



Ament sales catalogue 现行销售条款

Fair 展销会

Catalogue 商品

Embassy 大使馆

Specification 规格

Price list 价目表

Illustrated catalogue 带插图的目录

Joint venture 合资

Terms of payment 支付条件

Knitting machine 针织机

Specialize in 专门经营

Trade delegation 贸易代表团

Net price 净价

Conditional firm 虚盘

Bulk cargo 散装

Offer subject to change with market 有权随情况变更的报价

Representative office 代表处

Quantity 数量折扣

Ceiling price 最高价

Offer subject to change without informing 卖方确认后有效的报价

Unit price 单价

Price structure 价格结构

Firm offer 实盘

Offer subject to sell priori 有权先售的报盘

Branch 分公司

本文标签: 有权报价情况变更