


The Apple iPad is an amazing tablet, and to help you get the most out of it, we’ve put together a comprehensive list of every tip, trick, and tutorial for you. Read on for more.

Apple iPad是一款出色的平板电脑,为了帮助您充分利用它,我们为您汇总了所有技巧,窍门和教程的完整列表。 阅读更多。

Note: This article was originally published earlier this year, but we’ve updated it with a real lot more content since then, so we’re republishing it for you. We’ll be keeping this page updated as we find more great articles, so you should bookmark this page for future reference.

注意:本文最初于今年年初发布,但此后我们对其进行了更新,增加了很多内容,因此我们将为您重新发布。 当我们找到更多精彩的文章时,我们将使该页面保持更新,因此,您应该为该页面添加书签,以备将来参考。

如何最大限度地延长iPad的电池寿命 (How to Maximize Your iPad’s Battery Life)

So you got yourself a shiny new Apple device, but you’re so addicted that the battery is running out way too soon—what you need is a couple of tips to keep your battery running for as long as possible, and we’ve got them here.


How to Maximize Battery Life on Your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch

如何最大限度地延长iPad,iPhone或iPod Touch的电池寿命

如何使用iOS 4.x在iPad上锁定屏幕 (How to Lock the Screen on Your iPad with iOS 4.x)

If you upgraded to the latest iOS release on your iPad, only to figure out that the screen orientation lock doesn’t work anymore, here’s how to lock the screen using the new, annoying method.


How to Lock the Screen Orientation on Your iPad (with iOS 4.2)

如何在iPad上锁定屏幕方向(使用iOS 4.2)

如何暂停iPad App安装 (How to Pause an iPad App Install)

At some point between my two hour Angry Birds marathon today, I happened to be installing some updates when I noticed something interesting—you can pause an application update or install. Here’s how it works.

在今天两个小时的“愤怒的小鸟”马拉松比赛之间的某个时刻,当我注意到一些有趣的事情时,我碰巧正在安装一些更新-您可以暂停应用程序更新或安装。 运作方式如下。

How to Pause an iPad / iPhone App Install (to Let Another One Finish First)

如何暂停iPad / iPhone应用程序的安装(让另一个人先完成)

如何强制重新启动和退出应用程序 (How to Force Reboot and Quit Apps)

Like all operating systems, sometimes iOS will slow down or applications will freeze. Here’s how to recover from that scenario by force quitting applications or force rebooting the OS.

与所有操作系统一样,有时iOS会变慢或应用程序会冻结。 这是通过强制退出应用程序或强制重新引导OS从这种情况下恢复的方法。

How to Force Reboot and Quit Apps on iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch

如何在iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch上强制重新启动和退出应用程序

将视频从桌面流式传输到iPad (Stream Video from Your Desktop to Your iPad)

Want to easily stream video from the collection on your computer to a portable Apple Device over Wi-Fi or Internet? Here’s the easiest way to stream video to your iPad from your desktop.

是否想通过Wi-Fi或Internet轻松地将视频从计算机上的收藏集流式传输到便携式Apple设备? 这是从桌面将视频流式传输到iPad的最简单方法。

Stream Video to Your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch from Windows or OS X

从Windows或OS X将视频流式传输到iPhone,iPad或iPod Touch

iPad上的多任务处理 (Multitasking on the iPad)

With the release of iOS 4.2, we finally have multitasking on the iPad. This brief guide shows you how to switch between open Apps, without closing them when you switch.

随着iOS 4.2的发布,我们终于在iPad上实现了多任务处理。 本简要指南介绍了如何在打开的应用之间进行切换,而无需在切换时关闭它们。

How to Switch Between Open Apps on your iPad


在iPad上观看几乎任何视频格式 (Watch nearly any video format on your iPad)

Update: Due to whiny open source developers complaining about licensing and DRM, VLC for the iPad was removed from the App Store and is no longer available.

更新:由于开放源代码开发人员抱怨许可和DRM,iPad的VLC已从App Store中删除,不再可用。

How to watch MKV, Xvid, DivX and many other video formats on your iPad


禁用iPad键盘上的“咔嗒声” (Disable the “clicking sound” on the iPad Keyboard)

Does the clicking sound when you tap the iPad keyboard bother you? Thankfully it’s easy to disable with a couple of taps.

