假期过得怎么样?真奇妙。

Where were you during your holiday? 你假期期间在哪儿?

I was in Beijing. 我在北京。

4. How was your holiday ? It was interesting. 你假期过得怎么样?太有趣了。

Where were you during your holiday? 你假期期间在哪儿?

I was in Kunming. 我在昆明。


1.I called you yesterday,but you were not at home.我昨天给你打电话了,但你没在家。

were a lot of new books in the bookshop. 在书店里有许多新书。

六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

you interested in them ? Yes, I was. 你对那些书感兴趣吗?是的, 我感兴趣。

4.I bought a storybook and a book of cartoon. 我买了一本故事书和一本连环画。

you at home yesterday? No. I went to see a movie yesterday.


6 ( 2段日记要全抄)

Lesson 4

were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪儿?

I was at home. 我在家。

Were you at the bookshop last Sunday? 你上周日在书店吗?

Yes, I was.是的,我在。

No, I wasn’t. I was at the cinema. 不,我不在。我在电影院。

were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪儿?

I was at the shop. 我在商店。

Were you at the shop last Sunday? 你上周日在商店吗?

Yes, I was. 是的,我在。

No, I wasn’t. I was at the bookshop / bookstore. 不,我不在。我在书店。

were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪儿?

I was at the bookshop / bookstore. 我在书店。

Were you at the bookshop / bookstore last Sunday? 你上周日在书店吗?

Yes, I was. 是的,我在。

No, I wasn’t. I was at the cinema. 不,我不在。我在电影院。

were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪儿?

I was at the cinema. 我在电影院。

Were you at the cinema last Sunday? 你上周日在电影院吗?

Yes, I was. 是的,我在。

No, I wasn’t. I was at the science museum. 不,我不在。我在科学博物馆。

were you yesterday? 你昨天在哪儿?

I was at the science museum. 我在科学博物馆。

Were you at the science museum last Sunday? 你上周日在科学博物馆吗?

Yes, I was. 是的,我在。

No, I wasn’t. I was at the bookshop / bookstore. 不,我不在。我在书店。

Lesson 5

1. You were not at school last week. 你上周没在学校。

2. My grandma was ill last week. 上周我奶奶病了。

3. Were you born in Hangzhou? No, I wasn’t. But my father was born there.


六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记


六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

4. I was born on the same day as you! 我与你是同一天出生的!

Lesson 6

were you born?I was born in Beijing.你在哪里出生的?我在北京出生的。

were you born? I was born on January 1,1992.

你什么时候出生的?我出生于1992年1月1日。/ 我1992年1月1日出生。

书P10 3.

is he ? He is Einstein .他是谁?他是爱因斯坦。

What is his date of birth? He was born in 1879.


Where is his place of birth? He was born in Germany.


What did he do? He studied physics. 他做了什么?他研究物理学。

2. Who is he ? He is Andersen .他是谁?他是安徒生。

What is his date of birth? He was born in 1805.


Where is his place of birth? He was born in Denmark.


What did he do? He wrote a lot of interesting stories for children..


is he ? He is Luxun .他是谁?他是鲁迅。

What is his date of birth? He was born in 1881.


Where is his place of birth? He was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province.


What did he do? He wrote essays for the Chinese people.


is she ? She is Bingxin .她是谁?她是冰心。

What is her date of birth? She was born in 1900.


Where is her place of birth? She was born in Fuzhou, Fujian Province.


What did she do? She wrote a lot of books for Chinese children.


Revision( Unit One )



六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

六年级英语下册 Unit 1 How was your holiday?


1. Did you enjoy themsleves? = Did you have a good time ? = Did you have fun ? 你们玩得愉快吗?

2. how 的用法


How do you usually go to school?

How do you like this book?

How is your father?

How was the weather the day before yesterday?

(2)还可用在在第一次见面的问候语中,How do you do?


态,一般要和表示过去的时间状语连用, 如:yesterday, the day before yesterday, last

weekend, last Sunday, three days ago,at that time 等等。

A. 动词be的一般过去时的用法:






Was / Were / Did + 主语 + 其他 + / 动词原形 + 其他 ?

肯定回答: Yes, 主语 + was / were / did .

否定回答:No, 主语 + wasn’t / weren’t / didn’t .

一般过去时的特殊疑问句的基本结构:例句见《全解》P23 2.

特殊疑问词 + was / were / did + 主语 + 其他 / 动词原形 + 其他?

