





Unit 1 Are You a 1960s Type Student? 大学已不再特别了

If you can remember anything about the 1960s, you weren't

really there," so the saying goes. It may be true for those who

spent their college years in a haze of marijuana smoke. But there

is one thing everyone remembers about the 1960s: Going to

college was the most exciting and stimulating experience of your


In the 1960s, California's colleges and universities had

transformed the state into the world's seventh largest economy.

However, Berkeley, the University of California's main campus,

was also well-known for its student demonstrations and strikes,

and its atmosphere of political radicalism. When Ronald Reagan

ran for office as governor of California in 1966, he asked if

Californians would allow "a great university to be brought to its

knees by a noisy, dissident minority". The liberals replied that it

was the ability to tolerate noisy, dissident minorities which made

universities great.

On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or

communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes

between the establishment and the college students, with their

new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. Much

of the protest was about the Vietnam War. But in France, the

students of the Sorbonne in Paris managed to form an alliance

with the trade unions and to launch a general strike, which

ultimately brought about the resignation of President de Gaulle.

It wasn't just the activism that characterized student life in

the 1960s. Everywhere, going to college meant your first taste of

real freedom, of late nights in the dorm or in the Junior Common

Room, discussing the meaning of life. You used to have to go to

college to read your first forbidden book, see your first indie film,

or find someone who shared your passion, for Jimi Hendrix or

Lenny Bruce. It was a moment of unimaginable freedom, the

most liberating in your life:

But where's the passion today? What's the matter with

college? These days political, social and creative awakening

seems to happen not because of college, but in spite of it. Of

course, it's true that higher education is still important. For

example, in the UK, Prime Minister Blair was close to achieving

his aim of getting 50 per cent of all under thirties into college by

2010 (even though a cynic would say that this was to keep them

off the unemployment statistics). Yet college education is no

longer a topic of great national importance. Today, college is seen

as a kind of small town from which people are keen to escape.

Some people drop out, but the most apathetic stay the course

because it's too much effort to leave.

Instead of the heady atmosphere of freedom which students

in the1960s discovered, students today are much more serious.

The British Council has recently done research into the factors

which help international students decide where to study. In

descending order these are: quality of courses, employability

prospects, affordability, personal security issues, lifestyle, and

accessibility. College has become a means to an end, an

opportunity to increase one's chances on the employment

market, and not an end in itself, which gives you the chance to

imagine, just for a short while, that you can change the world.

The gap between childhood and college has shrunk, and so

has the gap between college and the real world. One of the

reasons may be financial. In an uncertain world, many children

rely on their parents' support much longer than they used to.

Students leaving university in the 21st century simply cannot

afford to set up their own home because it's too expensive.

Another possible reason is the communications revolution. Gone

are the days when a son or daughter rang home once or twice a

term. Today students are umbilically linked to their parents by

their cell phones. And as for finding like-minded friends to share

a passion for obscure literature or music, well, we have the

Internet and chat rooms to help us do that.

"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive,

But to be young was very heaven!"

Wordsworth may have written these lines about the French

Revolution; but they were also true for the students of the 1960s.

So why aren't they true for the students of today?













Unit 2 This is Sandy 这位是桑迪

I love it when my friends introduce me to new people,

although I never let on. I love the proud and honorable

expression they wear when they say “This is Sandy — she's

deaf”, as if I were evidence of their benevolence. I also love the

split-second shocked expression on the new people, the hasty

smiles and their best imitations of what they think of as their

“normal faces”. If they do the ritual well enough I turn my head

ever so slightly and tuck my hair behind one of my ears,

whichever one's closer to them. They never fail to say something

nice about my pink hearing aids, while my regular friends beam


I'm thinking of starting a hearing aid collection, actually.

They'd make better accessories than earrings: I once saw a

catalog for clip-on hearing aids and hearing aid covers, and the

products were most definitely fashion statements in various

shapes and hues. It'd be like the exquisitely expensive handbag

Esther's dad got her when we were in high school. The rest of us

could only admire, but could not, imitate, because our dads

weren’t rich enough to spoil us that way. And now, only I can

wear hearing aids: My friends can do nothing but gush.

To be honest, I quite like my deafness. It wasn't easy the first

few years after the car accident and the stupid exploding airbag,

but now it's become something that makes me special among

my friends. None of my close friends are hearing-impaired;

simply because I wasn’t born deaf. By the time I lost my hearing;

I'd already accumulated a fixed circle of people, and they mostly

rushed to participate in the drama.

