












A) 听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。

1. A. I have a stomachache.

2. A. Could I go out for dinner?

3. A. What were you doing?

4. A. Have you ever been to Zibo?

5. A. Put a bandage on it.

B. I will take my temperature.

B. Could you pass me the salt?

B. Why not talk to your mom?

B. Has she read the book?

B. Run it under water.

C. I want to watch a movie.

C. Could we have a drink?

C. What happened next?

C. Has he decided what to do?

C. Put some medicine on it.

B) 在录音中,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所


6. Where was Jim at the time of the rainstorm?

A. At home.

7. Why is Peter sad today?

A. He broke Linda’s watch.

8. What does Tom enjoy doing?

A. Reading books.

A. The Dragon Boat Festival.

B. The Spring Festival.

C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.

10. How long does it take Mike to finish reading the book?

A. For two days.B. For three days.C. For five days.

C) 在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所给问


11. What are on show in the museum?

A. 3D Pictures.B. 3D Movies.C. Animal models.

12. What does the woman think of the museum?

B. Playing badminton.C. Going climbing

9. What are the two speakers talking about?

B. Linda was angry with him.C. Linda broke his watch.

B. At school.C. At the bus station.

A. Boring.

A. At 9:

A. They can walk there.

B. Amazing.

B. At

B. They can go there by bike.

C. Terrible

C. At 2:

C. They can go there by bus.

13. When will they go to the museum?

14. How can they get to the museum?

15. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The museum is open for 8 hours every day.

B. They can’t take any photos in the museum.

C. They will go shopping after visiting the museum.

D) 在录音中,你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所给问


16. Who will visit the Great Wall with Alan?

A. His family.

A. For less than a week.

A. Feed animals.

19. When is Alan’s birthday?

A. On August 8th

20. What is Alan talking about?

A. How will he spend his holiday?

B. Why is he making a holiday plan?

C. Where will he spend his coming holiday?

B. On August 18th.C. On August 28th.

B. His cousin.

B. For about two weeks.

B. Pick apples.

C. His friends.

C. For more than three weeks.

C. Pick vegetables.

17. How long will Alan stay in his hometown?

18. What will Alan help his uncle do on the farm?

二、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处


Liu Xiaosheng finally had time for 21 when the summer vacation ended. The 73-year-old man had been

teaching children English for free six days a week for over a 22 .

Before he retired (退休), Liu was a foreign language teacher at a university in Chongqing. In July 2012, he

brought his family to Guizhou to spend the 23 . One evening, he saw a neighbor’s 24 learning

English. He asked the kid to 25 him a passage. “The pronunciation (发音) was 26 ,” Liu said. As a

teacher, he knew how 27 the pronunciation was to learning the language. So he began to correct 28

child. In this way, Liu “recruited (招收)” his 29 student.

News of free English teacher flew 30 and more and more children came to learn. As the number of

students 31 , Liu set up a classroom in the courtyard (庭院) of a villager’s 32 .

Every summer, about 40 children come 33 learning English. So far, some 100 local (本地的) students have

taken the classes.

Villagers once tried to give him money and gifts, but Liu 34 . He said that teaching had become a part of

his life, and he did it for 35 .

21. A. itself

22. A. day

23. A. spring

24. A. uncle

25. A. read

26. A. nice

27. A. interesting

28. A. /

29. A. first

30. A. mostly

31. A. fell

32. A. school

33. A. for

34. A. went out

35. A. something

B. himself

B. week

B. summer

B. father

B. write

B. special

B. difficult

B. a

B. second

B. heavily

B. grew

B. house

B. with

B. gave up

B. nothing

C. herself

C. month

C. autumn

C. friend

C. find

C. bad

C. boring

C. an

C. third

C. quickly

C. became

C. playground

C. about

C. ran away

C. anything

D. myself

D. year

D. winter

D. child

D. give

D. funny

D. important

D. the

D. fourth

D. clearly

D. reached

D. pool

D. of

D. turned down

D. everything


A: Hello, John. I called you so many times yesterday, but you didn’t answer. 36

B: Sorry, Mary. I left my phone at home. I went to see the doctor.

A: 37

B: I have a sore back. Don’t worry, I’m feeling better now. By the way, why did you look for me?

A: I had some trouble in getting on well with my new teachers and classmates. 38

B: Why don’t you communicate more with them? Communication is a useful way to know each other.

A: I will have a try. Thanks for your advice.

B: 39 I have to go now, because I must finish my book review today.

A: 40

B: Little Women. I have already finished reading it.

A: Wow, you’re so fast. Hope everything goes well.

