


专题28 神舟系列飞船与中国载人航天


Crew members of Shenzhou 14 gave a science class 400 kilometers above Earth to students on October 12,

2022 in the Tiangong space station(太空站). The class began at 3:, with 1,420 students listening to the

class from different classrooms across China. The primary classroom is in China Science and Technology

Museum. There are also classrooms in Yunnan, Henan, and Shandong.

The three astronauts(宇航员) Chen Dong, Liu Yang, and Cai Xuzhe greeted students, teachers and other

viewers(观众) when the class started in the afternoon. They talked about their special life and work inside the

space station.

The astronauts made scientific experiments(实验) to show interesting physical phenomena(物理现象)in

space. They also invited young viewers to do similar experiments along with them to see the differences between

space and land to feel the fun. Also, they answered questions from students in the primary classroom during the


Tens of millions of teachers and students across China, including Hong Kong and Macao watched the

hour-long live class. They were excited to know more about biology, physics and chemistry through the

experiments in space.

It was the third class of the Tiangong Class. Chinese astronauts will present more classes in the future. Such

activities help to encourage young people to love science.

Shi Yi, a teacher in Beijing, said the class was an eye-opening experience(经历) that would ignite(点燃)

students’ interest in science.

Wang Yihan, a fifth-grade student, said, “The experiments really surprised me. I have great interest in space

and would like to play a role in our country’s space program in the future.”

1.Who listened to the Tiangong Class?

A.Students around the world.

B.Students around China.

C.Students in the space station.

2.What can we know about the class in space station?

A.There were three teachers in class.

B.Their life and work on space station is the same as ours.

C.It’s boring to watch the class.

3.The underlined word “encourage”

means ______.

A.鼓励 B.发展 C.提供

4.What can we infer(推断) from the passage?

A.All the students can ask the astronauts questions.

B.The two viewers thought the class was educational.

C.There are other classes about geography in the space station.

5.Where is the passage probably from?

A.A history book.

(2022·山东·平阴县教育教学研究中心九年级期中)Super space seeds

Since humans sent the first satellite(卫星)to space in the 1950s, scientists have been studying an important

topic: how to grow food in space if humans will one day live there. A recent experiment(实验)at the Tiangong

space station makes a big step forward.

Chinese astronauts have successfully grown rice seedlings(幼苗)during the Shenzhou XIV mission. “The

rice seedlings are growing very well,” said Zheng Huiqiong, a researcher from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Since the rice experiment began on July 29, the seedlings of the tall shoot rice variety(高杆水稻品种)have

reached a height of 30 centimeters. The seedlings of the dwarf rice variety(矮杆水稻品种)have grown to 5

centimeters, China Daily reported on Aug 30.

While there have been other rice experiments in space, this one is the first of its kind to produce the complete

life cycle of a plant—it begins with a seed and ends with a mature(成熟的)plant producing new seeds.

Such food-growing experiments are not just for astronauts. They can also solve food problems on Earth. By

sending seeds to space, we can create mutated(突变的)seeds, thanks to microgravity(微重力), lack of air and

cosmic rays(宇宙射线). The seeds can then produce higher yields(产量)on Earth.

For more than 30 years, China has developed over 260 new types of seeds in space. They are planted every

year in fields that cover tens of millions of hectares(公顷).

According to Yao Tong, an engineer from Hainan Aerospace Engineering Breeding Research Center(海南航

天工程育种研发中心), 30 percent of strawberries sold in Beijing are “space strawberries”, which are as big as

eggs. The center has also produced “space tomatoes” with yields increased by 30 percent, and “space bananas”

with a growth cycle(生长周期)shortened from 13 months to 9 months.

B.A music website. C.A science magazine.

6.How high did the tall shoot rice variety grow for the first month?

A.5 cm. B.25 cm. C.30 cm. D.35 cm.

7.What does “this one” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The dwarf rice variety.

C.The rice experiment on Shenzhou XIV.

B.The tall shoot rice variety.

D.The last rice experiment in space.

8.How does the current rice experiment differ from other experiments?

A.Its seedlings have successfully come up.

C.Its seedlings are growing very well.

9.Why do we grow food in space?

a. To feed astronauts.

b. To study microgravity.

c. To increase yields on Earth.

d. To research on cosmic rays.

A.ab B.bc

B.It goes through a complete life cycle.

