


宇航服 Space Suit



外宇航服。舱内宇航服 舱内宇航服是宇航员在载人航天器座舱内使用的,一般是在发射时和


宇航员的作用。舱外宇航服 舱外宇航服是宇航员出航活动,进行太空漫步时使用。舱外宇航



Space suit

A space suit is a complex system of garments and equipment and environmental

systems designed to keep a person alive and comfortable in the harsh environment of

outer space. This applies to extra-vehicular activity outside spacecraft orbiting

Earth and has applied to walking, and riding the Lunar Rover, on the Moon.

Some of these requirements also apply to pressure suits worn by people such as

high-altitude fighter pilots who may fly so high that breathing pure oxygen at

surrounding pressure would not provide enough oxygen for them to function: see


Spacesuit requirements

Several things are needed for the spacesuit to function properly in space. It

must provide:

a stable internal pressure. This can be less than earth's atmosphere, as there

is usually no need for the spacesuit to carry nitrogen.

breathable oxygen. Usually a rebreather is used along with a supply of fresh


temperature regulation. Heat can only be lost in space by thermal radiation, or

conduction with objects in physical contact with the space suit. Since heat is lost

very slowly by radiation, a space suit almost always has only a cooling system and

heavy insulation on the hands and possibly feet.

electromagnetic radiation shielding.

micrometeoroid protection.


a communication system.

means to recharge and discharge gases and liquids.

means to maneuver, dock, release, and tether on space craft.

Theories of Spacesuit Design

A space suit should allow its user natural and unencumbered movement. The only

way this is possible is for the space suit to maintain a constant volume no matter

what position the wearer is in. This is because mechanical work is needed to change

the volume of a constant pressure system. If moving an arm or hand causes a change

in the volume of the space suit, then the astronaut has to do extra work every time

he bends that joint, and he has to maintain a force to keep the joint bent. Even if

this force is very small, it can be seriously fatiguing to constantly fight against

your suit. It also makes delicate movements very difficult.

All space suit designs try to minimize or eliminate this problem. The most common

solution is to form the suit out of multiple layers. The bladder layer is a rubbery,

airtight layer much like a balloon. The restraint layer goes outside the bladder,

and provides a specific shape for the suit. Since the bladder layer is larger than

the restraint layer, the restraint takes all of the stresses caused by the pressure

of the suit. Since the bladder is not under pressure, it will not "pop" like a balloon,

even if punctured. The restraint layer is shaped in such a way that bending a joint

will cause pockets of fabric, called gores, to open up on the outside of the joint.

This makes up for the volume lost on the inside of the joint, and keeps the suit at

a constant volume. However, once the gores are opened all the way, the joint cannot

be bent anymore without a considerable amount of work.

In some Russian spacesuits strips of cloth were wrapped tightly round the

spaceman's arms and legs outside the spacesuit to stop the spacesuit from ballooning

when in space.

本文标签: 宇航服宇航员座舱