


Unit 3 Online tour

Period 2 Reading Ⅰ


一、根据课文内容填写单词, 完成信息表

Around the world in eight hours

Click on the "Tour" icon at the


________ of the web page. Then choose a city and you can start

How to travel



________ tour.

Click on the "Back" icon at the


________ of the page. Pick another city, and you can start a new


Wall Street is


________ as a trade centre. There are many big companies and


________ banks


The ________

to New York


Every year on New Year’s Eve, people


________ at Times Square. They are


________ to see

the huge glass ball falling through the darkness.

Central Park is a good place for people to


________ .

People can enjoy plays and musicals in Broadway. It has been famous since the early





1. at the top of the hill 2. just click on the icon

3. at the southern end of. … 4. a world-famous trade centre

5. so much for New York 6. a famous Broadway musical

7. 八小时环游世界 8. 美国最大的城市

9. 在这座岛的中央 10. 开始你的新旅程


be famous for in the centre of hear of big

after a hard day’s work thousands of further on exciting

Hi, everyone!I’m Robin. Let me tell you about the tour today. Here we are in the world’s


________ city

square—Tian’anmen Square. It’s


________ the city. Every morning,


________ people gather here. It’s


________ to watch the raising of the national flag.


________ is the Palace Museum. It


________ its wonderful

buildings and art treasures. We will learn more about our history and culture there. In the afternoon, we’ll visit

Beihai Park. Have you ever


________ the song "Let’s paddle together"? With a large lake and amazing buildings

and gardens, Beihai Park is a good place to relax


________ . OK, so much for today. Let’s tart our tour!



A mobile phone app (应用软件) has recently become very popular at the Middle School Attached to

Guangzhou University, It is named Health Helper. Put your weight, height and ____1____ into the app, and it will

give you suggestions on how to get healthier. ____2____ , the app is not designed by a company but by two Junior

____3____ boys from the school. Since last year, they have_ to design apps by attending the school’s app-making


They decided to create an app to keep fit ____4____ obesity (肥胖) has become a problem for many

teenagers. They ____5____ for standard health information on the Internet, put them in the app and wrote simple

programs to make it work. ____6____ app-making software, the two boys finished their Health Helper app after

three weeks of hard work.

The taste of ____7____ is exciting. After Health Helper, the two boys now are working on a robot that can be

controlled by cell phone blue-tooth. ____8____ them good luck!

1. A. name B. photo C. address D. age

2. A. Clearly B. Surprisingly C. Luckily D. Terribly

3. A. learnt B. failed C. stopped D. remembered

4. A. when B. since C. before D. after

5. A. cared B. went C. searched D. found

6. A. With the help of B. As a result of C. Instead of D. In the form of

7. A. hobby B. work C. success D. life

8. A. Hope B. Wish C. Give D. Bring


John J. Fitz Gerald, born in 1893, was a horse-racing (赛马) writer fora newspaper in New York in the 1920s

and was the first to popularize the name"the Big Apple". One day Fitz Gerald heard two stablemen (养马人) use

the name "the Big Apple" when talking about the New York City racecourses (赛马场) . Fitz Gerald loved the

name so much that he named his racing column (赛马专栏) "Around the Big Apple". Later many jazz musicians

began calling the city "the Big Apple" to mean that New York was the jazz capital of the world. Soon the name

became synonymous with the New York City.

In the early 1970s the city had many problems. The number of visitors was falling. So the government of the

New York City decided to call the city "the Big Apple", inviting visitors to "take a bite out of the apple".

1. What did the name "the Big Apple"first mean?

A. A racing column. B. The New York City racecourses.

C. A newspaper in New York. D. The New York City.

2. Who first made the name "the Big Apple" popular?

A. Two stablemen! B. John J. Fitz Gerald. C. Jazz musicians. D. The government of the New

York City.

3. What’s the meaning of the underlined word "synonymous" in paragraph 1?

A. 流行的 B. 熟悉的 C. 同义的 D. 反义的

4. The government called the city "the Big Apple" in order to ________ .

A. tell people the history of the city B. get more visitors to watch horse races

C. make the jazz musicians more popular D. invite more tourists to visit the city

5. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. Why New York is called "the Big Apple".

C. What to see and do in New York.

Period 2


B. How to visit New York.

D. How New York became popular.


1. top 2. online 3. bottom 4. visit/trip 5. world-famous/famous

6. international 7. gather 8. excited 9. relax 10. twentieth


1. 在山顶 2. 只要点击图标 3. 在……南端 4. 一个世界著名的贸易中心

5. 纽约就说这么多 6. 一部著名的百老汇音乐剧

7. eight hours around the world / travel around the world in eight hours

8. the biggest city in the USA

9. in the centre of the island

10. start your new tour


1. biggest

5. Further on


1-4 DBAB



2. in the centre of

6. is famous for

5-8 CACB

3. thousands of

7. heard of


4. exciting

8. after a hard day’s work

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