



1. 逍遥自在 (xiāo yáo zì zài) - carefree and unrestrained

2. 逸乐无穷 (yì lè wú qióng) - boundless pleasure and enjoyment

3. 花天酒地 (huā tiān jiǔ dì) - indulging in a life of pleasure and


4. 贪图快乐 (tān tú kuài lè) - pursuing immediate pleasure

5. 纵欲无忌 (zòng yù wú jì) - indulging in sensual pleasures

without restraint

6. 纸醉金迷 (zhǐ zuì jīn mí) - being immersed in a world of luxury

and pleasure

7. 淫乐无度 (yín lè wú dù) - engaging in excessive and immoral


8. 妄图逸乐 (wàng tú yì lè) - foolishly pursuing a life of pleasure

and indulgence

9. 放荡不羁 (fàng dàng bù jī) - living a wild and unrestrained life

10. 酒色财气 (jiǔ sè cái qì) - being obsessed with wine, women,

wealth, and arrogance

11. 闲云野鹤 (xián yún yě hè) - living a carefree and leisurely life

like the wandering clouds and wild cranes

12. 贪图享受 (tān tú xiǎng shòu) - constantly seeking pleasure and


13. 骄奢淫逸 (jiāo shē yín yì) - indulging in luxurious and

debauched pleasures

14. 淫欲无度 (yín yù wú dù) - giving in to excessive and

uncontrolled desires

15. 享乐主义 (xiǎng lè zhǔ yì) - hedonism; the pursuit of pleasure

as the ultimate goal in life

16. 放肆纵欲 (fàng sì zòng yù) - indulging in unrestrained and

unchecked desires

17. 寻欢作乐 (xún huān zuò lè) - seeking fun and pleasure

18. 淫荡泛滥 (yín dàng fàn làn) - indulging in immoral and

promiscuous behavior

19. 合欢交枕 (hé huān jiāo zhěn) - engaging in illicit and immoral


20. 肆意妄为 (sì yì wàng wéi) - behaving recklessly and

irresponsibly in pursuit of pleasure.

本文标签: 生活放纵逸乐淫荡合欢