



在批改同学们的作文时,有同学写了这样一个句子“Education is the key to secure

a good job.”他认为,老师说过to do是固定用法,叫做不定式,那to后面接的肯定是

动词原形。的确,这是to的一个高频用法:作为“infinitive marker”--用于原形动词之前,




“look forward to doing sth.”就是把to作为介词使用。因此文章开头中同学所写的句

子其实应该改为“Education is the key to securing a good job.”

同样的例子还有某位同学所写的“You need pay more attention to work with



一个角度考虑,大部分同学应该熟悉“pay attention to sth.”这个短语,其中的sth.是名

词,那么to后面接动词就应该改成doing,而不是to do,因为doing是动名词,才具有

名词性。所以这句话应该改为“You need pay more attention to work with others.”


sb./sth./doing sth.不能接do sth.),希望大家今后可以分清作为介词的“to”和不定式


1.适应:adapt/adjust to

The elderly can be slow to adapt to the changing environment.

2.吸引:appeal to

The design can appeal to all ages and social groups.

3.运用:apply sth.

The new technology was applied to online communication.

4.把…归因于:attribute sth.

She attributes her success to hard work and friends'help.

5.有贡献:contribute to

Immigrants have greatly contributed to the local culture in many ways.

6.反对:object to

Many local people object to the building of the new airport.

7.提到,涉及:refer to

This article refers to the experience of his father.

8.依靠,求助于:resort to

The company have to resort to using experienced staff.

9.期盼:look forward to

I am looking forward to seeing you again.

10.坚持(做某事,不怕困难):stick to

He finds it impossible to stick to exercising ever day.

11.受影响,易遭受:be subject to

Flights are subject to delay because of the heavy rain.

12.习惯于:be accustomed to

He is accustomed to working overtime.

13.献身,致力:devote oneself to

She devoted her life to helping the poor.

14.的解决方案/关键/答案/法:the solution/key/answer/approach to

Science and Technology is always the key to developing a country.。

本文标签: 同学作为介词动词原形