


Correct the following sentences:

1. I may go to Singapore for the holidays I may stay in San Francisco


2. My sister is going to Disneyland for Easter, her best friend will meet her


3. They hope to go to the beach one day, however, the weather may not be

warm enough.

4. They plan to visit art museums they will spend one day at the Movie

Museum at Universal Studios.

Two Common Sentence Errors:

Comma Splice and Run-on Sentences

Comma Splice:

Natalie likes to vacation in the mountains, her sister prefers the beach.

CORRECT the mountains, but

Run-on Sentence

Nicolai could clean his apartment this weekend he could visit his favorite art



.........................this weekend, or he could ...

Five Editing Strategies for Correcting Comma Splices and Run-on Sentences

1. Insert a period between the two independent clauses.

This may, however, give your writing a choppy effect, with too many simple



The water in Hawaii is warm, swimming is a favorite activity of tourists.

The water in Hawaii is warm.

Swimming is a favorite activity of tourists.

2. Join the two independent clauses with a comma and a Coordinate


The water in Hawaii is warm, and swimming is a favorite activity of tourists.

3. If this is logical, join the two independent clauses with a semi-colon alone.

Hawaii is a wonderful place to visit; some people even call it paradise.

4. Join the two independent clauses with a transition.

Hawaii is a wonderful place to visit; indeed, some people even call it paradise.

5. Make one of the clauses dependent by adding a subordinate conjunction.

Because Hawaii is such a wonderful place to visit, some people call it paradise.

There was a farmer had a dog

and Bingo was his name, sir.


And Bingo was his name, sir.

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