B. 其他动词一般过去式的构成及用法:




六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记







bear——born begin——began blow——blew




bring——brought buy——bought





eat——ate drive——drove



find——found fly——flew

give——gave forget——forgot get——got

go——went have——had


leave——left keep——kept know——knew

lend——lent let——let

make——made meet——met




read——read ride——rode

say——said see——saw

sing——sang sit——sat




speak——spoke spend——spent

stand——stood sweep——swept swim——swam

take——took teach——taught tell——told

think——thought throw——threw wake——woke

wear——wore win——won

4. I spent the Spring Festival in Beijing. 我在北京过的春节。


(1) 某人 + spend 的适当形式 + 钱数 + on + 某物 . 意为“某人在某物上花费… 钱”

I spent 5 yuan on this bag. 这个包我花了5元钱。

(2) 某人 + spend的适当形式 + 时间 ( + in )+ doing …. . 意为“某人花费… … 时间做… … ”

We spent two days ( in ) mending this machine. 我们用了两天来修理这台机器。

ng 与 excited

exciting 描述事物。The book is exciting. 这本书让人兴奋。

六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

excited 描述人。 I was so excited. 我是如此激动。

6. go 去,不及物动词 ( 过去式 went , 过去分词 gone , 反义词 come )

例句见《点拨》P4 5.

7. come back + to sb. “某人回复记忆,回想起”

It’s all coming back to me now. 现在我全都回想起来了。

come back + to sth. 回到某事 / 物上来

Let’s come back to the point. 咱们还是回到焦点上来吧。

用法 例句见《点拨》P5 ( 五 )

和…一起 ; 具有,带有 ; 随着 ; 在…身上 ; 用,使用 ;

由…负责 ; 与…一致 ; 以… , 带着… ; 就… , 就…来说 ;

尽管,虽然 ; 后面加复合宾语,说明附带情况 ; 与副词连用,构成祈使句

近义词 in , 有时两者可替换使用。

10.在 “get home 到家 go home 回家 on one’s way home 在某人回家的路上 ”中

“ home ”均为副词,其前不加介词。

be at home , feel at home 像在家一样舒适、自在

make oneself at home 别拘束,常用语口语

be at home in 精通,熟悉

sted 通常指“某人对…感兴趣”, interesting 通常指“某事物本身很有趣”。

与 a little , few与a few 例句见《点拨》P20 5.

, much , a lot of 与 lots of

many 只与可数名词连用。much只与不可数名词连用。a lot of 与 lots of几乎完全相等,既可接可数名词也可接不可数名词。

, nice , well 与 fine 都是“好”的意思。

good 是形容词,可做表语或定语,常指人的品质或事物质量方面的好。可用在taste ,

smell , sound 等系动词之后。

The cake smells good . 这块蛋糕闻起来很香。

nice为形容词, 指质量及外观很好,可译为“美好的,可爱的”。

She is a nice girl. 她是个漂亮的女孩。



v.持续,延续 n . 最后的人(发生的事),仅剩下的部分(事项)

adj. 最后的;末尾的;最近的 adv. 最后;最终

时间 (不可数名词);

次数 ( 可数名词 ); once 一次; twice 两次; three times 三次

六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

倍数 ( 可数名词 ); Four times three is twelve. 四乘以三等于十二。

与 take 均表示某事物持续的时间。


The movie lasted over two hours. 这部电影演了两个多小时。

take 表示做某事需要花费时间,必须与表示时间的词语连用。

It took me 3 hours to finish my homework. 做完作业花了我3个小时的时间。

adv. 何时;什么情况下;在那时 conj. 在…时候,当…时候;

19.在英国英语中,表示上学 “ at school ”。在美国英语中,表示上学 “ in school ”。

与 sick

ill 指生病时,主要用于美国。可做表语,不做定语。做定语用,意思是“坏的,恶的”。


He is ill / sick . 他生病了。 sick people 病人

same … as…例句见《点拨》P19 (四)

the same 后接名词时,其语法功能相当于形容词,表示“相同的,一模一样的”。

the same 作代词时,表示“同样的事物”或“数目。颜色、大小、质量等相同,一样。

the same 被副词修饰时,表示“同样,类似”。

’s your age ? = How old are you ? 你几岁了?

n. 位置,地点,区域, 场所,席位 v. 放置,安放

与 work

job 是可数名词,指已做或要做,应做的某种具体工作。

work 是不可数名词,通常指抽象意义上的工作。

’s your first name? 询问对方不带姓的名字。

What’s your last name ? 您贵姓?

是及物动词bear 的过去分词形式。be born 出生, 一般要用was / were born 的形式。如果说某人出生于某一天,则用介词on ; 如果说出生于某年或某月,则用in ;

如果说出出生于某地,也用介词in 。

be born in + 地点, 表示“某人在某地出生”大地点前加介词 in , 小地点前加介词at。

例句见《点拨》P23 (四)

were you born?你在哪里出生的?

When were you born? 你什么时候出生的?


ng [ŋ ]: interesting playing exciting travelling (其他例词见《全解》P15


六年级英语下册Unit 1笔记

sh [ʃ ]: shirt shop shorts shoes sharpener (其他例词见《全解》P24读音指导)

wh[w]: when white whale what where why (其他例词见《全解》P34 读音指导)

※ 语法知识:详见《点拨》 语法苑 一般过去时(一) P27-P28

本文标签: 表示出生时间动词生于