You know how when you talk about your friends, you refer

to them as Drew the Bartender, Carol the Feminist, Greg the Guy

Who Can Knot a Cherry Stem with His Tongue and so on? I'm

Sandy the Deaf Girl. I like it. I don’t have any other particularly

outstanding traits or skills. Never did.

It's more than just standing out; too: I'm sure a lot of

important events in my life wouldn't have happened or worked

out quite the same way if I weren't wearing pink hearing aids. For

example, the thing with Colin.

I first met Colin at an apartment party. When Carol the

Feminist introduced us to each other, I tucked my hair behind

both my ears and leaned closer, not because he did the ritual

particularly well; but because he was a stud: You should have

seen his recovery smile after the inevitable surprise.

We went in search of drinks after the handshakes, and

somewhere between what was functioning as the wine bar and

the couch, we lost Carol.

“Do you usually read lips like this? Or do you sign, too?”

he asked after a while.

“I mostly just read lips because it was easier to pick up than

signing, although that's not the only reason I was staring at your

lips," I told him.

He laughed. We talked more, and then the host upped the

music volume and dimmed the lights for the “dance floor”; and

I had to lean in much, much closer to be able to continue reading

his lips in the semi-darkness. And read his lips I did.

We did the usual and exchanged numbers, and a week later

Colin did the unthinkable and called. We went out, satisfied

ourselves that the other person still looked good in sober

daylight, and read more lips. Within two months Colin and I were








握手之后,我们去拿喝的。在临时搭建的吧台和沙发之间的某个地方,卡罗尔不见了。 “你通常都像这样读唇语吗?还是也用手语?”过了一会儿他问。


他大笑起来。我们又说了一会儿话。后来,主人放大音乐的音量,调暗“舞池”的灯光;我不得不凑近他,很近很近,以便能在昏暗中接着读他的唇语。我的确读到了他的唇语。 我们照例交换了电话号码。一星期之后,柯林做了件让人无法相信的事:他打来了电话。我们出去玩了,发现对方在大白天依然好看,因此彼此感觉满意。我又读了更多的唇语。在两个月之内,柯林和我就开始约会了。

Unit 3 Stolen Identity 窃取的身份

“Frank never went to pilot school, medical school, law

school, ... because he's still in high school.”

That was the strapline of the 2002 film Catch Me If You Can,

which tells the story of Frank Abagnale, Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio),

a brilliant young master of deception who at different times

impersonated a doctor, a lawyer, and an airplane pilot, forging

checks worth more than six million dollars in 26 countries. He

became the youngest man to ever make the FBI’s most-wanted

list for forgery. Hunted and caught in the film by fictional FBI

agent Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks), Abagnale later escaped. He

eventually became a consultant for the FBI where he focused on

white-collar crime.

It's a great film, but could it happen in real life? In fact, Catch

Me If You Can is based on the true story of Frank Abagnale,

whose career as a fraudster lasted about six years before he was

caught, who escaped from custody three times (once through an

airplane toilet), and who spent a total of six years in prison in

France, Sweden and the US. He now runs a consultancy advising

the world of business how to avoid fraud. He has raised enough

money to pay back all his victims, and is now a multi-millionaire.

Since 2003, identity theft has become increasingly common.

Few people could imagine how important things like taking mail

to the post office and not leaving it in the mailbox for pickup,

shredding documents instead of throwing them out with the

trash, even using a pen costing a couple of bucks, have become

to avoid life-changing crimes.

More and more people are becoming anonymous victims of

identity theft. We spend many hours and dollars trying to recover

our name, our credit, our money and our lives. We need to look

for different ways to protect ourselves. We can improve our

chances of avoiding this crime, but it will never go away.

It's not just a list of do's and don'ts, we need to change our

mindset. Although online banking is now commonplace, there's

a significant group of people in the country — the baby boomers,

15 per cent of the population —who still prefer to use paper.

What's more, 30 per cent of cases of fraud occur within this group.

A check has all the information about you that an identity thief

needs. If you use a ballpoint pen, the ink can be removed with

the help of a regular household

chemical and the sum of money can be changed. More than

1.2 million bad checks are issued every day, more than 13 per


Check fraud is big business ... and growing by 25 per cent

every year. Criminals count on our mistakes to make their jobs

easier. So how can we prevent identity theft before it happens to


Take a few precautions. Don't leave your mail in your mailbox

overnight or over the weekend. Thieves wait for the red flag to

go up, so they can look through your outgoing mail for useful

personal information or checks. Use a gel pen for checks and

important forms, the ink is trapped in the fiber of the paper, and

it can’t be removed with chemicals: Also, shred or tear up all

documents which contain personal information before you put

them in the trash.

