





when we are writing we are often told to keep our readers in

mind, to shape what we say to fit their tastes and interests. but

there is one reader in particular who should not be forgotten. can

you guess who? russell baker surprised himself and everyone else

when he discovered the answer.

writing for myself

russell baker

1 the idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on

since my childhood in belleville, but it wasnt until my third year

in high school that the possibility took hold. until then ive

been bored by everything associated with english courses. i

found english grammar dull and difficult. i hated the assignments

to turn out long, lifeless paragraphs that were agony for teachers

to read and for me to write.







2 when our class was assigned to mr. fleagle for third-year

english i anticipated another cheerless year in that most

tedious of subjects. mr. fleagle had a reputation among

students for dullness and inability to inspire. he was said to be

very formal, rigid and hopelessly out of date. to me he looked

to be sixty or seventy and excessively wore primly

severe eyeglasses, his wavy hair was primly cut and primly

combed. he wore prim suits with neckties set primly against

the collar buttons of his white shirts. he had a primly pointed

jaw, a primly straight nose, and a prim manner of speaking

that was so correct, so gentlemanly, that he seemed a comic

antique. 弗利格尔先生接我们的高三英文课时,我就准备着在这门








3 i prepared for an unfruitful year with mr. fleagle and for a

long time was not disappointed. late in the year we tackled

the informal essay. mr. fleagle distributed a homework sheet

offering us a choice of topics. none was quite so simple-

minded as what i did on my summer vacation, but most

seemed to be almost as dull. i took the list home and did

nothing until the night before the essay was due. lying on

the sofa, i finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list


of my notebook, and scanned it. the topic on which my eye

stopped was the art of eating spaghetti.










4 this title produced an extraordinary sequence of mental

images. vivid memories came flooding back of a night in

belleville when all of us were seated around the supper table -

uncle allen, my mother, uncle charlie, doris, uncle hal - and

aunt pat served spaghetti for supper. spaghetti was still a

little known foreign dish in those days. neither doris nor i had

ever eaten spaghetti, and none of the adults had enough

experience to be good at it. all the good humor of uncle allens

house reawoke in my mind as i recalled the laughing arguments

we had that night about the socially respectable method for

moving spaghetti from plate to mouth.










5 suddenly i wanted to write about that, about the warmth

and good feeling of it, but i wanted to put it down simply for my

own joy, not for mr. fleagle. it was a moment i wanted to

recapture and hold for myself. i wanted to relive the pleasure

of that evening. to write it as i wanted, however, would violate

all the rules of formal composition id learned in school, and mr.

fleagle would surely give it a failing grade. never mind. i would

write something else for mr. fleagle after i had written this

thing for myself.







6 when i finished it the night was half gone and there was no

time left to compose a proper, respectable essay for mr. fleagle.

there was no choice next morning but to turn in my tale of the

belleville supper. two days passed before mr. fleagle returned the

graded papers, and he returned everyones but mine. i was

preparing myself for a command to report to mr. fleagle

immediately after school for discipline when i saw him lift my

paper from his desk and knock for the classs attention.

8 and he started to read. my words! he was reading my words

out loud to the entire class. whats more, the entire class was

listening. listening attentively. then somebody laughed, then the

entire class was laughing, and not in contempt and ridicule, but

with open-hearted

enjoyment. even mr. fleagle stopped two or three times to

hold back a small prim smile.





9 i did my best to avoid showing pleasure, but what i was

feeling was pure delight at this demonstration that my words had

the power to make people laugh. in the eleventh grade, at the

eleventh hour as it were, i had discovered a calling. it was the

happiest moment of my entire school career. when mr.

fleaglefinished he put the final seal on my happiness by saying,

now that, boys, is an essay, dont you see. its - dont you see - its

of the very essence of the essay, dont you see. congratulations,

mr. baker.







how do you feel when old friends are far away? do you make

an effort to keep in touch? sometimes it is easy to put off writing

a letter, thinking that there will be plenty of time tomorrow. but

then sometimes, as this story shows, we leave it too late. perhaps

reading it will make you want to reach for your pen.





all the cabbie had was a letter foster furcolo

1 he must have been completely lost in something he was

reading because i had to tap on the windshield to get his





2 is your cab available? i asked when he finally looked up at

me. he nodded, then said apologetically as i settled into the back

seat, im sorry, but i was reading a letter. he sounded as if he had

a cold or something.





