





corner近义词: angle, corner corner近义词辨析:

这两个名词都有"角"之意。 angle 几何学上的


角度。 corner 多指物体的棱角或房间、街道的角落。

corner的英语例句: 1. Claire stared after him

until he disappeared around a corner. 克莱尔一直注

视着他,直到他消失在拐角。 2. She flicked a crumb

off the corner of her mouth. 她擦掉嘴角的面包屑。

3. The man with the umbrella turned the corner again.

拿伞的人又拐进了拐角处。 4. He volleyed the ball

spectacularly into the far corner of the net. 他一

脚漂亮的凌空抽射,把球踢进了球门的远角。 5. He

appears to have backed himself into a tight corner.

他似乎已把自己逼入了困境。 6. The government is in

a corner on interest rates. 政府在利率问题上陷入了

困境。 7. He lit a cigarette and perched on the

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corner of the desk. 他点了一根烟,坐在桌角上。 8.

He waited until the man had turned a corner. 他一直

等到那个男人拐过街角. 9. The keys are in the back

left-hand corner of the drawer. 钥匙放在抽屉里面左

边一角。 10. Outside, two old boys lingered on the

street corner discussing cattle. 两个老头儿在外面街

角迟迟不走,聊着牛的事情。 11. Finally I spotted it,

in a dark corner over by the piano. 最后我在钢琴旁

的阴暗角落里发现了它。 12. He was settled cosily in

the corner with an arm round Lynda. 他被安置在一个

温暖舒适的角落里,一只胳膊还搂着琳达。 13. Write

"By Airmail" in the top left hand corner.

在左上角写上“航空邮递”. 14. He sat in

the corner of a second-class carriage. 他坐在一节二

等车厢的角落里。 15. Golan managed to corner the

young producer-director for an interview. 戈兰设法


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本文标签: 角落里问题近义词踢进直线