Remember that there are plenty of online opportunities for

thieves to create a false identity based on your own. We’re all

aware of the risks to personal information on computer

databases by hacking and Trojan horses. But choosing someone

and doing a Google search can also yield large amounts of

personal information, and so can online social networking sites

such as MySpace, Facebook and Bebo. And just as we take our

pocketbook with us when we leave the office to go to the

bathroom, it's also worth logging off your computer to avoid

opportunistic theft.

Finally, if you get robbed in a more traditional way — in the

street—canceling your credit cards is obviously the first thing to

do. But don't forget that even after they’re reported lost, they

can be used as identification to acquire store cards ... and you get

the criminal record.

Identity fraud can go on for years without the victim’s

knowledge. There is no escaping the fact that right now

fraudsters are finding identity crime all too easy. If you haven’t

had your identity stolen, it's only because they haven’t got to

you yet. Your turn will come.














Unit 4 The death of Newspaper 报纸的末日?

For years it started the day for millions of people: the sound

of the newspaper hitting the front door, the window or the

neighbor's dog. With a cup of coffee, maybe some breakfast, the

ritual of reading the newspaper was the quiet before the storm,

a moment of pleasure and peace before the working day began.

But all over the English-speaking world, newspaper editors

are facing the same problem: Circulation has declined, as more

and more readers turn to the Internet for their news. This means

that the revenue from advertising is also declining, and the cover

price of the newspaper is rising, so they can make the same

amount of money. And of course, a price-sensitive product like a

newspaper could lose readers, and the vicious circle continues.

So what does the future hold? Is it the death of the newspaper?

The decline is a long-term trend of 20 or more years,

predating the Internet. Four-fifths of Americans once read

newspapers. Today, it seems that fewer than half do. Among


between 1990 and 2000, daily readership fell from 52.6 per

cent to 37.5 per cent. Among the young, the situation is even

worse: Only 19 per cent of those between the ages of 18 and 34

claim to read a daily newspaper. A mere nine per cent trusted the

information the newspaper contains.

Advertising on the Internet works differently than in print.

The advertiser can monitor minute by minute if their ads are

working, and no longer has to rely on circulation figures. The

greater number of outlets which the Internet can offer

encourages ferocious competition for advertising revenue, while

printing and production costs have risen remorselessly. As a

result, The New York Times Company has downsized by 700 jobs

among its various papers. The Baltimore Sun is closing down its

foreign news bureaux. In the UK most newspapers have reduced

the newspaper to tabloid size, in a bid to capture younger readers,

although because "tabloid" has a connotation of "downmarket",

some of the papers refer to the new size as "compact’.

All large circulation newspapers have established strong

websites. The Internet provides an easy outlet for anyone with an

opinion, and there's nothing a newspaper editor likes more for

reassurance about their work than feedback and opinions, as

diverse as possible. Teenagers today don't remember a time

when they didn't have the Internet, and reading a newspaper is

something they only do if they have an assignment to write about

the specific medium of print journalism.

It's hard to deny the environmental impact of newspapers.

Nearly four billion trees worldwide are cut down annually for

paper, representing about 35 percent of all harvested trees. It has

to be said that many of the trees used for paper come from

special estates where they're planted and replaced on a regular

basis. Furthermore, yesterday's newspaper is often recycled and

turned back into today's. Nevertheless, paper mills are among

the worst polluters to air, water and land of any industry in the


But the daily or weekend newspaper is still a great tradition

for many people. "Sunday wouldn't be Sunday without the

Sunday newspapers," is a comment which occurs regularly in UK-based surveys. Other opinions draw attention to the convenience

of the paper over the laptop: "My newspaper's battery never

dies," "If I drop my newspaper, it doesn't break," "The flight

attendant has never told me to put my newspaper away," and,

reminding us of the traditional wrapping of the UK's national

takeaway food, "You can swat flies with them, and they can still

be used to wrap fish."

So maybe the newspaper won't die without a struggle.

Trends for the future of newspaper include an increased demand

for local news, and the continued exploitation of lifestyle

journalism, which began in the late 1980s, especially within

personal finance and travel, will create new revenue streams.

