


Abroad ad. 传开

Accord n.和平条约,(国与国之间的)协议 vt. 授予,赋予;使。。。和谐,调解

to accord disputes调解争端to accord due praise给予适当的表扬

Ache vi. 渴望、怜悯(for) n.疼痛、渴望

Across ad. 宽,阔 ad./prep. 交叉

Act n.法案,法令,条例 v.装作

Address n./v. 致辞,向。。。讲话 v.处理

Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are

comprehensive programs that address the many needs of the homeless.

Advance v.提出(建议等) n.贷款,预付款

Advise vt.通知,告知

Against prep.对比,和。。。比

Alive a.

She is a girl alive to moods of others.她是个对别人的心绪很敏感的女孩The lake was alive with fish .湖满是游来游去的鱼.

Allowance n.体谅,考虑,(收入的)免税额

Announce v.报告。。。的来到

Answer v.令人满意,满足,符合,适应,与。。。相称

Appreciate v.领会,充分意识到,体谅,增值

Approach v.对付,处理

Argue vt.论证,主张,说服

Supporters of the new supersystems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost

reductions and better coordinated service.

Army n. 大群

Assumption n.担任,承担,夺取(权力等)

Attack n.(病)发作,(情绪等)侵袭 v.奋力处理

Attend vi.专心于,致力于

Attendant a.伴随的,随之而产生的

Attitude n.姿势

Attribute n.属性,品质,特征

Audience n.读者,会见

Avenue n.途径,手段

Avert vt.避免,防止

Bank n.(长条形的)堆 v.把(钱)存入银行

Beam n./v.喜色,微笑 v.向。。。广播,定向发出

Bearing n.举止,风度,(pl.)方位,方向感

Become vt.适宜,同。。。相称

Behave vi.运转,开动

Behaviour n.(机器等)运转情况

Bend v.屈从,屈服,使专注于,使集中

Beside prep.与。。。相比

Between prep.由。。。所共有,为。。。所分享

Bid vt.祝愿,说问候,打招呼的话 n.企图,努力

Bill n.议案,法案,招贴 vt.用招贴宣布

Bitter a.寒冷刺骨的

Blossom v.发展,长成

Blue a.沮丧的,忧郁的,伤心的

Blunt v.使减弱 a.率直的,直言不讳的

Board n.董事会,膳宿 v.上(船,车等),膳宿

Body n.一批,大量,实体,实质内容,机关,机构

"national" could mean interprovincial ---- provinces combining efforts to create one body.

Bond n.有息债券,契约,协定

Boot n.解雇

Boss v.指挥,发号施令

Box n.包厢 v.拳击,打耳光

Brace vt.撑牢,支柱,使防备,使受锻炼

Bread n.生计,谋生之道

Breakdown n.统计分析,(健康,精神等)衰竭,衰弱

Breath n.微风

Brisk a.兴隆的,尖刻的

Brush n.轻碰,小冲突 v.触到

Bubble n.幻想

At the same time, listening through earphones to the same monotonous beats for long stretches

encourages kids to stay inside their bubble instead of pursuing other endeavors.

Bug n.小毛病,窃听器 v.窃听,烦扰,激怒

Build vi.向顶点发展 n.体型,体格

Bull n.买进证券(或商品)投机图利者

Buy vt.向。。。行贿,收买

Cap n.盖,罩,套

Capture v.借鉴

Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record

Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests.

Card n.办法,手段,妙计

Careless a.随便的,自然的

Cast n. 演员表,全体演员

Casualty 受害人,牺牲品

Champion vt./n. 拥护者,捍卫者

Chance v. 冒。。。的险,碰巧,偶然发生

Charge v.充电, n.电荷,负荷

Charm n.符咒,随身护符 v.(以魔法或似有魔法)控制、保护

Charter v.租船,租车,包机

Cheap a.容易得到的,低级的,劣质的,吝啬的

Check n./vt.制止,控制 vt.(凭票)托运或寄存

Chest n.柜子,橱

Circular n.传单,印刷品,宣传品

Circulation n. 发行量

Cite vt.传唤,传证,表彰,嘉奖

Clear a.畅通的,无阻的,净得的

Climb n.上升,增长

Clutch n.控制,掌握,势力范围

Code n.法典,法规,规则,准则

But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more

than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in


Coin vt. 创造(新词等)

Colony n.聚居区

Comb n.(鸡等的)肉冠,冠状物 vt.彻底搜查

Company n.客人,宾客

Compass n.界限,范围

Complex n.情结,夸大的情绪反应

Compose v.使平静,使镇静,创作,为。。。谱曲

compose oneself镇静下来,安下心来

Composition n.作品,乐曲

Compound vt.使加重,使恶化

Concede v.允许,让予,(不情愿地)承认

Concert n.一齐,一致

Concession n.特许,特许权

Conclusion n.议定,缔结

Condition n.状况,状态

Confidence n.秘密,机密

Connection n.熟人,关系(户)

Conservation n.守恒,不灭

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