


Facts and Opinions

1. Laughter is rightly called the best medicine as it relieves not only the

one who laughs, but all those around him too.

2. A healthy sense of humour helps you to laugh at the worst situations

and above all at yourself, a very positive sign of a happy life.

3. The world is certainly not worth crying over and little jokes show us the

funny side of the gravest things.

4. A sense of humour makes you more acceptable in society. It makes you

welcome everywhere, especially at parties, picnics and social gatjeromgs.

5. There is a popular kids' song which says: "Just one moon and a golden

sun and a smile means frindship to everyone."

6. Laugh and make others laugh and get rid of nervousness and


7. If you can learn to relax with a sense of humour you can keep away

boredom and fatigue, job pressures and domestic worries.

8. It is proved that laughter enhances the level of hormones which

stimulate the heart and act as natural pain-killers.

9. Doctors say laughter removes stress, burns calories and improves one's


10. A man who always sees the funny side of a situation can never be a


11. If you learn to laugh at yourself it will ease all your tensions and


12. Laughing at yourself is of immense benefit for your puffed-up pride.

13. Laughter has been known to have cured serious illnesses and helped

people get over bad phases in their lives.

14. Science has proven that when we're happy, the body recovers more

quickly from the biological arousal of upsetting emotions.

15. Adults laugh approximately 15 times per day, while children laugh

about 400 times a day! When we grow up, somehow we lose a few hundred

laughs a day.

16. If you can use humour to bridge the gap between people from

different backgrounds, you can learn how to use diversity to enhance business


17. People believe that if they try to be funny and no one laughs,

本文标签: 自主笔记学习