


一、曲江钟情 (相遇相知相爱场景)

Act I A Love Encounter in Qu Jiang

(The scene of meeting, knowing, falling in love)






‘The weather’s fine in the third moon on the third day, by riverside so many

beauties in array.’ It comes from one of the poems written by Du Fu which gives

an great description of the attractive Spring scenery and the bustling tourists

enjoying the fine day in the Qu Jiang area in the south of Chang’An in tang

dynasty. In that spring, Wang Baochuan (the heroine) went to the QuJiang for an

outing in early spring with her maid. On their way, she was molested by several

rascals, at that time, Xue Ping’gui (the hero) stepped forward, drove them off.

Baochuan invited Pinggui to go sight-seeing together for her appreciation of his

bravery and talent. Their journey was beguiled with the spirited and pleasant talk,

immediately they found that they two were kindred spirits and felt like the old

friends at the first sight, regretted not knowing each other before. Night falling,

they two parted reluctantly, the seed of love already burgeoned in their heart


二、彩楼招亲 (彩楼配场景)

Act II To choose love on color floor to get married

与平贵相识后,宝钏决意嫁与薛郎, 对上门提亲的公子王孙,一一相拒,并执意让父


Since encountering Pinggui and made acquaintance with him, BaoChuan

determined to marry him and refused all other blue-blooded young man. She

insisted on that her father should compliance on the traditional ancient customs,

to choose love color floor and get married. Driven to despair, the prime Minister

Wang ,Baochuan’s father, chosed an auspicious day, and send the invitation to

the noble Young man.






During that day, the high color-floor was put up in the palace, many noble

Young man dressing sumptuous who have powerful status, and the Pinggui also

was carried into the yard from the side door by Baochuan’s maid. The time

comes,Baochuan dressed up and standed on the color-floor , smile on her cherry

face wreathing ,shaping out the result, her wrist slightly turning, the embroidered

ball falls, and hit on the XunPinggui as definetely, as the lines actors sing in the

opera: ‘no matter how dazzling handsome the crowds are, and I only throw my

love hydrangea to Ping Lang.’

本文标签: 彩楼曲江丫环招亲歹徒