D.It uses completely new rice varieties.

10.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A.Space planting is benefiting us.

C.People will never run out of food.

B.Space planting has disadvantages.

D.People are afraid of food bred in space.


①Shortly after the Shenzhou X① astronauts returned to Earth on April 16th, the door of Tiangong space

station welcomed another three Chinese astronauts, the Shenzhou XIV team members—Chen Dong, Liu Yang and

Cai Xuzhe, according to the China Manned Space Agency CMSA (中国载人航天局).

①On the afternoon of June 6, the three astronauts entered the Tianzhou 4 spaceship at 12:19 pm and soon

entered the Tianzhou 3 spaceship, the CMSA said. The two cargo (货运) spaceships are connected to Tiangong’s

core module named Tianhe.

①Then, they moved the living and working things from the cargo spaceships to the Tianhe module. Tons of

fuel (燃料) was working to keep them flying, according to the CMSA.Several hours after China sent the

spaceships in the northwestern desert, Chen and his teammates got to Tiangong space station on Sunday evening.

It is about 400 kilometers away from the Earth.

①After entering Tiangong, the three astronauts will stay there for six months. They are going to complete the

building of Tiangong space station. Tiangong has got four parts—the Tianhe core module; the Shenzhou XIV

manned spaceship; the Tianzhou 3 and Tianzhou 4 cargo spaceships. During the time of building it, they will do

scientific tests in the space lab till another three astronauts of the Shenzhou XV come to Tiangong.

①So far, China has achieved a lot in exploring the universe. And more Chinese astronauts will continue to

create new history in the exploration of space.

11.The passage above may be a ________. report plan

12.Para. 2 and 3 mainly talk about ________. the astronauts got to Tiangong

B.when the astronauts entered Tiangong

C.why the astronauts did tests in Tiangong

D.what the astronauts will do in Tiangong

13.From the picture on the right of Para. 4, we can learn about ________.

A.the Shenzhou XIV team members

B.the China Manned Space Agency

C.the parts of Tiangong space station

D.the stars and planets in the universe

14.Which of the following shows the best structure of the passage? ________ review story

A. B.



(2021·湖北·五峰土家族自治县中小学教研培训中心九年级期末)Wang Yaping, 41, became China’s first

woman spacewalker when she took part in the Shenzhou XIII mission’s first extravehicular(舱外的) activity with

Zhai Zhigang.

The extravehicular activity began at 6:51 pm on November 7, 2021 when Zhai opened a hatch(舱口). By

8:28 pm, Zhai and Wang had left the Tiangong space station. Ye Guangfu had remained inside the station to

monitor and support the spacewalk, which was scheduled to last six hours. It’s said the Shenzhou XIII crew will

carry out one to two more spacewalks in the coming months.

A native (当地人) of Shandong province and mother of a 5-year-old girl, Wang joined the army in August

1997 and joined the second group of astronauts in May 2010. In March 2012, she was part of the backup (备用)

crew for the Shenzhou IX mission. In June 2013, she took part in the Shenzhou X mission, which lasted 15 days.

She is the second Chinese woman to have flown in space. During the Shenzhou X flight, Wang gave China’s first

space-based lesson inside the Tiangong I to more than 60 million Chinese students at about 80,000 schools across

the country.

On November 10, three days after the spacewalk, Wang Yaping, Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu sent the TV

show The Reciter《朗读者》a video from the space. They read the general introduction of The Torrent Trilogy

written by Ba Jin. On December 9, 2021, Wang and the other two Shenzhou XIII mission crew gave a science

lesson 400 kilometers above the earth to millions of students. They showed us how they live and work inside the

space station and they also did some experiments.

15.When did the extravehicular activity begin?

A.At 8:28 am on November 7.

C.At 6:51 am on November 7.

B.At 8:28 pm on November 7.

D.At 6:51 pm on November 7.

16.How many times has Wang Yaping flown to space?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three. D.Four.

17.What did Wang Yaping do in space?

A.She had a spacewalk with Ye Guangfu.

B.She gave lessons to the other astronauts.

C.She read a passage outside the space station.

D.She did some experiments inside the space station.

18.According to Paragraph 3, Wang Yaping ________.

A.has a daughter who is five

C.took part in the Shenzhou IX mission

B.joined the army in May 2010

D.did a spacewalk in 2013

19.The best title for the passage can be _________.

