




1. be interested in= show great interest 52. in addition = moreover = besides =

in=take an interest in=be fascinated by

2. develop a sense/habit/an awareness of

3. go home in a hurry=hurry home

additionally = further = furthermore = what’s


53. in addition to = as well as

4. be made up of=be composed of=consist 54. in advance = ahead of time


5. because of=thanks to/owing to/due to

6. if=on condition that=supposing=suppose

7. as a result=turn out to=in consequence of

55. take advantage of = make use of

56. affect = impact = influence = have an effect

/ impact / influence on

57. have an affection for = like

8. in order to=for the purpose of=in an effort 58. be aimed at =be intended to do


9. hear=at the news of=on hearing the news

59. answer for = be responsible for

60. apart from = besides / except for

10. can’t do sth.=have trouble/difficulty in

61. apologize to sb for sth=make an apology to

doing sth.=be unable to do sth. sb for sth

11. cause=lead to =contribute to=bring 62. appeal to sb = be popular with sb

about=result in= give rise to

12. a lot of

63. appeal to sb. to do= call on sb to do

homework=endless 64. have an appetite for = like

65. be approaching = be coming homework/assignment

13. don’t like=care nothing for=hate=dislike

= be around the corner = be at hand

14. be being built=be under construction

15. be angry with=be annoyed with/at

66. appeal to sb=be popular with sb=attract sb

67. arise from / out of = result from

16. be busy with=be occupied with=bury 68. be associated with = be connected / linked

oneself in with = be related to

17. make one’s life dangerous=threaten

69. in an attempt to do = in an effort to do = in


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one’s life

18. in one’s


order to do


70. bear doing = tolerate / put up with /

one’s personal

stand/endure doing

71. believe in = trust

72. blame sb for sth=blame sth on sb


idea=from one’s angle alone

19. apologize to sb.=make an apology to sb.

20. attend=participate in=take part in=join 73. burst out crying = burst into tears

in= be involved in

21. face=be faced with; facing=faced with

74. in one’s charge = in the charge of sb

75. bring sth to an end = put an end to sth

22. more and more people=an increasing 76. prefer doing A to doing B=prefer to do A

number of people

23. live happily=live/lead a happy life

rather than do B= would rather do A than do

B= would do A rather than do B

24. see suddenly=catch sight of=get glimpse 77. be prepared for / to do=make preparations


25. suddenly=all of a sudden

26. hurriedly=in a hurry

27. immediately=without hesitation/delay

for=in preparation for

78. take pride in = be proud of

79. a large quantity of = large quantities of

80. it is reported that = be reported to do

28. because=for the reason that=on account 81. take/shoulder the responsibility for=be

of responsible for

29. very fast/quickly/rapidly/swiftly=in no sb with sth=supply sth to sb=provide

time sb. with sth.=provide sth for sb=offer sb

30. decide to do =be determined to sth=offer sth to sb

do=determine to do=make up one’s mind to

83. have power over=take control of

do sth 84. a variety of = varieties of=various

31. be addicted to sth.=be crazy about 85. sth be well worth doing=sth be worthy of

sth.=be absorbed in sth.

32. use=make use of

being done / to be done=it is worthwhile doing

sth / to do sth


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