Some commentators recommend that, instead of dumbing down,

which is the usual way of increasing one's market share,

newspapers should smarten up, that is to say, honor the

principles of integrity and impartiality of their coverage. A

newspaper with editorial positions which are respected by its

readers will surely have more influence and prestige than the

same reports read one by one on the Internet.

Moreover, the small-town newspaper will always be

meaningful for the parents whose child's photo is news for a few

days. And reading the traditional Sunday newspapers in an

armchair while everyone else takes the day off is going to be a

hard habit to break.

But is it enough? Or will we one day see the death of the







所有发行量大的报纸都建立了强大的网站。 互联网为任何有意见的人提供了一个便利的窗口;报纸编辑最喜欢的`莫过于给他们提供各种不同的反馈和意见,他们能从中得到安慰。如今十几岁的少年已不记得曾经没有互联网的日子了;只有在写关于印刷新闻这一特定媒体的作业时他们才去看报纸。







Unit 5 The Story of Anne Frank’s Diary 安妮·弗兰克日记的故事

“13 June 1944. Another birthday has gone by so now I'm 15.

I've received quite a few presents, an art history book, a set of

underwear, two belts, and a handkerchief, two pots of yogurt, a

pot of jam and two small honey biscuits ... Peter and I have both

spent years in the annexe — we often discuss the future, the past

and the present, but ... I miss the real thing, and yet I know it


Anne Frank wrote these words in her now famous diary while

she and her family were in hiding in "the secret annexe", a few

rooms in the back of her father's office in Amsterdam, Holland.

The Franks were in fact refugees, Jews from Germany who

had emigrated to Holland, settling in Amsterdam to escape from

Nazi persecution. But when, in May 1940 the German army

invaded and occupied Holland, the persecution of the Dutch Jews

very quickly began there too.

Like all Jews, Anne and her sister Margot were forbidden to

attend school, to ride their bikes, even to travel in a car. They were

only allowed to go into certain shops, and at all times they had

to wear a yellow star on their clothing to show they were Jewish.

The star of David, an important religious symbol, was

transformed into a badge of shame by the Nazis.

By 1941, the Nazis were arresting large numbers of Jewish

people, and sending them to labor camps which quickly became

death camps. Otto Frank, Anne's father, decided to conceal his

family, and the family of his business partner.

The Franks went into hiding on 6 July 1942, just a few weeks

after Anne started her diary, and were joined by the second

family, the Van Pels a week later. For the next two years, eight

people were confined to just six small rooms and could never go

outside. There was rarely enough to eat, and the families lived in

a state of poverty.

Throughout her time in hiding, Anne continued to write her

diary. She describe the day-to-day activity in the annexe but she

also wrote about her dreams and aspirations. It was very hard for

her to plan for a future; she and the others knew what was

happening to the Jews who had been caught.

"Our many Jewish friends and acquaintances are being taken

away in droves. The Gestapo is treating them very roughly and

transporting them in cattle cars to Westerbork, the big camp in

Drenthe to which they're sending all the Jews ... If it's that bad in

Holland, what must it be like in those faraway and uncivilized

places where the Germans are sending them? We assume that

most of them are being murdered. The English radio says

they’re being gassed." —October 9, 1942

Despite being an ordinary teenager in many ways, curious,

self-critical and moody, Anne was also an honest writer of

considerable talent who fought for the right to live and this is

what gives the diary such power:

"It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all of my ideals, they seem

so absurd and impractical. Yet, I cling to them because I still

believe in spite of everything that people are truly good at

heart ...I must hold to my ideals. Perhaps the day will come when

I will be able to realize them.

It's utterly impossible for me to build my life on a foundation

of chaos, suffering and death. I see the world being slowly turned

into a wilderness, I hear the approaching thunder that, one day,

will destroy us too, I feel the suffering of millions. And yet, when

I look up at the sky, I somehow feel that everything will change

for the better, that this cruelty too shall end, that peace and

tranquility will return once more ... I must uphold my ideals, for

perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them

out." — July 15, 1944

Writing these words, Anne was not displaying simple childish

optimism. It was more a declaration of her principles and of the

right to human dignity. The voice that comes across is of a

solitary young girl writing for herself, yet at the same time it is

the cry of all those innocent victims of evil whose fate was to

suffer in the Second World War. That is why Anne Frank's diary

has achieved fame as the voice of the Holocaust in which six

million Jews were murdered: She speaks for all of humanity.

