



2 B battery charger 充电器

3 black-fleck 黑斑

4 C cap 盖板

5 capacity density 能量密度

6 capacity grading 分容

7 cathode tab welding 极耳超焊

8 cell 电芯

9 charge(capacity) retention 荷电(容量)保持

10 checking code 检码

11 concave spot 凹点

12 constant current charge 恒流充电

13 constant current discharge 恒流放电

14 constant voltage charge 恒压充电

15 corrective measures 纠正措施

16 crack 裂纹

17 cut-off voltage 终止电压

18 cycle life 循环寿命

19 D dark trace 暗痕

20 degrade 降级

21 dent 凹痕

22 discharge depth 放电深度

23 distortion 变形

24 drape 打折

25 E Electrical and MechanicalServices Department 机电部

26 electrolyte 电解,电解液

27 empaistic 压纹

28 end-off voltage 放电截止电压

29 environmentally friendly 对环境友好

30 equipment first inspection 设备首检

31 erode 腐蚀

32 explosion-proof line 防爆线

33 F first inspection 首检

34 formation 化成

35 fracture 断裂

36 I inspection 检验

37 insulate 绝缘

38 internal resistance 内阻

39 J jellyroll 卷芯

40 joint 接缝,结合点

41 L laser deflecting 偏光

42 laser reticle 激光刻线

43 laser welding-flatwise weld 激光焊接-平焊

laser welding-standing weld 激光焊接-立焊

45 leak-checking 测漏

46 leaving out of welding 漏焊

47 limited charge voltage 充电限制电压

48 local action 自放电

49 M margin turnly 翘边

50 measuring the dimension of cells 电芯卡尺寸

51 meet requirement 达到要求

52 memory effects 记忆效应

53 N nick 划痕

54 nominal voltage 标称电压

55 notice-board confirmation 看板确认

56 nugget 硬块

57 O obverse 正面

58 open circuit voltage 开路电压

59 over charge 过充

本文标签: 电压激光焊接