



Julu Battle, also known as Battle of the Wei River Plains, was

fought between the forces of the Qin and the Zhao states in 207

BC, during the Warring States period of ancient China. The battle

was fought in the vicinity of present-day Hebei province and was

one of the most significant battles in ancient Chinese history.

The Qin forces, led by General Baiqi and his subordinate

Wang Ben, numbered around 600,000 soldiers. The Zhao forces,

led by General Zhao Kuo, numbered around 400,000 soldiers.

Despite the numerical superiority of the Qin forces, the Zhao

forces were well-prepared and had positioned themselves in a

strong defensive position, behind a river and fortified walls.

On the other hand, the Qin forces were overconfident and

underestimated the Zhao's abilities. Instead of attacking from the

front, General Baiqi sent a detachment of troops to attack the

Zhao from behind, hoping to catch them off-guard and cut off

their retreat. However, the Zhao forces were alerted to the Qin

movement and managed to form a rear-guard to hold off the Qin


At the same time, the main Qin force launched a frontal

assault on the Zhao defenses. Despite their numerical superiority,

the Qin forces suffered heavy losses and were unable to make a

breakthrough. To make matters worse, General Zhao Kuo led a

surprise attack on the Qin camp, causing chaos and forcing the

Qin troops to retreat.

In the end, the Qin forces suffered a crushing defeat, with

over 200,000 soldiers killed in battle. General Baiqi himself

managed to escape with only a few hundred troops, but he vowed

revenge and spent the next several years rebuilding his army and

planning his next attack on the Zhao forces.

The Julu Battle marked a significant turning point in the

Warring States period, as it demonstrated the importance of

strategy and tactics in warfare, rather than mere brute force. It

also showed that even a numerically inferior force could win a

battle if they were well-prepared and strategically positioned.

In summary, the Julu Battle was a key battle in ancient

Chinese history that demonstrated the importance of strategy and

tactics in warfare, and the need for careful planning and

preparation on the part of military commanders. Despite the

ultimately crushing defeat suffered by the Qin forces, the battle

served as a valuable lesson for future military campaigns and

helped to shape the course of Chinese history.

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