In August 1944, the hiding place was stormed, and Nazi

officers arrested everyone. They were taken to a transit camp and

forced to do hard labor. From there they were taken by train to a

concentration camp at Auschwitz. A month later, Anne and

Margot were moved to Bergen-Belsen camp in Germany. They

both died of typhus and starvation in March 1945. Anne Frank

was 15, her sister was 19. Out of the eight people in hiding, Otto

Frank was the only survivor, and when he found his daughter's

diary after the war, he arranged for its publication in recognition

of her courage.

When Anne wrote in her diary "I hope that you will be a great

support and comfort to me", she couldn't have known that her

writing would also be a support and comfort to the whole world

after her death.

















Unit 6 My Dream Comes True梦想成真

The rain had started to fall gently through the evening air as

darkness descended over Sydney. Hundreds of lights illuminated

Stadium Australia, and the noise was deafening. As I walked

towards the track I glanced around me at the sea of faces in the

stands, but my mind was focused. The Olympic gold medal was

just minutes away, hanging tantalizingly in the distance.

My heart was beating loudly, my mouth was dry and the

adrenaline was pumping. I was so close

to the realization of my childhood dream and the feeling was

fantastic; it was completely exhilarating, but also terrifying. I

knew I would have to push myself beyond my known limits to

ensure that my dream came true.

I tried to keep composed, telling myself not to panic, to stick

to the plan and run my own race. I knew the Russian girls would

set off quickly — and I had to finish this race fewer than ten

seconds behind the Russian athlete Yelena Prokhorova. If I could

do that, the title would be mine.

I looked out along the first stretch of the 400m track and

caught my breath. The 800m race had punished me so much over

the years— in the World, Commonwealth and European

Championships —and now it stood between me and the Olympic


The British supporters were cheering so loudly it seemed as

if they were the only fans there. I could hear my name being

called. I could hear the shouts of encouragement and the cries of

hope. Union Jacks fluttered all around the vast, beautiful stadium.

I felt unified with the crowd — we all had the same vision and the

same dream.

My ankle was bandaged against an injury I had incurred in

the long jump just a couple of hours earlier, but I shut out all

thoughts of pain. I tried to concentrate on the crowd. They were

so vocal. My spirits lifted and I felt composed.

I knew I would do my best, that I would run my heart out and

finish the race. I felt the performer in me move in and take over.

I had just two laps to run, that was all. Just two laps until the

emotional and physical strain of the past two days and the last

28 years would be eclipsed by victory or failure. This race was all

about survival. It's only two minutes, I kept telling myself, anyone

can run for two minutes.

The starting gun was fired, and the race began. The first lap

was good, I managed to keep up with the group, but I was feeling

much more tired than I usually did, and much more than I'd

anticipated. Both the long, hard weeks of training that had led up

to this championship, and the exhaustion from two days of

grueling competition were showing in my performance. Mental

and physical fatigue were starting to crush me, and I had to fight


Prokhorova had set the pace from the start. It was important

that I didn’t let her get too far in front. I had to stay with her. At

the bell I was 2.3 seconds behind her. Just one lap to go. One lap.

I could do it. I had to keep going. In the final 150 meters I could

hear the roar of the crowd, giving me a boost at exactly the

moment I needed it the most — just when my legs were burning

and I could see the gap opening between me and the Russian.

Thankfully, my foot was holding out, so now it was all down to

mental stamina.

Prokhorova was pulling away. I couldn't let her get too far; I

had to stay with her. I began counting down the meters I had left

to run; 60m, 50m, 40m, 2om. I could see the clock. I could do it,

but it would be close. Then finally the line appeared. I crossed it,

exhausted. I had finished.

As I crossed the line my initial thought was how much harder

the race had been than expected, bearing in mind how, only eight

weeks before, I had set a new personal best of two minutes 12.2

seconds. Then my mind turned to the result. Had I done it? I

thought I had. I was aware of where the other athletes were, and

was sure that I'd just made it. But, until I saw it on the scoreboard,

I wouldn't let myself believe it. As I stood there, staring up and

waiting for confirmation, I tried hard to keep negative thoughts

from my mind - but I couldn’t help thinking, what if I have just

missed out? What if I’ve been through all this, and missed out?

In the distance I could hear the commentary team talking

about two days of tough competition, then I could almost hear

someone say, "I think she's done enough." The next thing I knew,

Sabine Braun of Germany came over and told me I'd won. They

had heard before me, and she asked what it felt like to be the

Olympic champion. I smiled, still not sure.