3 im in no hurry, i told him. go ahead and finish your


4 he shook his head. ive read it several times already. i guess

i almost know it by heart. 他摇了摇头。“我已经读了好几遍了。我


5 letters from home always mean a lot, i said. at least they do

with me because im on the road so much. then, estimating that

he was 60 or 70 years old, i guessed: from a child or maybe a





6 this isnt family, he replied. although, he went on, come to

think of it, it might just as well have been family. old ed was my

oldest friend. in fact, we used to call each other old friend -- when

wed meet, that is. im not much of a hand at writing.






7 i dont think any of us keep up our correspondence too well,

i said. i know i i take it hes someone youve known quite

a while?


我看,你认识他挺久了吧?” 8 all my life, practically. we were kids

together, so we go way back.


谊确实很长了。” 9 went to school together?


10 all the way through high school. we were in the same class,

in fact, through both grade and high school.



11 there are not too many people whove had such a long

friendship, i said.


12 actually, the driver went on, i hadnt seen him more than

once or twice a year over the past 25 or 30 years because i moved

away from the old neighborhood and you kind of lose touch even

though you never forget. he was a great guy.




直放在心上。他在的时候可真是个大好人。” 13 you said was.

does that mean -?


14 he nodded. died a couple of weeks ago.


15 im sorry, i said. its no fun to lose any friend -- and losing

a real ol d one is even tougher. “真遗憾,”我说,“失去朋友真不


16 he didnt reply to that, and we rode on in silence for a few

minutes. but i realized that old ed was still on his mind when

he spoke again, almost more to himself than to me: i should

have kept in touch. yes, he repeated, i should have kept in touch.





17 well, i agreed, we should all keep in touch with old friends

more than we do. but things come up and we just dont seem to

find the time.



18 he shrugged. we used to find the time, he said. thats even

mentioned in the letter. he handed it over to me. take a look.






19 thanks, i said, but i dont want to read your mail. thats

pretty personal.


20 the driver shrugged. old eds dead. theres nothing

personal now. go ahead, he urged me. 司机耸一耸肩。“老埃德人



21 the letter was written in pencil. it began with the greeting

old friend,and the first sentence reminded me of myself. ive

been meaning to write for some time, but ive always

postponed it. it then went on to say that he often thought

about the good times they had had together when they both

lived in the same neighborhood. it had references to things that

probably meant something to the driver, such as the time tim

shea broke the window, the halloween that we tied old mr.

parkers gate, and when mrs. culver used to keep us after school.


23like it says there, he answered, about all we had to spend

in those days was time. he shook his head: time.-



24 i thought the next paragraph of the letter was a little sad:

i began the letter with old friend because thats what weve

become over the years--old friends. and there arent many of us

left. 信里接下来的那段我觉得有点凄凉:“信的开头我写着‘老朋




25 you know, i said to him, when it says here that there arent

many of us left, thats absolutely right. every time i go to a

class reunion, for example, there are fewer and fewer still






26 time goes by, the driver said.


27 did you two work at the same place? i asked him.-


28 no, but we hung out on the same corner when we were

single. and then, when we were married, we used to go to each

others house every now and then. but for the last 20 or 30

years its been mostly just christmas cards. of course thered

be always a note wed each add to the cards--usually some news

about our families, you know, what the kids were doing, who

moved where, a new grandchild, things like that--but never a real

letter or anything like that.









how to keep healthy

everyone wants to keep healthy. do you know how to keep


first, i think sleep is important. usually we need about 8 hours’

sleep every night. so don’t stay up late. getting up early and

going to bed early makes us healthy and wise.

second, we should have good habits and eat healthy

had better wash our hands before meals. we mustn’t eat bad

food or drink sour shouldn’t eat too much fast food.

we should eat more vegetables and less meat, it’s good for

our health. if we are ill, we should go to see the doctor at once.

third,doing some sports is also necessary, such as running ,

walking or playing ball games. if you follow my advice, i

believe you will be healthy.

my favorite animal

i like animals. i think they’re our friends. among all animals,

i like dogs best, because they can do more things for people

than other animals. for example, some dogs can help people

to look after houses, to find the lost children, or to help blind

man to do things. i have a pet dog. playing with it makes me

happy and relaxed. let’s share the world with animals.

