


Unit 4 Topic 1 What can I do for you Section D教学设计


Unit 4 Topic 1 What can I do for you Section D教学设计


1. Learn the phonetic alphabets:

2. (1)Review some countable nouns:

egg, banana, shoe, coat, vegetable, pant

(2)Review some uncountable nouns and some useful


milk, salt, fish, rice, bread, juice, a glass of apple juice, six

bottles of milk, two bags of salt

3. Review the usage of "some" and "any".

4. Review some useful expressions about shopping.




Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)

1. (学生两人一组以Shopping为题目自由交谈。)


(1) S1: What can I do for you, sir?

S2: I want some milk.

S1: How many bags do you need?

S2: Four.

S1: Is that all?

S2: Yes. How much is it?

S1: 16 yuan.

S2: Here you are. Thanks.

S1: You're welcome.

(2) S3: Can I help you, madam?

S4: I want some clothes for my daughter.

S3: Would you like this one?

S4: Oh, I don't like the color.

S3: What do you think of that blue one?

S4: That's fine. How much is it?

S3: 80 yuan.

S4: OK. I'll take it. Thank you.

S3: You're welcome.

(3) S5: Could you help me do some shopping, S6?

S6: Sure, what do we need?

S5: We need some bread and some salt.

S6: How much salt do we need?

S5: Three bags of salt.

S6: Is that all?

S5: Yes, I think so.

S6: Oh, some bread and three bags of salt.

S5: Yes, that's right.

2. T: Now, let's come to Section D.


第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)


跟读并模仿。出示词条thirteen, purple, T-shirt, skirt,将这些词条贴


thirteen teacher order thirty

purle welcome fourteen forty

T-shirt later forty heavy

skirt letter tall worry Step 3 Consolidation

第三步 巩固(时间:6分钟)

1. (教师播放1录音,学生听并从单词中标出含有该音素的字母或


2. (教师让学生做游戏,在游戏中听读本课4个元音音素。教师准




shirt color forty fifty

worker dollar ball happy

nurse letter four monkey

thirty over door eighty Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分


1. (完成2,教师和学生一起核对答案。然后学生之间练习对话。)

2. (学生按正确的语序排列课本3的句子,组成一个对话,教师和



(1)S1: What can I do for you, boy?

(2)S2: I'd like two bottles of milk and three kilos of eggs.

(3)S1: Is that all?

(4)S2: Yes. How much are they?

(5)S1: 15 yuan, please.

(6)S2: Here you are.

(7)S1: Thanks.




(根据总结,用a, an, some, any填空。完成下面的练习题。)

① I have desk.

② They don't have rulers.

③ She has eraser.

④ Does she want water?

⑥ Do you need bags of oranges?

⑦ They would like glasses of apple juice.

⑧ She doesn't have English book.



①I want clothes for my daughter.

②Oh, we don't have milk.

③Do you have vegetables?

④Would you like bread? (教师要求学生用some, any填空,并




Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:8分钟)

1. (做游戏。)





S1: Can I help you?

S2: Yes, please. I want a coat.

S1: How about this one?

S2: It looks nice. Can I try it on?

S1: Sure. How do you like it?

S2: It's a little small.

S1: What do you think of that green one? Will you try it on?

S2: Thanks. Oh, it's OK. How much is it?

S1: It's 100 yuan.

S2: That's fine. I'll take it. Thanks.

S1: You're welcome.

2. Homework:




Sales Report

Things Price

a coat 100 yuan

_____ _______

_____ _______

_____ _______

_____ _______

_____ _______

Total ¥_____


What can I do for you?

Section D

thirteen teacher order thirty a banana/a coat/an egg

purple welcome morning forty a pair of pants/shoes

T-shirt later forty heavy some vegetables/oranges

skirt letter tall worry bottle of milk

two bags of salt

some bread/fish/rice

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