


Design of LED Display Control System Based on

AT89C52 Single Chip Microcomputer

Institute of Machinery, on 5 February 2004

Maurice Wilkes

ABSTRACT :THIS paper introduces display design process about hardware

and software based on AT89C52 single chip microcomputer. We use a simple

external circuit to control the display screen,which size is 32 × 192. The display

screen also can display the size of the six 32 × 32 dot matrix Chinese characters by

a dynamic scan mode, and can be divided into two small display screens, which

can display twenty-four Chinese characters whose size is 16×16. We can modify

the code to change the content of the display, subtitles can achieve scrolling

function and the scroll speed can be adjusted according to requirements, subtitles

can also achieve pause function. The Chinese character code stored in external

data memory, the capacity of data memory is expanded according to the

requirements of Chinese characters we want to show. This display screen has

advantages of small volume, few hardware and simple circuit structure.

KEY WORDS: LED, Chinese Character Display, AT89C52


LED display has become an important symbol of the city lighting,

modernization and informationsociety with continuous improvement and

beautification of people’s living environment. LED lights can be seen in the large

shopping malls, railway station, docks, underground station, and a variety of

management window and so on. LED business has become a fast-growing new

industry, a huge market space and bright prospects. The text, pictures, animation

and video are displayed by LED’s light, and content can be changed. Some

components are the display devices of the modular structure, and which usually

consists of a display module, control system and power system. The display

module is constituted by the lattice structure which consists of LED, and is

responsible for light-emitting display; the screen can display text, pictures, video

and so on by control system which can control light or dark of LED in the

corresponding region; Power system is responsible for transforming input voltage

an d current into voltage and current which the screen needs. LED dot matrix

display extracted display character font through PC, and sent to the

microcontroller, then displayed in the dot matrix screen, which mainly used for

display of indoor and outdoor characters. LED dot matrix display can be divided

into graphic display, image display and video display by displayed content.

Compared with the image display,the characteristics of graphic display is no

difference in gray color whether it is monochrome or color display. Therefore,

graphic display also fails to reflect the richness of color, and video display can not

only show exercise, clear and full-color images but also show television and

computer signals. Although there are some differences between the three, but the

most basic principles are similar.

本文标签: 显示屏设计外文原文单片机