







Measuring the quality of earnings

1. Introduction

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) offer some flexibility

in preparing the financial statements and give the financial managers some

freedom to select among accounting policies and alternatives. Earning

management uses the flexibility in financial reporting to alter the

financial results of the firm (Ortega and Grant, 2003).

In other words, earnings management is manipulating the earning to

achieve a


predetermined target set by the management. It is a purposeful

intervention in the external reporting process with the intent of

obtaining some private gain (Schipper, 1989).

Levit (1998) defines earning management as a gray area where the

accounting is being perverted; where managers are cutting corners; and,

where earnings reports reflect the desires of management rather than the

underlying financial performance of the company.

The popular press lists several instances of companies engaging in

earnings management. Sensormatic Electronics, which stamped shipping

dates and times on sold merchandise, stopped its clocks on the last day

of a quarter until customer shipments reached its sales goal. Certain

business units of Cendant Corporation inflated revenues nearly $500

million just prior to a merger; subsequently, Cendant restated revenues

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and agreed with the SEC to change revenue recognition practices. AOL

restated earnings for $385 million in improperly deferred marketing

expenses. In 1994, the Wall Street Journal detailed the many ways in which

General Electric smoothed earnings, including the careful timing of

capital gains and the use of restructuring charges and reserves, in

response to the article, General Electric reportedly received calls from

other corporations questioning why such common practices were

“front-page〞 news.

Earning management occurs when managers use judgment in financial

reporting and in structuring transactions to alter financial reports to

either mislead some stakeholders about the underlying economic

performance of the company or to influence contractual outcomes that

depend on reported accounting numbers (Healy and Whalen, 1999).

Magrath and Weld (2002) indicate that abusive earnings management and

fraudulent practices begins by engaging in earnings management schemes

designed primarily to “smooth〞 earnings to meet internally or

externally imposed earnings forecasts and analysts’ expectations.

Even if earnings management does not explicitly violate accounting

rules, it is an ethically questionable practice. An organization that

manages its earnings sends a


message to its employees that bending the truth is an acceptable

practice. Executives who partake of this practice risk creating an ethical

climate in which other questionable activities may occur. A manager who

asks the sales staff to help sales one day forfeits the moral authority

to criticize questionable sales tactics another day.

Earnings management can also become a very slippery slope, which

relatively minor accounting gimmicks becoming more and more aggressive

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