


用sacrifice造句 -回复

1. She made a sacrifice by giving up her dream job to take care of

her aging parents.

2. The soldiers showed immense bravery and sacrifice in defending

their country.

3. He made a huge sacrifice by selling his car to pay off his sister's

medical bills.

4. They had to sacrifice their vacation plans in order to save money

for their child's education.

5. The athlete made many sacrifices, including strict diets and

intense training, to become an Olympic champion.

6. She sacrificed her free time to volunteer at the local homeless


7. The CEO decided to make a personal sacrifice by reducing his

own salary to prevent employee layoffs.

8. The parents made the tough sacrifice of moving to a different

city for the sake of their children's education.

9. We all have to make sacrifices in order to achieve our goals.

10. The doctor made a life-saving sacrifice by working overtime

during a medical emergency.

11. Many people sacrificed their own comfort to donate money

and resources to the disaster-stricken areas.

12. The millionaire decided to sacrifice his luxurious lifestyle and

donate a large portion of his wealth to charity.

13. The couple made the ultimate sacrifice by adopting a child even

though they couldn't have children of their own.

14. The activist sacrificed her freedom by peacefully protesting

against injustice and discrimination.

15. Despite facing criticism and backlash, she made the sacrifice of

speaking up for what she believed in.

本文标签: 造句回复