


Amnesic syndrome is characterized by a prominent disorder of recent

memory in absence of generalized intellectual impairment. This clinical features of

amnesic syndrome include recent memory severely impaired, remote memory

spared, disorientation in time, confabulation, other cognitive functions preserved.

Delusion is a belief that is firmly held on inadequate grounds, is not affected

by rational argument or evidence to the contrary , and is not a conventional belief

that the person might be expected to hold given his educational and cultural


Delirium: a kind of disturbances of consciousness. Acute confusional state is

an organically- caused decline of consciousness level, like brain organic disorder,

infected, brains injury or severe unbalance of electrolyte. It involves other

cognitive deficits, disturbances of behavior, perceptual deficits, altered sleep-wake

cycle, and psychotic features such as hallucinations and symptom is

light in the daytime and severe at night.

Dementia: is a kind of severe and continuous cognitive disorders. the

syndrome are characterized by generalized impairment of intellect, memory, and

personality, with no impairment of common causes are

alzheimer. The onset is gradual mostly and the course is long, so it is also called

chronic brain syndrome.

Hallucination:is a perception experienced in the absence of an external

stimulus to the corresponding sense organ. Pseudohallucination: no external

stimuli, an involuntary and no vivid enough sensory experience forms in the


illusion:is a misperception of an external stimulus, an illusion describes a

misinterpretation of a true sensation. For example, hearing voices regardless of the

environment would be a hallucination, whereas hearing voices in the sound of

running water (or other auditory source) would be an illusion.

Ganser syndrome is a rare dissociative disorder previously. It is characterized

by nonsensical or wrong answers to questions which can be understanded, which

seems like to be deliberate. Other dissociative symptoms such as fugue, amnesia

or conversion disorder, disorientation in time and space.

Obsession: recurrent thoughts, a idea or impulsion. Though the patients know

these are wrong, unnecessary, unreasonable, they cannot overcome and

disencumber. Symptoms include obsessional thoughts, ruminations, doubts ,

impulses or will, reminiscence, ect.

Stupor is the lack of critical cognitive function and a level of consciousness

wherein a sufferer is almost entirely unresponsive to stimuli. A person is also rigid

and mute, urinary and stool retention and only like to be conscious as the eyes are

open and follow surrounding objects.

Schizophrenia comprises a group of psychotic disorders of unknown specific

etiology often presented with a gradual onset of abnormalities in perception,

thought, motion and behavior since young adulthood. Consciousness is usually

maintained. Intelligence is intact, there is some degree of cognitive impairment.

The natural course of the disorder is chronic remitting but sometimes


4A症状:Association disorder(联想障碍)Affective blunting (apathy)情感迟钝

Ambivalence(矛盾观念)Autism(内向性)Schneider一级症状:Audible thoughts

(思维化声)Voices arguing or discussing(争论性幻听)Voices commenting(评论

性幻听)Somatic passivity experiences(躯体被动体验)affect passivity experiences

(情感被动体验)Thought withdrawal (思维被夺)Thought insertion(思维插入)

Thought broadcasting or diffusion(思维被广播或扩散)Delusional perceptions(妄

想性知觉)made volition, made affect, and made impulses(被强加的意志、情感、冲


ECT适应症: 严重抑郁,有强烈自伤、自杀企图及行为者,以及明显自责自罪者(最


物治疗见效慢或疗效不佳时,应首选ECT); 拒食、违拗和紧张性木僵者;精神药物治疗





本文标签: 肌张力思维治疗运动木僵