


英语日常口语 Unit60:Bad news坏消息

英语日常口语 Unit60:Bad news坏消息


Michal: What if it's her?

Tim: You've got to talk to her.

Michal: Hello?

Dad: Michal? It's dad.

Michal: Oh dzien dobry tatus.

Dad: No, no, no you're in England, let's talk English.

It's good for both of us to practise.

Michal: OK. So, how are you?

Dad: Not great.

Michal: What's wrong?

Dad: Oh, it's, it's my heart, nothing serious. Just a

little heart attack. But you know ...

Michal: A little heart attack? There's no such thing!

Dad: Calm down! The doctor said it's time for me to look

after myself more, time to stop working so hard, time to get

some help around here. Em, em Michal I hate to ask you but ...

Michal: Dad, you know you can count on me.

Vocabulary (词汇):

a heart attack (心脏病发作):

a sudden serious medical condition when someone's heart

stops working in its usual way

to count on someone (指望;依赖):

to be able to rely on someone or expect someone to behave

in a particular way



Phrasal verbs 4

Phrasal verbs or multi-word verbs are verbs that are

combined with one or two particles (a preposition or adverb)

like 'after', to make verbs with new meanings. For example,

look means to use your eyes to see something (She looked at

the photograph and smiled) but look after means to care for

someone (The doctor said that Michal's dad had to look after

himself more).

Here are some phrasal verbs you can use when talking

about family relationships:

Phrasal verbs - family relationships (与家庭关系相关的短


bring someone up: take care of a child

She was brought up by her grandparents after her parents


They brought their children up to be polite and to

respect older people.

take after someone: to look like someone in your family

Her dad's really short but her mum's really tall. With

those long legs, she certainly takes after her mother.

All the children take after their dad, he's really

musical and all of them can play an instrument.

look up to someone: to respect or admire someone

When she was young she looked up to her parents. They

were very good role models for her.

Footballers have a lot of responsibility because so many

children look up to them.

grow up: to become more adult, the process of changing

from a child to an adult

I grew up in Glasgow but moved to London after I

graduated from University.

He grew up on a farm but always wanted to live in a big


get on with someone: be friends with someone

When I was young I didn't get on with my sister but now

we're very good friends.

I tried to get on with him but he was rude I found it

impossible to be friends with him.

fall out with someone: have an argument or disagreement

with someone and stop being friends with him or her

She fell out with me after all these years over an invite

to a party!

本文标签: 语言坏消息单元相关