




1. 名词+about

complaint about 抱怨

concern about 关心,照顾

doubt about (of) 对…的怀疑

discussion about (of, on) 讨论

information about 有关…的信息

opinion about (on) 对…意见

2. 名词+against

complaint against 控诉

caution against 提防

insurance against 保险

precaution against 预防

protection against 防护

spite against 怨恨

struggle against 与…斗争

war against 对…的战争

warning against 告诫

3. 名词+for

affection for 对…的爱

ambition for 有…的抱负

anxiety for 焦虑,担心

attraction for 吸引

capacity for 做…的能力

care for 关心,喜欢

cause for …的起因

consideration for 考虑

contempt for 对…藐视

cure for 治…的良药/疗法

demand for 对…需求

excuse for …的借口

explanation for (of) 对…的解释

fine for 因…而罚款

longing for 渴望

necessity for 对…的需求

passion for 对…的酷爱

preference for 偏好

preparation for 准备

punishment for 因…而受罚

reason for …的理由

regret for 因…而后悔

reputation for …的名声

request for 对…要求,请求

requirement for …的要求,条件

respect for 对…尊敬

responsibility for 对…的责任

substitute for …的替代品

sympathy for 对…的同情

talent for 有…的天赋

4. 名词+from

absence from 缺席

divorce from 与…离婚,脱离

retirement from 从…退休

shelter from 躲避

freedom from 摆脱

relief from 免除,解除

5. 名词+in

belief in 对…的信仰,信任

break in 强行闯入;插嘴,打断

change in 在…方面的变化

decrease/fall/decline/drop in


increase/rise in 在…方面的增加

delight in 喜欢

faith in 对…信任

progress in 在…方面的进步

success in 在…上的成功

trust in 对…的信任

6. 名词+into

development into 发展成

inquiry into 对…调查、询问

insight into 对…深刻理解,洞见

investigation into 对…的深入调查

research into 研究

study into 对…的研究

7. 名词+of

attack of 患…病

care of (=in care of) 由…转交

command of 对…精通,掌握

doubt of 对…怀疑

dream of …的梦想

the idea (thought) of 对…想法

impression of 对…的印象

intention of …的意图

lack of 缺少

neglect of 对…的疏忽

opinion of 对…的看法

8. 名词+on

attack on 攻击

authority on …方面的权威

comment on 对…发表评论

congratulation on 祝贺

dependence on 依赖

effect on 影响

emphasis on 对…强调

impact on 影响

(leave/make an) impression on


improvement on 对…的改进

influence on 对…的影响

judgement on 根据…的判断

lecture on 有关…的讲座

mercy (pity) on 怜悯

operation on 给…动手术

pressure on 对…的压力

reliance on 依赖

remark on 对…的评论

9. 名词+over

advantage over 比…优越

authority over 对(某人)的控制、管理权力

choice over 先于…的选择,不选择…

control over 对…的控制

increase over 比…增加

power over 对…的权力

preference over 比…更喜欢,先于…的选择

priority over 比…优先

superiority over 比…优越,优于

10. 名词+to

access to 接近,…的通路

accident to 发生于…的事故

admission to 准许进入…

answer to 对…回答

approach to …的方法

assent to 同意

attention to 对…的注意

attitude to (toward) 对…态度

blindness to 对…不知

clue to …的线索

contribution to 对…的贡献

door to 通向…的门

entrance/entry to 通向…的入口

exception to …的例外

exposure to 接触,暴露于

gratitude to 对…感激

guide to …的指南

indifference to 对…无动于衷

introduction to …入门,介绍,引见

key to …的答案,…的关键

marriage to 与…结婚

monument to …的纪念碑

objection to 反对

opposition to 反对

preface/forward to …的前言

reply to 答复

respond to 对…的回答,答复;对…响应,反


resistance to 抵制…

ratio to 与…之比

right to …的权力

solution to …的答案

traitor to …的叛徒,背叛…

11. 名词+with

acquaintance with 与…认识

alliance with 与…联盟

bargain with 与…讨价还价

chat with 与…闲谈

coincidence with 与…的巧合

collision with 与…相撞

connection with 与…相关

consultation with 与…协商

conversation with 与…交谈

correspondence with 与…通信

familiarity with 与…熟悉

harmony with 与…和谐

the matter with …有问题/麻烦

patience with 对…耐心


1. 形容词+about

anxious about 担心,挂念

cautious about 谨慎,小心对待

careful about 讲究,重视

certain about 对…有把握

enthusiastic about 热心于

happy about 因…而高兴

nervous about 担心,害怕;因…而紧张

particular about 对…讲究,挑剔

2. 形容词+at

amazed at 对…惊讶

angry at (about) 对…生气

apt at 善于

bad at 不善于

clever at 擅长于

clumsy at 做…很笨拙

disappointed at 对…失望

excellent at 极其擅长于

expert at 专于…

famous at …的名手

good at 擅长于,精于…

impressed at 对…印象深刻

offended at 因…而生气

quick at 敏于

slow at 在…方面迟钝

ready at 善于

3. 形容词+for

adequate for 适合于

anxious for 急切地盼望

bound for 开往…的

competent for 能胜任…的

convenient for 对…方便

crucial for 对…起决定作用的

eager for 急切地盼望

famous for 因…而著名

fit for 适合于

good for 对…有益

known for 对…应负责

qualified for 对(工作等)称职

ready for 准备

responsible for 对…负责

4. 形容词+from

absent from 缺席,未出席

different from 与…不同

distinct from 与…有差别

free from 免于,不受…影响

immune from 免除…的,不受…影响的

safe from 不受…危险的

separate from 与…相分离的

5. 形容词+in

absorbed in 全神贯注于

constant in 对…/在…上忠贞不渝、锲而不舍

confident in 对…信任

deficient in 缺乏

excellent in 优于…,在…方面非常优秀

expert in 专长于

fortunate in 有幸于

involved in 卷入,与…与牵连

proficient in 在…方面很熟练,精于

skillful in 善于

slow in 在…方面很慢/迟钝

successful in 在…方面成功

6. 形容词+of

afraid of 担心,害怕

ashamed of 为…感到羞耻

appreciative of 感谢…

aware of 知道,了解

capable of 能…,可能…

characteristic of 是…的特点,为…所特有

careful of 对…爱护,珍惜

composed of 由…构成

conscious of 意识到

critical of 批评,挑剔

envious of 对…嫉妒

exclusive of 排除,不计… 在内

fond of 喜欢

free of 免除…的,不受…影响的

frightened of 害怕…的

full of 充满…的

glad of 为…而高兴

guilty of 犯有…罪的

ignorant of 不了解…,不知道…,对…无知的

inclusive of 包括…

independent of 独立于

indicative of 表示…的

jealous of 对…嫉妒的

made (up) of 由…制成

proud of 为…而自豪

scared of 对…害怕

sensible of 可觉察出…

short of 缺乏…的

sick of 厌烦,讨厌…的

suggestive of 暗示…的

sure of 确信…

suspicious of 对…怀疑的

tired of 对…感到厌烦

typical of 是…的特点

worthy of 值得…的

7. 形容词+on

dependent on 依靠

keen on 迷恋

intent on 一心一意做

hard on 对…苛刻

reliant on 依赖于…

stern on 对…严厉

8. 形容词+to

adj acent to 与…毗邻

alike to 与…一样

contrary to 违反,相反

drawn to 被吸引到

equal to 等于…

familiar to 是…所熟悉的

immune to 对…有免疫力,不受影响

indifferent to 对…不在乎

inferior to 劣于…,低于…

liable to 有…的倾向

本文标签: 方面搭配答复担心有关