


副 词 复 习



Almost no one failed to pass the exam.

sly 焦虑地;担心地

tely 足够地;合格地;合乎逻辑地


ntly 显然;看来

ther 完全;全部;总而言之

ously 雄心勃勃地

ntly 大量地;丰富地;十分清楚地

ly 积极地;主动地;活跃地


ively 专心地;注意地;专注地

tively 诱人地

ingly 赞许地

imately 大约;接近

The questionnaire takes approximately ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used

along with the assessment interview. (09湖北)

tely 完全地;绝对地;极其 That’s absolutely true.

ntally 偶然地;意外地

The damage couldn’t have been caused accidentally.

tically 自动地

The heating switches off automatically.

ingly 照着;相应地;(放在句首)因此,所以

We have to discover his plans and act accordingly.

The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly, we were forced to increase our


onally 此外

ly 每年;每年一次

They celebrate the festival annually.

ically 学术上;理论上

023. biologically 与生命过程有关地,从生物学角度讲

024. basically 大体上;总的来说;从根本上讲

Basically,there’s not a lot we can do about it.

025. bitterly 伤心地;愤怒地;极其,非常

She wept bitterly at the loss of her mother.

She was bitterly disappointed at the news that she was turned down.

026. busily 忙碌地;繁忙地

He was busily engaged in repairing his bike when I called.

027. brightly 明亮地; 快乐而生气勃勃地

That’s a brightly lit room.

“Hi!” she called brightly.

028. blindly 抹黑地;在黑暗中;盲目地

He wanted to decide for himself instead of blindly following his parents’ advice.

029. blankly 木然地;茫然地

She stared blankly at the sky, not knowing what to say next.

030. boldly 大胆自信地; 敢于冒险地;敢于表白感情地;粗体字地

031. breathlessly 上气不接下气地;目瞪口呆地;令人窒息地

032. breathtakingly 惊人地;激动人心地

033. broadly 大体上;基本上;开心笑地

Broadly speaking, I agree with you.

We smiled broadly at the good news.

034. carelessly 粗心地;满不在乎地

Someone had carelessly left the door open.

“I don’t mind,” he said carelessly.

035. cautiously 小心谨慎地

She looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.

036. calmly 镇定地;沉着地;风平浪静地

“I’ll call the doctor,” he said calmly.

037. cheerfully 快乐地;令人愉快地

He whistled cheerfully as he milked the cow.

038. chemically 与化学有关地;用化学方法制造地

The polluted water must be chemically treated before it is poured into rivers.

039. chiefly 主要地;首要地

He’s traveled widely, chiefly in Asia.

We’re chiefly concerned with improving educational systems.

040. classically 古典地;经典地;传统地

Her face is classically beautiful.

The dancer is classically trained.

041. clearly 清楚地;清晰地;明白地;易懂地;显而易见地

Clearly, this will cost a lot more than we realized.

He thought he had explained it clearly.

042. cleanly 干净利落地;利索地;清洁地

043. cleverly 聪明地;巧妙地;

044. cloudily 阴云密布地

045. coincidentally 巧合;恰巧;非计划之中地

Coincidentally, they both studied in Paris.

046. coldly 冷淡地;冷漠地;不友好地

047. curiously 好气地;稀奇古怪地

Curiously enough, the same thing happened a year later.

048. changeably 易变地;常变地

049. charmingly 迷人地

050. cheaply 便宜地;廉价地

051. colorfully 五彩缤纷地

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