A.China’s first extravehicular activity

C.China’s first woman spacewalker

(2022·河南·模拟预测)The Shenzhou XIV mission(任务)—China’s ninth manned

spaceflight—launched(发射) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on June 5, 2022.

The three astronauts—Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe—are being sent to the Tiangong space station.

B.China’s first space-based lesson

D.China’s first video from the space

They will stay there for half a year. This is the second time Chen and Liu have gone into space. The flight of three

astronauts is also expected to mark the beginning of a period of ten years. During this period, there will be

Chinese people in outer space every day.

As of the spacecraft’s arrival on that day, the Tiangong station consists of three parts—the Tianhe core

module(核心舱), the Tianzhou 3 and the Tianzhou 4 cargo(货运) ships.

The three astronauts will work with ground controllers to connect the Wentian and Mengtian space labs with

the Tianhe module. And then they use a robotic arm to move the labs to their permanent position. Wentian, the

station’s first lab part, will be lifted in July by a Long March 5B rocket from Hainan province, while the second

lab Mengtian will be launched by the same rocket model in October. After they are connected with Tiangong, the

station will form a T-shaped structure.

During their stay, the astronauts will finish two to three spacewalks and give science classes to students. In

the second half of their mission period, the Tianzhou 5 cargo craft and the Shenzhou XV astronauts will arrive at

the station. The Shenzhou XIV and XV astronauts will meet inside the Tiangong and work together for a short

time before Chen’s team flies back to Earth in December.

China has been making one achievement after another with its space missions that reflects the rapid

development of its aerospace area. The surprising achievements China has made in space exploration are expected

to attract more young people to devote their talents to the meaningful thing that benefits humankind as a whole.


20.How long will the three astronauts stay in the Tiangong space station?

A.For 3 months.

C.For 9 months.

B.For 6 months.

D.For 12 months.

21.Who will connect the space labs with the Tianhe module?

A.Ground controllers.

B.The astronauts of Shenzhou XIV.

C.The astronauts of Shenzhou XIV and XV.

D.The astronauts of Shenzhou XIV and the ground controllers.

22.What does the underlined word “permanent” mean in Chinese?

A.永久的 B.灵活的 C.暂时的 D.唯一的

23.Where will the Shenzhou XIV and XV astronauts meet?

A.Inside the Tiangong.

C.Inside the Tianhe.

24.What’s the structure of this text?

B.Inside the Tianzhou.

D.On the earth.






After orbiting(环绕)the Earth for six months, the three crew members(机组成员)of China’s Shenzhou XIII

mission(神舟十三号任务组)departed from the Tiangong space station and returned to the mother planet on

Saturday morning. They’re Zhai Zhigang. Ye Guangfu, Wang Yaping.

The crew has set a new record for China’s longest spaceflight, almost doubling the record of 92 days created

by their peers in the Shenzhou XII mission.

During the Shenzhou XIII mission, the astronauts carried out two spacewalks that totaled more than 12 hours.

Wang Yaping took part in the first spacewalk on Nov. 7, becoming the first female Chinese spacewalker.

The crew members also carried out two science lectures for Chinese students. In one experiment, Wang

Yaping used a Bing Dwen Dwen toy, the popular mascot(吉祥物)of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, to

show how objects(物体)fly in weightless environment. The lecture series aim to popularize space science and

encourage young people to follow their “science and space dreams”.

25.How long did the crew members of China’s Shenzhou ①① mission stay at the Tiangong space station?

A.Three months. B.Four months. C.Five months. D.Six months.

26.Who joined the spacewalk and became the first female Chinese space walker?

A.Zhai Zhigang. B.Ye Guangfu. C.Wang Yaping. D.Wang Liwei.

27.What did Wang Yaping do for Chinese students?

A.She shared their pictures taken in the space. B.She showed students how things fly in space.

C.She gave her best wishes for the Spring Festival. D.She gave students Bing Dwen Dwen as presents.

28.What’s the purpose of the Tiangong class?

A.It’s to help the advertisers sell the mascot.

B.It’s to carry out a new travel route for the students.

C.It’s to make students interested in space science.

D.It’s to make an experiment in the weight environment.

(2022·安徽·三模)After traveling around the earth six months, the three members of China’s Shenzhou XIII

returned to the earth on the morning of April 16, 2022. They set a new record by finishing the nation’s longest

本文标签: 发展中心载人