



英 【əkˈsesəri】 美 【ækˈsɛsəri】

n. 附件; (衣服的)配饰; 妇女饰品; 从犯;

adj. 附加的; 附属的; 辅助的; 同谋的;

变形 复数: accessories

1. 名词—配件;附件;附属物

【常用复数】Accessories are items of equipment that are not usually essential,

but which can be used with or added to something else in order to make it more

efficient, useful, or decorative.

1) 自行车附件Bicycle accessories

2) 标准附件standard accessory

3) 各种各样的家居装饰物及配件

A range of furnishings and accessories for the home

① Furnishings

英 [ˈfɜ:nɪʃɪŋz] 美 [ˈfɜrnɪʃɪŋz]

n. 摆设儿;陈设;穿戴用品;

2. 名词—(衣服的)配饰(如腰带/围巾等)

【常用复数】a thing that you can wear or carry that matches your clothes, for

example a belt or a bag

② Belt

英 【belt】 美 【bɛlt】

n. 腰带;传送带;带状物

vt. 绕着系上带子;用带做记号;环绕/包围;

3. 名词—从犯;同谋;帮凶

~ (to sth) (law 法律)

a person who helps sb to commit a crime or who knows about it and protects

the person from the police.

1) 事前/事后从犯

本文标签: 附件名词配件配饰同谋