点击iPad键盘时的咔嗒声会打扰您吗? 幸运的是,只需轻按几下即可轻松禁用它。

How to disable the “clicking sound” on your iPad’s keyboard


重新排列您的应用程序图标 (Rearrange Your Application Icons)

Just tap and hold the icon, and you’ll be able to move it around to a different spot.


关闭iPad上正在运行的应用程序 (Close Running Apps on your iPad)

Now that iOS includes multitasking, there will be times when you want to actually close a running App. This brief tutorial shows you how.

既然iOS包含了多任务处理功能,那么有时您确实想关闭正在运行的App。 这个简短的教程向您展示了如何。

How to Close Running Apps on your iPad


浏览网页时保存图像 (Save Images while Browsing the Web)

Want to save an image that you find somewhere? Just tap and hold on an image on any web page, and you’ll be prompted to save the image

是否要保存在某处找到的图像? 只需点击并按住任意网页上的图片,系统就会提示您保存该图片

快速滚动到任何页面的顶部 (Quick Scroll to the Top of Any Page)

If you’ve scrolled down a long page of content, it can be annoying to scroll all the way back up to the top. Thankfully, all you need to do is tap the title bar at the top of the screen, and you’ll scroll back up to the top.

如果您向下滚动了很长的内容页面,可能会一直滚动回到顶部。 值得庆幸的是,您需要做的就是点击屏幕顶部的标题栏,然后您将滚动回到顶部。

在iPad上的Safari书签栏中启用并添加书签 (Enable and add bookmarks to the Safari Bookmarks Bar on your iPad)

By default, Safari doesn’t display the Bookmarks Bar. This tip shows you how to change that.

默认情况下,Safari不会显示“书签栏”。 这篇技巧告诉您如何改变它。

How to enable and add bookmarks to the Safari Bookmarks Bar on your iPad


将文本从一个应用程序复制并粘贴到另一个应用程序 (Copy and Paste Text from One App to Another)

Just tap and hold a word, then use your finger to drag to select more text, and then Copy it. Go to the other application, tap and hold in the input box, and then use Paste. Easy!

只需点击并按住一个单词,然后用手指拖动以选择更多文本,然后将其复制。 转到另一个应用程序,点击并按住输入框,然后使用“粘贴”。 简单!

Want to select a whole paragraph the easy way? Just tap it 4 times to highlight the entire paragraph, then use Copy.

是否想以简单的方式选择整个段落? 只需点按它四次以突出显示整个段落,然后使用“复制”。

快速静音 (Quickly Mute the Sound)

If you want a quick and easy way to mute the sound, all you need to do is hold down the volume down button for 2 seconds.


使用Dropbox将PDF文件添加到iBooks (Use Dropbox to Add PDF Files to iBooks)

As if Dropbox wasn’t useful enough, now you can use it to add PDF’s to iBooks on your iPad (or iPhone/iPod Touch)

好像Dropbox不够用,现在您可以使用它将iPad(或iPhone / iPod Touch)上的PDF添加到iBooks中

How to add PDF files to iBooks using Dropbox


在iPad上清除Safari中的缓存,历史记录和Cookies (Clear the Cache, History and Cookies in Safari for the iPad)

You’re probably used to clearing this kind of data right from within the browser. Not so with Safari on the iPad – but here’s how you can.

您可能习惯于直接在浏览器中清除此类数据。 iPad上的Safari并非如此-但您可以按照以下方法进行操作。

How to clear the cache, history and cookies in Safari for iPad


如何将更多应用程序添加到iPad Dock (How to add more Apps to your iPad Dock)

The iPad has four icons in its ‘dock’. Did you know it can hold 6?

iPad的“基座”中有四个图标。 您知道它可以容纳6位吗?

How to add more Apps to your iPad Dock

如何将更多应用程序添加到iPad Dock

在iPad上的iBooks中阅读PDF文件 (Read PDF files in iBooks on your iPad)

Step by step instructions on how to add PDF files to iBooks so that you can read them on the go.


How to add PDF files to read in iBooks on your iPad


将PDF文件转换为ePub文件,以使用iBooks在iPad上阅读 (Convert PDF files to ePub files to read on your iPad with iBooks)

ePub is the format that iBooks are in. So for those of you with large eBook collections in PDF, here’s how you convert them to read in iBooks.