my hobbies

different people have different hobbies. for me,i have many

hobbies, such as reading books, watching movies, doing

sports and painting. i like reading books because i can get

lots of knowledge and find many interesting things. in my spare

time, i like watching movies because it makes me happy and

helps me to relax. i also like doing sports because it’s good for

my health. sometimes, i enjoy painting. it is great fun and i want

to be a drawer when i grow up.

what about yours ? can you tell me something about it?

which do you like better, the city or the countryside?

i live in a village, and like the countryside better.

there are ma ny cars in the city. i think it’s too noisy and

dirty. but in the countryside, it’s quiet. and the air is fresher, the

sky is bluer, and there are also many green trees and clear rivers.

people are kind there,and we can enjoy the beauty of nature. i

like walking on the country road, it can make me relaxed.

if you are in city, you can come here for your summer holiday,

it will be fun.

the internet

the internet is very interesting. it is more and more popular

with students.

it can help people do a lot of things, most students use it to

chat with their the internet,there are also a lot of songs,

movies and games,they are very can listen to

music, play games or do other things. it makes our life easier,

nicer and more colorful.

on the other hand, it’s also bad for us. some students even

lose themselves in playing computer games. they have less time

for their lessons. so i think the internet is useful,but we

shouldn’t spend too much time on it.

the internet

now, many students like playing computers very much. they

like chatting on qq,they like shopping on line .they can learn a lot

of knowledge from the internet.

but some students spend too much time playing

think it can make them clever by playing different kinds of games.

some even make friends on line. it takes them too much time to

chat with each other, so they do badly in their lessons.

i think it’s our duty to study hard, we shouldn’t spend too

much time on it.

how to save the water

water is important to all living things. all animals and plants

need water. without water, there will be no life on the earth. so

we should do our best to save and protect our water. we must

turn off the tap after we use it. we can reuse the water. for

example, after washing hands, we can ues the water to water the

flowers or vegetablesso it’s necessary to tell our parents and

friends about the importance of water.

i think




1. way, yesterday, see, boy, off, bike ,hurt, leg

2. take ,to, near, hospital , at once, doctor, look over, carefully

3. say, there, nothing serious, leg, feel, happy, then, take



初一下册作文module 1 lost and found 书面表达:根据提示写


1. my black wallet.

my name is john smith.

please call 3725683.

a mobilen phone.

is this your mobile phone?

please call helen green.

phone: 6452355. 书面表达:现在学校英语俱乐部招募成员,想






it is may day tomorrow. my family are going to beijing. we

are going to walk up the great wall. and we are going to stay

there for two days. we are going to take a plane there and come

back by train. i am going to take some beautiful photos on the

great wall. mother is going to take something to eat and drink

on the train. at the moment, we are getting ready for the trip. i

think we will have a good time.

写作:talk about what your school will be like in 10 years.(不


our school will become more beautiful in ten years. there will

be a lot of computers in the classroom for students to study. so

students will study better than before. there will be more trees

and gardens in the school yard. therefore, students can get good

relax after class. in a word, our school will be more and more

popular in the future. 随着互联网的发展,网购成为一种时尚,然而





购物的乐趣;有时会被骗(cheat). 你的观点:…(至少两点)

(行至天下第四期64页). molly 在一家工厂工作。下面是她每



molly works in a factory. every morning she leaves home at

7 o’clock. she walks along bell street and takes the second

turning on the right into high street. there is a church on the left.

and then she turns left at the crossing. she goes on along the

murray road and gets to the second crossing. there is the factor

she works in.

revision module a

下面是john下周日(next sunday)的安排(用将来时和be

going to 句型),请根据下面的要求用第三人称(他)写一篇50词


1. 星期日七点半起床。

2. 上午和妈妈一起去动物园。

3. 中午(at noon)短暂休息(have a break)后去买东西。

4. 下午和朋友一起去踢球。

5. 他擅长阅读,晚上看《西行漫记》(red star over china).

john will have lots of plans next sunday. he is going to get up

at 7:30 in the morning. after breakfast, he is going to the zoo with

his mother. at noon, he will have a break. then he is going

shopping. he is going to play football with his friends. he is good

at reading. so he is going to read red star over china at night. he

will be very busy on that day.

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