




Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two news reports. At the end of each news report, you

will hear two questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After

you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)

and D).

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

1. A) Children first words.

B) Eager parents.

C) Music for parents.

D) Toddler speech development.

2. A) Because her two-year-old son spoke many words.

B) Because she was concerned about her son.

C) Because she wondered if her son had speech delay.

D) Because she could not understand her son.

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

3. A) China sells about seventy percent of the world ivory.

B) China will forbid ivory trade by the end of 2017.

C) China has built the largest market in the world.

D) China is the largest market for valuable commodities.

4. A) Because it will help preserve endangered elephants.

B) Because it can save over 20,000 elephants a year.

C) Because the elephant population in Asia has declined.

D) Because there are only half a million elephants in Africa.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation,

you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.

After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),

C) and D).

Conversation One

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. A) Sally diamond ring. B) Sally Valentine Day present.

C) Sally boyfriend Robert. D) Sally wedding plan.

6. A) He proposed to Sally. B) He got on his knees.

C) He talked about marriage. D) He got married.

7. A) To offer some help. C) To be her Maid of Honor.

B) To prepare for her wedding. D) To find three bridesmaids.

8. A) Tina. C) Cindy.

B) Susan. D) Lydia.

Conversation Two

Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. A) Whether zoos are good for animals or not.

B) Whether they should go to the zoo this Saturday.

C) Whether wild animals should be rescued or not.

D) Whether a polar bear should live in California.

10. A) Because they cannot survive on their own in the wild.

B) Because zoos often rescue some wild animals.

C) Because the animals have to stay in cages there.

D) Because zoos often take good care of the animals.

11. A) People can see a polar bear in California.

B) People can enjoy learning about the animals.

C) People are able to see real animals there instead of on TV.

D) People can experience different climates in zoos.

12. A) Cages should be removed from the zoos. B) Wild animals should not be rescued.

C) Animals should live their own way. D) Zoos should not prolong animals?life.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear

some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

13. A) Why airplane windows used to be rectangular.

B) Why windows in the home are rectangular.

C) Why the windows on airplanes are round.

D) Why windows can cause airplanes to crash.

14. A) When two commercial airplanes crashed within months.

B) When the speed of commercial airplanes greatly increased.

C) When investigators found the weakness of rectangular windows.

D) When commercial airlines began to develop faster.

15. A) They have become the new standard in passenger aviation.

B) They have three layers of window panes at work.

C) They collect 70 percent of the stress of air pressure.

D) They are able to scatter pressure more evenly.

Passage Two

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) It is an ambitious research program. B) It is a comprehensive resolution.

C) It includes a series of new technologies. D) It has become a global focus.

17. A) Environmental protection. C) Emissions reduction.

B) Less noisy aircrafts. D) Finding alternative fuels.

18. A) A highly internationalized industry. B) A new international trend.

C) A competitive advantage. D) A low-carbon economy.

Part II Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word

for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. You may not use

any of the words in the bank more than once.

How long have 1) _____ industrialists been dreaming about flying cars? So long that they are not

called flying cars anymore. Now they oadable aircraft? And while the 2) _____ for success of such

roadable aircrafts are still in doubt, that doesn’t mean the 3) _____ of the flying vehicle is dead.

We might just need to come at the problem from a different direction.

One such new 4) _____ is the AL-V (personal air land vehicle[车辆]) formed in Europe that

changes from a road-going three-wheel motorcycle into a gyrocopter(旋翼机) that appears to fly

as well as it drives ?which is to say very well in both regards. Where the flying cars have suffered

from a lack of lateral stability(横向稳定性) in flight and mechanical 5) _____ on the ground, the

PAL-V flies as well as any gyrocopter you are likely to see and, thanks 6) _____ its wonderful

suspension(悬浮) system, drives like one of the best three-wheel motorcycles in the streets.

The Dutch company behind the project has completed first testing of the PAL-V One prototype(样品) and 7) _____ that it could travel through the air over a distance of up to 275 nautical miles(海里) at a 8) _____ of 95 knots(节). The company recently announced it will begin production of

the PAL-V with a limited 9) _____ of 45 vehicles priced at around $400,000 apiece.

So while the flying car might not have a place in immediate 10) _____, perhaps a flying,

three-wheeled gyrocopter will.

A) vehicle B) approach C) confirmed D) aviation

E) future F) attach G) chances H) transportation

I) concept J) feature K) to L) complexity

M) number N) speed O) flight

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.

Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from

which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once.

NASA Next Giant Leap

A) It was 45 years ago that Neil Armstrong took the small step onto the surface of the moon

that changed the course of history. The years that followed saw a Space Age of scientific,

technological and human research, on which we have built the modern era. Starting from the

moon, we will move deeper into the solar system. The Apollo missions cleared a path for human

exploration to the moon. Today we are extending that path to near-Earth asteroids(小行星),

Mars and beyond.

B) We are building on the Apollo program accomplishments to test and fly novel(新的),

cutting-edge(尖端) technologies today for tomorrow missions. As we develop and test the new

tools of 21st century spaceflight on the ourneyo Mars, we once again will change the course of


C) The path to Mars begins with research on Earth and extends beyond its bounds, aboard the

orbiting laboratory of the International Space Station, with our international partners. Some 250

miles above our heads, astronauts are conducting hundreds of experiments not possible on Earth,

teaching us how humans can live, work and thrive(长得健壮) for longer periods in space.

D) To help this nation send humans to deep space and return them to Earth safely, engineers

across the country are developing a new space transportation tool that can travel far beyond our

home planet. The Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System (SLS) heavy-lift rocket will be the

most advanced space vehicles ever built. Together, they will take us farther into the solar system

than humans have ever traveled. They are our spaceship to Mars and beyond.

E) As we turn our eyes toward Mars, we are designing missions to take us to a roving

ground?around the moon called cis-lunar(月球周围) space, where some of the very building

blocks of the solar system can be explored.

F) Near-Earth asteroids provide a unique opportunity we need for future human missions to

Mars. Around 2019, we launch a robotic mission to reach a near-Earth asteroid. The spacecraft

either will capture an entire asteroid or take a part off a much larger asteroid, then redirect the

asteroid mass to a stable orbit(轨道) around the moon. Such missions will provide important

information about the space to safely send humans to Mars.

G) The new technologies we test by sending astronauts to study the asteroids in the cis-lunar

space will make important advances to safely send humans to Mars. This includes tools like Solar

Electric Propulsion, a highly efficient way to help us transport large objects and heavy cargo to

support future Mars missions. NASA will continue to make significant investments in new

technologies vital to achieving exploration goals. This includes advancements in entry, descent

and landing technologies such as ow Density Supersonic Decelerators.

H) Sending humans to deep space around the moon also will help advance techniques for

space operations on and around Mars and its moons. The space around our moon is different

than low-Earth orbit but very similar to what a spacecraft will experience on the trip to and from

Mars. For instance, solar and cosmic radiation is intense. We also can use cis-lunar space to begin

practicing activities in deep space, like spacewalks, and learn to cope with delays in

communication with Earth because of the distance.

I) Mars calls for us to explore. Missions to Mars could answer some of the fundamental

questions of humanity: Does life exist beyond Earth? Could humans live on Mars in the future?

J) The journey to answer these questions has risks, but the rewards for humanity are worth it.

In our lifetime, NASA and the world will take the next giant leap to explore the red planet.

______ 11. Preparation for the journey to Mars can start from a place near Earth.

______ 12. People from different countries contribute to the exploration of Mars in one way

or another.

______ 13. Great benefits will be gained from missions to Mars.

______ 14. A number of new technologies will be needed to send human beings to Mars.

______ 15 Despite the risks, it is worthwhile to take this great leap to explore Mars.

______ 16. We are now standing on a new horizon, ready to take the next giant leap.

______ 17. If we want to travel to Mars, a more powerful form of transportation is needed.

______ 18. The cis-lunar space will serve as a genuine training ground.

______ 19. New missions near Earth will provide new information before we really send a

human being onto Mars.

______ 20. The Apollo program has provided a strong base for our future explorations.

Section C

Directions: There are two passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or

unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You

should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Believe it or not, there is a whole generation of young people who would love to own a personal

airplane but who have little or no interest in learning to fly. To satisfy demand from this new kind

of traveler, futurists dream of building airplanes that will fly themselves with minimal input from

their occupants(用户). Rather than planning a flight, checking weather and attending to all the

other duties of pilot-in-command, the operators of these future aircrafts will simply hop in the

front seat, press a few buttons (or merely speak to the flight computer) to input the desired

destination and then kick back while the virtual(虚拟的) pilot does all the flying.