How to convert PDF files to ePub files to read on your iPad with iBooks


如何强制您的iPad重新启动 (How to force your iPad to restart)

Has an app caused your iPad to freeze up, and you can’t escape? This tip shows you how to force your iPad to restart.

有一个应用程序导致您的iPad冻结,您无法逃脱吗? 本技巧说明了如何强制 iPad重新启动。

How to force your iPad to restart


快速输入带双空格 (Type Faster with Double Spaces)

Instead of typing a period at the end of each sentence, just double-tap the space bar. It will enter a period followed by a space. The same trick works on the iPhone, and even Android devices.

只需双击空格键,而不是在每个句子的末尾键入句号。 它将输入一个句点,后跟一个空格。 同样的技巧在iPhone甚至Android设备上也有效。

如何将Keynote for iPad演示文稿导出到Mac或PC (How to export Keynote for iPad presentations to your Mac or PC)

Exporting Keynote presentations from your iPad to your Mac or PC isn’t as straight forward as you might have expected. This tutorial shows you how.

将iPad上的Keynote演示文稿导出到Mac或PC并不像您期望的那样简单。 本教程向您展示如何。

How to export Keynote for iPad presentations to your Mac or PC

如何将Keynote for iPad演示文稿导出到Mac或PC

如何在iPad上将演示文稿导入Keynote (How to import presentations to Keynote on your iPad)

Having trouble getting your presentations onto your iPad?


How to import presentations to Keynote on your iPad


如何将文档导入iPad上的Pages (How to import documents to Pages on your iPad)

This guide shows you how to transfer documents (MS Word or Pages) from your Mac/PC to your iPad.

本指南向您展示如何将文档(MS Word或Pages)从Mac / PC传输到iPad。

How to import documents to Pages on your iPad


如何使用iPad在Pages文档中插入照片并将其共享为PDF (How to insert photos in a Pages document using iPad and share it as a PDF)

Want to spice up that doc with a picture you just took? This tutorial will show you how – and how to export that document as a PDF.

是否想用刚刚拍摄的照片为该文档增添趣味? 本教程将向您展示如何以及如何将该文档导出为PDF。

How to insert photos in a Pages document using iPad and share it as a PDF


如何锁定您的iPad (How to lock your iPad)

If you have kids or co-workers/friends who think it’s funny to mess with your iPad – lock it.


How to lock your iPad


如何从iPad上的外发电子邮件中删除“从我的iPad中发送”签名 (How to remove the “Sent from my iPad” signature from outgoing email on your iPad)

Does everyone need to know you just sent that email from your iPad? Probably not. This guide shows you how to remove the “Sent from my iPad” signature and replace it with your own (or none).

每个人都需要知道您刚刚从iPad发送了该电子邮件吗? 可能不是。 本指南说明如何删除“从我的iPad发送”签名,并用您自己的(或不使用)签名替换。

How to remove the “Sent from my iPad” signature from outgoing email on your iPad


将您的iPhone变成无线iPad相机 (Turn Your iPhone into a Wireless iPad Camera)

Over at Gizmodo, Rosa shows you how to make your iPhone work like a wireless camera for your iPad.


How to Turn an iPhone Into a Wireless iPad Camera


如何使用Google Sync将多个Google日历同步到iPad (How To Sync Multiple Google Calendars to the iPad With Google Sync)

This tutorial will show you a workaround on how to sync multiple calendars on your iPad using Google Sync.

本教程将向您介绍如何使用Google Sync在iPad上同步多个日历的解决方法。

How to Sync Multiple Calendars to the iPad With Google Sync

如何使用Google Sync将多个日历同步到iPad

将您的单个Google日历同步到iPad (Sync Your Single Google Calendar to your iPad)

If you know where to go, it’s really quite easy to sync your Google Calendar to your iPad. If you don’t know where to go, this article will show you exactly how to do it. Note: you are probably better off using the method above to sync all calendars using Google Sync, but we’re going for completeness on this list.

如果您知道要去哪里,将Google日历同步到iPad真的很容易。 如果您不知道要去哪里,本文将向您确切说明如何进行。 注意:使用上述方法最好使用Google Sync同步所有日历,但我们在此列表中是为了保持完整性。

How to Add Google Calendar to Your iPad


如何确定iPad的MAC地址 (How to determine the MAC address of your iPad)

If your network restricts connections via MAC address – this guide will show you how to determine what yours is.