Then, the moment that will stay with me for the rest of my

life —my name in lights. That was when it all hit me. Relief, a

moment of calm, and a thank you to my inner self for taking me

through these two days. I felt a tingle through the whole of my

body. This was how it is meant to be —arms aloft and fists


I looked out at the fans, who were waving flags, clapping and

shouting with delight. I was the Olympic champion. The Olympic
















Unit 7 Are Animals Smarter Than We Think? 动物比我们想象的更聪明吗?

What does an elephant see when it looks in the mirror? Itself,

apparently. Previously, such self-awareness was thought to be

limited to humans, primates and the great celebrities of the world

of animal intelligence, dolphins. At first, elephants in studies with

mirrors will explore the mirror as an object. Eventually, they may

realize they are looking at themselves. They will repeatedly touch

a mark painted on their heads that they wouldn't see without the

mirror. Diana Reiss of Hunter College believes these are

compelling signs of self-awareness.

Scientists used to believe that animals were like machines

programmed to react to stimuli. They were not considered

capable of feeling or thinking, and certainly not of understanding

abstract concepts. However, any dog owner will disagree. They

know, when they see the love in their pet's eyes, that it has

feelings. A dog can be trained to respond to commands and

perform useful tasks. It can recognize different people and make

choices about what to eat or which path to take. But does this

mean that an animal is capable of thinking and, if so, can it be

proved? Our perceptions of animals are filtered through our own

human understanding of the world and we often project human

feelings and thoughts onto other creatures.

One of the first scientists to try to investigate the animal

mind was the British naturalist Charles Darwin. In his book The

Descent of Man, published in 1871, he questioned whether

higher mental abilities such as self-consciousness and memory,

were limited to human beings. Darwin speculated that human

and non-human minds aren't all that different. Animals, he

argued, face the same general challenges and have the same

basic needs as humans: to find food and a mate, to navigate

through the sky, the woods or the sea. All these tasks require the

ability to problem-solve and to categorize. Birds, for example,

need to be able to distinguish colors so they know when a

fruit is ripe, what is safe to eat and what is not. Knowing the

shapes of predators helps them to escape danger. Having a

concept of numbers helps them to keep track of their flock, and

to know which individuals have a mate.

All these skills require, not just instinct, but cognitive ability,

argues Irene Pepperberg, who has worked on animal intelligence

since 1977.

She studied an African grey parrot called Alex from the age

of one for 30 years. Parrots are well-known for their ability to

imitate speech and in her experiments; Pepperberg used this

talent to find out about Alex's understanding of the world. Her

aim was to teach him to reproduce the sounds of the English

language so that she could then have a dialogue with him. "I

thought if he learned to communicate, I could ask him questions

about how he sees the world."

Memory, language, self-awareness, emotions and creativity

are key indications of higher mental abilities. Scientists have, bit

by bit, uncovered and documented these talents in other species.

Pepperberg discovered that Alex could count, distinguish shapes,

sizes, colors and materials such as wood, wool and metal. Until

recently, only higher mammals, such as primates, have been

thought capable of understanding concepts of "same" and

"different". But parrots, like primates, live for a long time in

complex societies, so abstract mental ability would seem to be a

valuable survival skill for them, too.

Darwin argued that animals' minds, like their bodies, have

evolved to suit their environment. He went so far as to suggest

that even worms have some hint of intelligence since he

observed them making judgments about the kinds of leaves they

used to block their tunnels. Many scientists in the 20th century

dismissed such findings as unreliable, usually influenced by

anthropomorphism, in other words, judging animals by human

attributes. However, the pendulum is now swinging away from

thinking of animals as machines without intelligence, and back

towards Darwin's ideas. A wide range of studies on animals

suggests that the roots of intelligence are deep, widespread

across the animal kingdom and highly changeable.

People were surprised to find that chimpanzees and other

primates were smart. They make tools. Orangutans use leaves as

rain hats and protect their hands when climbing spiky trees.

Scientists put this down to the fact that primates and humans

share a common ancestor. What is surprising them now however,

is' that intelligence doesn't seem to be limited to those species

with whom; we have a common ancestor. It appears that

evolution can reinvent similar forms of consciousness indifferent

species; and that to an astonishing degree, this intelligence is not

reserved only for higher mammals. One vital question is thrown

up by the current research: If all this is true and animals have

feelings and intelligence, should it affect the way we humans

treat them?










本文标签: 报纸动物大学没有时候