


Unit 7 A Christmas Carol 课文理解



1. Much good may it do you!

A.I hope Christmas will bring you good luck. B. May can make you feel good.

C. You do many goods in May. D. You may do goods.

2. I think it’s because he walks slower than he used to, as of late.

A. In my opinion, he used to be late, but now, he isn’t.

B. In my opinion, he used to be on time, but now, he is late.

C. In my opinion, he is late because he walks too slow.

D.I think, recently he walks slower than before.

3. I can’t afford to make idle people merry.

A.I can’t pay idle people money to make them happy. B.I have no time to make idle people


C.I will not let poor people marry. D.I will not hold any weddings for idle



Prisons and places like that lost honest tax payers like me enough; and those who are badly off must go there.

A.I have paid so much money on prisons, so it’s your fault to let bad men everywhere.

B.I’m an honest tax pays, I shouldn’t be put into prison.

C. We, honest tax pays, spent money on prisons where the poor should be sent there. So don’t bother me.

D. There are so many workers out of work, so we shouldn’t waste money in building prisons.

5. Let’s observe another little scene, as you might have in your life to come.

A. You will travel in future.

B. You will be born, so lets remember it.

C. Your future life is in this scene.

D. I’ll welcome you to my house from the picture I’m showing you.



1. A: Too cold to write, Humbug! B: It is cold I can’t write.

2. A: You’ll celebrate Christmas by losing your position.

B: celebrate Christmas, you’ll lose your position.


A: Many thousands are in want of basic needs, hundreds of thousands are in want of basic comforts, sir.

B: Many thousands basic needs basic comforts, sir.

4. A: There are plenty of prisons, but they cannot provide warmth.

B: There are plenty of prisons cannot provide warmth.

5. A: Mary can’t go there; and Mary would die.

B: Mary die go there.



Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hang up I could answer the phone.

A. as B. since C. until D. before

2. Don’t be afraid of asking for help it is needed.

A. unless B. since C. although D. when

3. I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

A. However the story is amusing B. No matter amusing the story is

C. However amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing

4. Mr. Smith used to smoke ,but he has given it up.

A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. hardly

5. It is any wonder that his friend doesn’t like watching television much.

A. no B. such C. nearly D. hardly

6. Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked .

A. mindless B. unaware C. brainless D. unconscious

7. Texas, the second largest state of America, is in natural resources.

A. wealthy B. abundant C. scattered D. deposited

9. Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her for a whole week.

A. constrained B. dominated C. restricted D. occupied

9. ,the boys were shouting and singing.

A. Happy and excited B. Happily and excited

C. Happily and excitedly D. Happy and excitedly

10. I have battled with my over whether I should actually send this letter.

A. awareness B. consciousness C. conscience D. mind

11. He may not like my visit, but I shall go and see him .

A. anyway B. someway C. though D. therefore

12. Finally he admitted my letter.

A. to read B. to have read C. read D. having read


The village was badly struck by the rare flood last night. The villagers were badly_____ food and shelter.

A. in time of B. in charge of C. in want of D. in possession of

14. We shouldn’t complain about being poor—many families are much than we are.

A. worse off B. badly off C. well off D. better off

15. She doesn’t like Miss Anderson, so she always avoids with her.

A. being leaving alone B. being left alone

C. being leaving behind D. being left behind

16. If your children a bit thered be room for another one on this seat.

A. tied up B. turned up C. closed up D. kept up

17. The factory produced many famous cars, many of them to foreign countries.

A. shipped B. were shipped C. was shipped D. shipping

18. The winners are :in third place, Mandy Johnson; in

A. as follows B. as follow C. like follows D. as following


1. I’m so excited and so pleasing to win the prize that I’m not sure what to say.

2. They are afraid I might fall off from my bike and hurt myself.

3. They managed getting through the work in four hours though it was difficult.

4. These books are well worth to reading.

5. I think it is no need to tell him all you know.

6. You don’t know that how to do it.

7. The meal was praised for the best they had had for years.

8. Sports and games have an important part in people’s everyday life.

9. Being busy, so he can’t take off time to go home.

10. —How are they getting on with the work? —All goes well as planning.


Part one

It was the day before __________ and the _________ was terribly cold. Bob wanted to have a day

___ in order to have a good Christmas dinner but his boss, Scrooge, who was ____, mean and

only interested in making ______ didn’t allow him to do so at first. Scrooge’s nephew—Fred

wanted to ____ Scrooge to attend their Christmas dinner but he was r_______. A gentleman who

wanted to ______ some money for the poor was also _______down by Scrooge. At last when all

the other left Scrooge had a ______, in which he met Santa Claus.

Part two

Scrooge’s girlfriend tells him another _____ has _____________. She thinks he

only_______________ for money and decides to _________ from him. Santa Clause shows him

another scene. Bob wishes Merry Christmas to him in his family celebration, but his wife regards

Scrooges as a _____, ____, and_______ old man. As a result, they don’t have money to buy

_________ for Tiny Tom. Scrooge _______ what he has done. He must do something to make

up for it . He orders and has a huge turkey ________ to Bob. On Christmas Day, Scrooge visits

Bob and wishes his family _________________.




句型转换:1. so that, 2, Don’t, or 3. want, and more want, 4, which 5. would rather, than


改错1. pleasing—pleased 2. from 去掉 3. getting—to get 4. to去掉 5. to tell—telling

6. that去掉 7. for—as 8. have—play 9. so去掉 10. planning—planned


Part one: Christmas, weather, off, cruel, money, invite, rejected/refused, collect/raise, turned,


Part two: idol, taken her place, has an eye for, separate, mean, hard, selfish, medicines, regrets,

delivered, a Merry Christmas.

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