



The term Xuan paper first appeared inOn Famous Paintings through the Ages, a

book written by Tang Dynasty (618-907) scholar Zhang Yanyuan, in 1. he

described Xuan paper as an ideal carrier for calligraphy and painting. Handmade

Xuan paper from Jingxian county, East China's Anhui province, was listed as a

tribute to the imperial court for its supreme quality during the period.

The traditional craft of making Xuan paper is extremely 2. (demand).

Sandalwood bark, a plant native to 3. (south) China, goes through 108

procedures together with rice straw over the course of three years 4. it can

transform into a batch of fine Xuan paper. The entire procedure is so complex

that even the most skilled craftsman can only master limited number of

5. (step).

The flow of ink, both 6. (guide) and resisted by water, determines the output

of Chinese art, and Xuan paper outshines others with its excellent ability

7. (give) full play to ink.

Xuan paper 8. (accompany) the passionate brushstrokes of the Chinese

literati for thousands of years. 9. other forms of paper, it is very resistant to

damage brought by time. It is this durability that has made the preservations of

many valuable works from ancient China possible.

Papermaking is 10. crystallization(结晶)of wisdom of the ancient

Chinese, and Xuan paper is the zenith of papermaking.


1. which2. demanding3. southern4. before5. steps6. guided7.

to give8. has accompanied9. Unlike10. a


Chef Li Zhanxu planned to stay in Europe until COVID changed her mind, to the

delight of the 1. (capital) diners, Li Yingxue reports.

On the summer menu at Qu Lang Yuan, a restaurant nestled in a yard in a hutong

alley in Beijing, a sea cucumber dish is impressing the guests. As it arrives, the

essence of the sea floods the senses, and 2. (enjoy) this delicacy is like

being transported to the seaside.

The sea cucumber, 3. is marinated sous vide (cooked in a sealed bag) and

filled with Gillardeau oyster sauce, has 4. rich and satisfying taste. The

marine delight is thoughtfully paired with seaweed and sago crisps, creating a

harmonious interplay of textures and a well-balanced mouthfeel.

It is served on a bed of barnacle shells(藤壶)nestled in a saggar— a boxlike

ceramic container normally 5. (use) to protect objects being fired in kilns(炉


The outer surfaces of the containers 6. (cover) in moss. The growth

developed over time as the containers lost their use after the ceramics were fired,

and were subsequently buried.

Food writer Jocelyn Chen enjoyed the dish conceived by Li Zhanxu, executive

chef at Qu Lang Yuan, very much. "7. (tradition) cooking methods may

involve braising or stewing, but Li prefers 8. (present) the delicious taste of

sea cucumbers in an innovative way, challenging traditional cooking

techniques," Chen says.

She says the sea cucumber dish showcases Li's cooking philosophy, which is

rooted in Chinese ingredients and culinary culture, 9. also incorporating the

essence of Western cuisine, injecting a fresh vitality and 10. (create) into the



1. capital’s2. enjoying3. which4. a5. used

6. are covered7. Traditional8. to present9. while10. creativity


The new play Perfect Strangers by the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre has been

the talk of the town because of 1. (it) focus on common relationship problems

2. (face) by urban dwellers(城市居民).

The 3. (late) theater adaptation of the 2016 Italian movie Perfetti

sconosciuti by Paolo Genovese, Perfect Strangers premiered on Sept 8 and will

run until Sunday at the center before going on 4. tour of Tianjin, Dalian in

Liaoning province, Lishui in Zhejiang province and Xi'an in Shaanxi province.

The production will go on more tours next year as well as participate in a

comedy festival in Beijing, according to Ma Yue, director of the play.

Perfect Strangersis a comedy 5. (feature) seven protagonists(主人公)who

come together for a dinner party on an evening 6. an eclipse is taking place.

The characters then decide to play a game 7. which everyone places their

mobile phones on the table and 8. (share) all the messages, emails and

phone calls they receive.

The movie was listed in the Guinness World Records as the most remade in the

history of cinema in 2019. In that year, 18 remarks had been made and eight

other 9. (adapt) were in the pipeline(在筹备). In China, the movie was

adapted into a film titled Kill Mobile in 2018.

Genovese once said in an interview with Italian newspaper La

Repubblica 10. the movie "has been able to intercept a social phenomenon

which everyone identified with."


1. its2. faced3. latest4. A5. featuring6. when7. in8. shares9

. adaptation10. that

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