36. A. How often do you exercise?

C. What are you doing?

37. A. What should you do?

C. When are you free?

38. A. What should I do?

C. Where do you meet them?

39. A. Sorry to hear that.

C. My pleasure.

40. A. How do you like the book Little Women?

C. Which book do you decide to write about?

B. Where did you go?

D. What did you do with it?

B. What are your hobbies?

D. What’s wrong with you?

B. Who do you ask for help?

D. Why do you go out now?

B. Sounds unusual.

D. Catch you on Monday.

B. Are you good at writing a book?

D. What are you talking about?

四、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最



In a park in Tianjin, there were two middle school students performing the traditional Chinese folk art—kuaiban.

The students were from the Leadership Club of Tianjin TEDA No. 1 Middle School. The Leadership Club is for

training students’ leadership through all kinds of projects (项目).

Jin Shimin set up his kuaiban project. “Kuaiban is a Chinese cultural heritage (遗产), and I hope more people

could fall in love with it,” Jin said.

Jin and his team have thought of many ways to promote (推广) this folk art. “We invited Duan Xiaofeng and Zhu

Wangchang, two young inheritors of Wangpai kuaiban, to perform inside and outside the school,” said Jin. “We also

invited Wei Wenliang for help. He will come to our school and give a talk.” The team have also shared kuaiban

videos online. “We worked together to let more people know about the project. Everyone enjoys it,” said team

member Wang Chongfeng.

The Leadership Club has many other projects, such as garbage classification (垃圾分类) and career (职业)

planning. “Through these projects, students learn problem-solving and communicating, which will help them become

good leaders in the future,” said the head of the club.

41. How does the writer start the text?

A. By telling a story.

C. By asking a question.

A. 爱好者B. 创建者

B. By giving a number.

D. By taking an example.

C. 传承者D. 管理者

42. What does the underlined word “inheritors” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese?

43. Why did Jin Shimin set up his kuaiban project?

A. To promote their school.

C. To find more inheritors of kuaiban.

①Kuaiban project

A. ①②③

B. To be an inheritor of kuaiban.

D. To make more people like kuaiban.

③Paper cutting class ④Career planning

44. What projects does the Leadership Club have?

②Garbage classification

B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④

45. What can we learn from the text?

A. Many students work as leaders in the club.

B. The projects will help train students’leadership.

C. The writer wants to save more cultural heritages.

D. All the people enjoy the traditional Chinese folk art.


On the evening of September 1st in 2022, all the teachers and students gathered (聚焦) in the cloud and had the

first class of this term. This show is popular among all the primary and middle school students because it shows

something educational and meaningful through some real stories.

With the topic of “Hard work makes dreams come true”, The First Lesson in 2022 was divided into three parts:

“Hard work, continuous (不断的) work and united work”. The program invited the winners of “the August First

Medal”, “Role Models of the Times”, scientific and technological workers, Olympic players, volunteers and so on,

together with the students to have a lively and interesting “first lesson”.

Through the study of The First Lesson of the New Term, the children have further improved their sense of nation

and their personal confidence, and known their responsibilities (责任) as children in the new era.

These true and exciting stories encouraged young people to try hard on their new journey. The First Lesson

further inspired (鼓舞) the children to love the country. In the special time of fighting against and controlling the

epidemic (疫情), let’s take on the burden (重担) of the times, and get over difficulties. Let’s do our best to study hard

and show our responsibility of children who are not afraid of difficulties.

46. What does the underlined phrase “in the cloud” mean in the text?

A. Online.B. In space.C. In the open air.D. At home.

47. What’s the topic of The First Lesson of the New Term in 2022?

A. Where there is a will, there is a way.

C. Our future depends on ourselves.

48. What’s the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. The importance of The First Lesson of the New Term.

B. The true meaning of The First Lesson of the New Term.

C. Why is The First Lesson of the New Term popular among students?

D. What can students learn from The First Lesson of the New Term?

49. Which of the following shows the best structure of the text?

A. B. C. D.

B. Five-star Red flag, I’m proud of you.

D. Hard work makes dreams come true.

50. In which part of a newspaper will you probably read the text?

A. Health.B. Sports.C. Education.


Have you bought any second-hand things? Have you sold anything of yours to others? Any stories behind it?

After a whole week of rain, we finally had a comfortable, beautiful summer day outside. My family and I were

driving to a nearby town when my daughter found a yard sale. We saw old toys and a couple of guitars. We saw huge

piles of clothes and even a piece of furniture (家具) or two for sale. Best of all, we saw lots of smiling people talking,

laughing, sitting and standing in the sunshine.

Seeing all of this brought back memories of my childhood. Most of my clothes back then came from yard sales.

My mom was a talented yard sale shopper. I used to hate going to them until one special day when I saw that they also

sold old books there. After that, I always browsed (浏览) the books until it was time to go and sometimes my mom

would buy me one too. Soon a large part of my home library came from yard sale books. To me, they were more

priceless than new ones.

Why do we have yard sales? We throw away our old things and we buy “new” old things. But it certainly isn’t

for the money. It’s that yard sales bring us together. We talk and catch up with old friends and new neighbors. We

connect (联系) with kindness and our love for all the old stuff (物品).

D. Culture.

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