It hard to imagine what level of understanding of aerodynamics(空气动力学) or aviation rules

and regulations the operator of such a futuristic airplane would be required to possess, but for

this concept to work the answer quite probably would have to be very little to none. After all, a

損ilot?who is so far removed from the decision-making processes and the actual hands-on flying

of the airplane shouldn抰 be depended on to take over in an emergency. Instead, these future

general aviation airplanes will be little more than passenger-carrying UAVs (unmanned aerial


In such cases, trained pilots on the ground could be given access to the airplane controls through

a secure datalink(数据链) connection, enabling the remote operator to take over ?for a fee, of

course. It similar to a concept now being debated in the airline world, where future Boeing and

Airbus jetliners would have only one pilot physically on board the airplane with ground-based

copilots available to step in as needed.

We may not like the idea, but as we are seen in the UAV world, such operations are already

possible. As the technology evolves and matures to enable airplanes to fly and land automatically

without any help from humans, there no reason why airplane manufacturers (制造商) 20 years

from now might not start offering a cockpit as optional equipment.

21. What do futurists dream of?

A) Owning a personal airplane. B) Attending to the duties of a pilot.

C) Making planes with automatic piloting. D) Flying an airplane by themselves.

22. What is the main characteristic of the new kind of traveler?

A) They have considerable interest in learning to fly.

B) They like owning and flying a personal airplane.

C) They like to speak to the flight computer.

D) They want to fly an airplane with minimal efforts.

23. Which of the following is true of the virtual pilot on such futuristic airplanes?

A) It is not as good as a human pilot. B) It knows everything about aerodynamics.

C) It can easily replace a human pilot. D) It can take over in times of emergency.

24. It is still necessary for human pilots on the ground to control such a plane because ______.

A) such a plane is no more than an unmanned aerial vehicle

B) the virtual pilot cannot handle an emergency

C) human pilots can make more money for this

D) there is a datalink connection to the controls

25. Which of the following can serve as a proper title for the passage?

A) The New Kind of Traveler C) The Virtual Pilot

B) The Fully Automated Airplane D) The Removed Human Pilot

Passage Two

NASA is now trying to make a spaceship that is much better than other ships.

If we look at the things we need for our super spaceship, there seems to be one that is the most

important. The spacecraft has to be as light as it can be. Weight costs money!

A new discovery might allow spacecraft to be lighter. Imagine something that is stronger than

steel but also weighs less. A new material called arbon nanotube?碳纳米管) might be the answer

to the weight problem of building a super spaceship. This material is 600 times stronger than


One of the big problems with space travel is the radiation that in space. On Earth, our

atmosphere protects us from radiation. In space, however, astronauts need protection against

harmful rays.

You might think that the metal on a spaceship is the answer. But, metals are the worst for

shielding against very dangerous space rays. These rays are made of little pieces called ions(离子).

When the ions hit metals at very high speeds, they can break an atom and cause another type of

ray to form. These new rays can be worse than the radiation the metal skins were supposed to


You see why it is so important to block out these rays.

But, we could use carbon nanotubes to make the skins of spacecraft. Nanotubes look a little like

chicken wire that is too small to see.

Things that are light in weight seem to work the best against these ions. When the rays hit lighter

things, very little new radiation is made. The rays are stopped outside the spacecraft and new

rays aren’t made.

In addition, our super spaceship needs to be able to repair itself. This might really be possible.

Humans can feel the smallest pinpricks(针刺) because of tiny sensors that send signals to our

brains. Tiny sensors like ours could be built in the new ships. Each sensor could send messages to

the computer rain?of the spacecraft. If something needed to be fixed, the computer could tell the

ship to do it.

Just as amazing as a car would be to someone 200 years ago, our nanotube spaceship might

seem to us. We might actually make the spacecraft of tomorrow, using the technology of today.

26. What is NASA trying to do?

A) To make carbon nanotubes. B) To protect astronauts from ions.

C) To make a new discovery. D) To build a super spaceship.

27. Carbon nanotubes could be used to make the skins of spacecraft because ______.

A) they are much lighter than metal

B) they are 600 times stronger than steel

C) they can shield the spacecraft from radiation

D) they can break ions in space rays

28. What will happen when ions hit the metal on a spaceship?

A) Some worse radiation will be produced. B) All radiation will be blocked out.

C) The metal on the spaceship will break up. D) The ions will move at high speeds.

