


DNF装备常用代码,武器,防具,首饰(DNF code commonly used

equipment, weapons, armor, jewelry)


Beiming Necklace 20133

Beiming Bracelet 22128

The ring of 24137.

Tara jewelry

Tara Necklace 20114

Tara bracelets 22109

Tara rings 24115

28279 sword of vengeance - 55 powder of the soul breaker

28282, no porch scattered, soul 55SS Lightsaber

28284 scorching sun ruled 50SS light 3 big weapons

Daphne 20091


The Gunners

Tara stone revolver 31096

Old sunset Knight 31095

The old demon hunting 31094

Where the vast soul run 32310

Beat the tyrant 32311

32312 armored gun

Ruggell - Black Hawk 3106030 powder revolver

Heritage: Shadow elf ATI pistol 3138950 automatic pistol

31706 field captain surprise hand crossbow

31707 judge of blood

31693 evil dragon crossbow

31694 crossbows of Tara

31666 William warned crossbow 40 powder

31667 the soul of hunting crossbow

32305: gun

31375 blowout - blood eagle

本文标签: 武器代码防具装备首饰