How to determine the MAC address of your iPad


如何拍摄iPad的屏幕截图 (How to take a screenshot of your iPad)

Do you need to take a screenshot of your iPad? Just push the Power and Home buttons together for a quick second. The photo will be stored in your picture library.

您需要为iPad截屏吗? 只需同时按下电源按钮和主页按钮即可。 照片将存储在您的图片库中。

How to take a screenshot of your iPad


修复iPad的“内存不足”错误 (Fix the “There is not enough memory” error for the iPad)

Sure, it amounts to clicking the Sync button a bunch of times – but it works.

当然,这相当于单击“ 同步”按钮很多次–但是可以。

How to resolve the “There is not enough memory available” error when syncing your iPad


如何从iPod Touch,iPhone或iPad删除应用程序 (How to delete apps from your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad)

Anyone who had an iPod Touch or iPhone before they had an iPad won’t need this tutorial. But if you’re new to the experience, this one will help.

在拥有iPad之前拥有iPod Touch或iPhone的任何人都不需要本教程。 但是,如果您是新手,这将有所帮助。

How to delete apps from your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad

如何从iPod Touch,iPhone或iPad删除应用程序

如何禁用在iPhone或iPad上安装应用程序 (How to Disable Installing Apps on your iPhone or iPad)

This brief tutorial will show you how to stop people from being able to install Apps on their iPhones (or iPad/iPod Touch). Following the steps outlined below will allow you to control exactly which Apps are installed on an iPhone. Yes, this tutorial could also be called “how to stop my kids from installing Apps on their and/or my iPhone”.

本简短的教程将向您展示如何阻止人们在他们的iPhone(或iPad / iPod Touch)上安装Apps。 按照以下概述的步骤,您可以精确控制在iPhone上安装了哪些应用程序。 是的,本教程也可以称为“如何阻止我的孩子在他们的和/或我的iPhone上安装Apps”。

How to Disable Installing Apps on Your iPhone or iPad


播放音乐时启用随机播放或重复播放 (Enable Shuffle or Repeat while Music is Playing)

If you’re already playing your music and realized you want repeat or shuffle turned on, you can just tap the album art on the Now Playing screen to make the icons appear.


如何在Windows和Mac上确定iPad ECID (How to determine the iPad ECID on Windows and Mac)

iPadintosh shows us how to determine the iPad’s ECID code – something you’ll want to have come Jailbreak time.


How to grab the iPad ECID in Windows or OS X

如何在Windows或OS X中获取iPad ECID

iPad应用程序:Twitter和社交网络要点 (iPad Apps: Twitter and social networking essentials)

Engadget has you covered with reviews of the first slew of iPad specific Twitter and other social networking apps.


iPad Apps: Twitter and social networking essentials


您的网站在iPad上的外观如何? (What does your website look like on an iPad?)

iPad Peek is a web based tool that allows you to enter any given URL, and it will display that page the same way Safari on the iPad does. Great for web site owners who don’t have access to an iPad.

iPad Peek是基于Web的工具,它允许您输入任何给定的URL,并且它将以与iPad上的Safari相同的方式显示该页面。 非常适合无法访问iPad的网站所有者。



将音乐和视频流式传输到iPad (Stream Music and Videos to your iPad)

Gizmodo reviews the iPad app StreamToMe, which allows you to stream media from your Mac to your iPad across your local network. Their feelings in a nutshell – worth the $3, but not perfect.

Gizmodo审查了iPad应用StreamToMe,该应用可让您通过本地网络将Mac上的媒体流传输到iPad。 简而言之,他们的感觉值得– 3美元,但并不完美。

Review: StreamToMe for the iPad


Apple iPad:更改Google Reader中的链接以指向完整HTML网页 (Apple iPad : Change links in Google Reader to point to full HTML webpage)

How to change links in Safari for iPad so that Google Reader points to a full HTML webpage

如何在iPad的Safari中更改链接,以使Google Reader指向完整HTML网页

如何将iPad连接到现有的无线键盘 (How to connect an iPad to your existing wireless keyboard)

This video will show you how to connect your iPad to a wireless keyboard if you’re having any problems – and from the sound of things, quite a few folks are.



