



Ship is a common suffix in English that is used to form words related to

transportation or navigational vehicles. The suffix "ship" originates from the Old English

word "scipe," which means "a condition or state." In modern usage, it is commonly added

to nouns or adjectives to create new words denoting various types of vessels,

relationships, or offices.

1. Airship: An airship refers to a type of aircraft that is lifted and propelled by an

engine-driven system of gas-filled bags. It is commonly known as a blimp or dirigible.

2. Warship: A warship is a powerful naval vessel designed and used primarily for

combat or warfare at sea. Examples include battleships, destroyers, aircraft carriers, and


3. Friendship: Friendship describes the state or quality of being a friend. It is a close

and supportive relationship between two or more people based on mutual trust, respect,

and companionship.

4. Flagship: A flagship is the most important or prominent ship in a fleet, often

carrying the fleet's commander or serving as a symbol of the fleet's power and prestige.

5. Membership: Membership refers to the state or condition of being a member of a

particular group, organization, or association. It implies belonging and often involves

certain rights, privileges, or responsibilities.

6. Ownership: Ownership signifies the state or act of possessing, controlling, or

having legal rights to something, such as a property, business, or asset.

7. Relationship: Relationship pertains to the connection, association, or interaction

between two or more people, groups, or entities. It can refer to various types of bonds,

including familial, romantic, or professional connections.

8. Scholarship: Scholarship denotes the academic study or pursuit of knowledge

through research, analysis, and critical thinking. It can also refer to financial aid or grants

given to support students in their educational endeavors.

9. Leadership: Leadership represents the state or practice of guiding, directing, or

influencing others towards a common goal. It involves the ability to inspire, motivate,

and make strategic decisions.

10. Stewardship: Stewardship refers to the responsible management, care, and

protection of something valuable or entrusted to one's care. It is often associated with

environmental or ethical practices.

Remember, the examples provided above are just a few of the many words that use

the suffix "-ship" in the English language. This suffix plays a significant role in

expanding our vocabulary to express different concepts and ideas related to transportation,

relationships, and roles.

本文标签: 意思后缀单词