29. Tiny sensors will be built into the new spaceship so that ______.

A) the computer brain can feel the smallest pinpricks

B) the spaceship can have human sensations

C) the sensors can send signals to the spaceship

D) the spaceship will be capable of repairing itself

30. What is the passage mainly about?

A) How to build a future spaceship. B) How to make use of carbon nanotubes.

C) How to protect astronauts in space. D) How to block out radiation.

Part III Translation

Directions: Translate the passage from Chinese into English.










Part IV Writing

Directions: You should write an essay about future space travel based on the following picture.

You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture, and then express your views

on the importance of space travel, and finally express your idea on the possibility of such space

travel. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Helpful Words and Expressions

astronaut harness spaceship spaceflight enormous

transportation crucial ambitious mission base ?on












Unit 4

Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A

Section B

5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D

Section C

13. D 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. D 18. A

Part II Reading Comprehension

Section A

1. C 2. D 3. L 4. A 5. O 6. K 7. B 8. M 9. N 10. J

Section B

11. F 12. E 13. C 14. A 15. D 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. F 20. B

Section C

21. C 22. A 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. A

Part III Translation

According to the Chinese Ministry of Education, the number of Chinese students who studied

abroad increased by 17.7% from 2011 to 2012; a total of 399,600 Chinese students went to study

abroad last year. The US is certainly benefitting from Chinese students?study abroad ambitions:

according to the IIE Open Doors 2012 report, Chinese enrolments went up by 23% in 2011/12

(and by 31% at the undergraduate level) over the previous year. Many other countries are

working hard to increase their share of Chinese students. China Daily reports that the University

of Sydney is now accepting the aokao?as an application credential.

Part IV Writing



Unit 4

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two news reports. At the end of each news report, you

will hear two questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After

you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)

and D).

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

US Border Patrol officials say two Canadian teenagers were briefly arrested after they accidentally

crossed the US border into Montana while playing the game called okemon Go?on their cell


Border Patrol official John Smith says the teenagers were lost in the game and wandered into the

United States. He says officials arrested them while contacting their mother, who was nearby on

the Canadian side. The agents then released the children to their mother.

John Smith on Friday declined to release the teenagers?names, ages or describe what sort of land

they crossed.

He says they were arrested Thursday near Sweet Grass, Montana, which borders the town of

Coutts in Canada Alberta province.

okemon Go?is a popular game in which players go to different places to find virtual characters

that appear on their cell phones.

1. What does the news report tell us about the two Canadian teenagers?

2. What did the Border Patrol officials do after they contacted the teenagers?mother?

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

An Australian teen who escaped from a prison had an interesting request after seeing her picture

on television and social media ?and it one that has drawn plenty of attention.

Amy Roger, 18, escaped from the prison near Sydney and was being sought by police. Police

asked the public for help in finding the teen, and one local television station put a picture of her

on their Facebook page as part of the request.

Roger took to Facebook as well and asked for just one thing: that they use a better picture of her.

People online suggested that police use the post to help find Roger location. She was arrested

just two days after the original post and one day after her request.

Roger is expected to have an escape charge added to her list of previous offenses.

3. What is the news report mainly about?

4. What did people online suggest that police should do?

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation,

you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.

After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),

C) and D).

Conversation One

W: Mr. Humphrey, why do you want to attend our university?

M: I think Yale University would be the ideal place for me to grow as a ?as a writer, to ?to thrive.

W: Well, I respect you and your writing talent. But there a problem with your application(申请).

M: There ?um ?a problem?

W: It seems you only have one letter of recommendation from Professor Peter Hall. Professor

Jack Shapiro refused to write for you.

M: Um, Professor Shapiro and I had creative differences. But ?but if you look further down my

application, you see that I spent last summer working for Jeremiah Harris, a famous writer.

W: Well, this is a fact which Mr. Harris has not been able to prove himself.

M: Oh, um, did you ?did you call him early in the morning? Cause he not ?he not a ?a morning

person. He always gets up very late. I mean, he not an afternoon person either. If you call, you

should call after 7:00 pm.

W: Mr. Humphrey, if you want your application to stand out(脱颖而出), you need another

recommendation letter, one about your work.

M: Another letter from whom and how?

W: Remember here is Yale. If you haven’t noticed, we are right now in buildings full of

professors. I suggest you put on your walking shoes, head to the English department and find

someone to read your work.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. What are the two speakers doing in the conversation?