从相机直接将照片下载到iPad (Download Photos Straight to the iPad from Your Camera)

This one requires a special adapter that connects your camera to the iPad and imports them into the Photos app.  Useful? Maybe.

这需要一个特殊的适配器,该适配器将您的相机连接到iPad,并将其导入到“照片”应用程序中。 有用? 也许。

Download Photos Straight to iPad from Your Digital Camera


如何开始使用iPad (How to get started with the iPad)

Mashable has a very entry-level guide that will help you set up your iPad for the first time.


Mashable’s Guide to Setting up the iPad


必备iPad应用 (Essential iPad Apps)

Downloadsquad gives mini-reviews to 8 iPad apps that you should install as soon as you get your iPad.


iPad App Buyers Guide: Essential Apps you should get on day one


Combined with MobileMe, you can use the Find my iPad feature to locate your iPad, lock it remotely, and even remotely wipe all the data.

与MobileMe结合使用,您可以使用“ 查找我的iPad”功能来定位iPad,对其进行远程锁定,甚至可以远程擦除所有数据。

How to locate your iPad if it’s lost or stolen


视频:iPad官方导览 (Videos: The Official iPad Guided Tours)

From none other than Apple! Great getting started videos for all the included iPad apps.

除了苹果! 适用于所有随附的iPad应用的入门视频非常棒。

The Official iPad Guided Tours


官方iPad手册 (The Official iPad Manual)

When you buy an iPad, you don’t get a manual. But that’s not to say there isn’t one. Apple provides a 150 guide for your iPad in PDF format.

购买iPad时,您不会获得手册。 但这并不是说没有一个。 Apple为您的iPad提供PDF格式的150指南。

The Official iPad Manual (pdf)

iPad官方手册 (pdf)

如何从iPad打印 (How to print from your iPad)

Even if you don’t have an “officially supported” printer, this tutorial will guide you through the steps required to use AirPrint – the printing feature first introduced to the iPad in iOS 4.2.

即使您没有“官方支持”的打印机,本教程也将指导您完成使用AirPrint所需的步骤-AirPrint是iOS 4.2中首次引入iPad的打印功能。

How to Print from your iPad


如何制作自己的iPad壁纸 (How to make your own iPad Wallpaper)

A perfectly detailed tutorial on how to make your own wallpaper for your iPad. The author also provides a really nice sample wallpaper, published under the Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic license.

关于如何为iPad制作自己的墙纸的完美详细教程。 作者还提供了一个非常漂亮的示例墙纸,该墙纸是根据Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic许可发布的。

How to make your own iPad Wallpaper


如何为您的网站或博客制作iPad图标 (How to Make an iPad Icon for Your Website or Blog)

This tutorial will show you how to create a perfect icon for when your web site visitors bookmark you page and select “Add to Home Screen”


How to Make an iPad Icon for Your Website or Blog


使用iPad相机套件 (Using the iPad Camera Kit)

Simple steps on how to transfer digital pictures to your iPad using the iPad Camera Kit.

有关如何使用iPad Camera Kit将数字图片传输到iPad的简单步骤。

How to use the iPad Camera Kit


使用Mac翻录DVD在iPad上观看 (Use Your Mac to Rip DVDs to Watch on Your iPad)

A complete walk-through on how to rip your DVD movies/discs so that you can watch them on your iPad.


How to rip movie DVDs to watch on your iPad in OS X

如何在OS X中翻录电影DVD在iPad上观看

在iPad上创建文件夹 (Create Folders on your iPad)

Folders are a feature first introduced to the iPad with the release of iOS 4.2. This guide will show you exactly how to create and use them.

文件夹是iOS 4.2发行版首次引入iPad的功能。 本指南将向您确切说明如何创建和使用它们。

How to create Folders on your iPad


重命名iPad上的文件夹 (Rename Folders on your iPad)

Here’s a quick guide on how to change the name of any of your iPad Folders.


How to rename folders on your iPad


Got any more tips? Share them in the comments, and we’ll update the post with the links, or just the tip itself.

还有更多提示吗? 在评论中分享它们,我们将使用链接或提示本身来更新帖子。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/howto/14529/the-complete-list-of-ipad-tips-tricks-and-tutorials/


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