


Meaghan Ramsey:Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you




Why you should listen?

Meaghan Ramsey gets giddy watching her 1-year-old niece admire herself in

the mirror. Because she knows that, for too many girls, this admiration stops as

they move into adolescence and self-doubt about their appearance creeps in. As

the Global Director of the Dove Self-Esteem Project at Unilever, Ramsey and her

colleagues aim to improve the self-esteem of more than 15 million girls and

young women by 2015. She is a strong ambassador for helping girls and women

develop resilience in the face of a culture that assaults with unattainable images

of beauty and thinness.

Both a brand developer and strategist, Ramsey has long worked to fuel

business growth spurred on by social change. Prior to the Dove Self-Esteem

Project, she worked with the World Heart Federation and the Dietitians

Association of Australia.



This is my niece, Stella. She's just turned one and started to walk. And she's

walking in that really cool way that one-year-olds do, a kind of teetering, my-

body's-moving- too-fast-for-my-legs kind of way. It is absolutely gorgeous. And

one of her favorite things to do at the moment is to stare at herself in the mirror.

She absolutely loves her reflection. She giggles and squeals, and gives herself

these big, wet kisses. It is beautiful. Apparently, all of her friends do this and my

mom tells me that I used to do this, and it got me thinking: When did I stop

doing this? When is it suddenly not okay to love the way that we look? Because

apparently we don't.


Ten thousand people every month google, "Am I ugly?" This is Faye. Faye is

13 and she lives in Denver. And like any teenager, she just wants to be liked and

to fit in. It's Sunday night. She's getting ready for the week ahead at school. And

she's slightly dreading it, and she's a bit confused because despite her mom

telling her all the time that she's beautiful, every day at school, someone tells her

that she's ugly. Because of the difference between what her mom tells her and

what her friends at school, or her peers at school are telling her, she doesn't know

who to believe. So, she takes a video of herself. She posts it to YouTube and she

asks people to please leave a comment: "Am I pretty or am I ugly?" Well, so far,

Faye has received over 13,000 comments. Some of them are so nasty, they don't

bear thinking about. This is an average, healthy-looking teenage girl receiving

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