6. What problem does the man have now?

7. Why shouldn’t the woman call Jeremiah Harris in the morning?

8. What is the man advised to do in the end?

Conversation Two

M: One of the reasons I wanted to come here tonight was to discuss our future.

W: And I am very glad to have that discussion.

M: Good. You know how we are been having all kinds of fun lately. Well, I gonna to Harvard

after summer. Harvard is gonna be different. Law school is a completely different world and I

need to be serious.

W: Of course.

M: My family expects a lot from me.

W: Right.

M: I expect a lot from me. I plan on running for office someday.

W: I fully support that. You know that.

M: Absolutely. But the thing is ?If I’m going to be a senator(议员) by the time I thirty, I need to

stop fooling around(游手好闲).

W: Warner, I completely agree.

M: That why I think it time for us ? Elle, sweetie ?

W: I do.

M: I think we should break up.

W: What? !

M: Ie been thinking and it the right thing to do.

W: You are breaking up with me? I thought you were about to ask me to marry you.

M: Asking you to marry me? Elle, if I going to be a senator, I need to marry an elegant and smart

lady, but not someone from an ordinary school.

W: You抮e breaking up with me because I not smart?

M: No. That not entirely true.

W: So when you said that you would always love me, you were just fooling around?

M: Elle, I do love you. I just can marry you. You have no idea of the pressure that I am under. My

family has five generations of senators. My brother in the top three at Yale Law School. And he is

going to marry the daughter of the famous Vanderbilt family. It not like I have a choice here,


Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. Who is the man in the conversation?

10. What does the man plan to do after summer?

11. What is the man doing now?

12. What might the man family think of the woman?

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear

some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a

question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).

Passage One

California State University San Marcos is offering a three-week summer trip titled ritish Culture

and Harry Potter?

While earning three credit hours(学分), students will travel across the UK, visiting places that

inspired(启发) author J.K. Rowling to create the wizard world in Harry Potter books.

Theyl also stop by many of the places where people made the eight, hugely successful films ?no

transportation magic words required.

Some of the highlights include visits to Scotland Yard, which served as inspiration(灵感) for the

Ministry of Magic; King Cross Station, home to the famous Platform 9? Oxford University, where

important scenes were filmed; and a tour of Edinburgh, Scotland, Rowling home town.

Students may be able to try a bit of magic of their own, for the trip even promises a real

broomstick(扫帚) flying lesson at a well-known castle. How? We do not know.

And yes, some British studies will be included, such as critical thinking about ocial issues relating

to inequality(不平等), race, and women rights within Great Britain? the course description states.

Even if you are not a student of California State University, you can still join the trip. But for those

who sign up for the trip, they need more than a couple gold coins. The estimated cost is about

$5,152, not including air ticket.

Still, it hard to believe students would miss the chance to earn three credits for finding out

interesting details about Harry Potter world. If you go, send a message back home with all the

magical details.

Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

13. What is the passage mainly about?

14. According to the passage, what are students supposed to do if they decide to go?

15. What will students get after their study?

Passage Two

The population of Chinese students overseas has been on the rise for many years. According to a

new report, over a million and a quarter Chinese students study abroad in 2015, more than any

other nationality. One in four students studying abroad is Chinese.

The most popular destinations(目的地) are English-speaking countries such as the US, Australia,

the UK and Canada. South Korea and Japan are also top choices. The US has remained the top

destination with over 300,000 students studying there. Chinese students also account for 62% of

all foreign students that study in South Korea.

Meanwhile, more students are returning home after graduation. About 400,000 students come

back in 2015, an increase of over 10%. Their motivations to return include better jobs back home.

More companies are offering internationally competitive pay for overseas talents. Besides, new

foreign visa policies have made it easy for returnees to travel overseas again. So more students

are going overseas, but at the same time more are coming home.

At the same time, there is a clear change in the age of those students studying overseas. The

population is actually getting much younger in the US. For example, the number of Chinese

students in undergraduate programs has for the first time become bigger than that of Chinese

students who are attending graduate school. There is also a really big increase in the number of

Chinese students going abroad for high school. This is due to a growing middle class here at home

in China. More families can afford better education overseas.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. Which country sends more students abroad than other countries?

17. What does the passage say about the overseas students who return home upon


18. What does the passage tell us about Chinese students studying in the US?

本文标签: 中国综合宇航员发射太空