


Adobe Photoshop is taking up more room than you think. But Photoshop also uses massive temporary cache files, many over a gigabyte each, which don’t always go away as they should when you close the program.

Adobe Photoshop占用的空间超出您的想象。 但是,Photoshop还使用大量的临时缓存文件,每个文件的大小都超过1 GB,在关闭程序时,它们并不会总是消失。

Photoshop is already a huge program, with a recommended installation size of 1.6GB (not including another 6-10GB or so if you have the rest of the Creative Suite). But that doesn’t even touch the space that Photoshop’s temp files can eat up. Bigger and more frequent projects exacerbate the problem; I’ve seen my own Photoshop temp files eat over 50GB of space. And the worst part is that the program gives no indication of how much junk it’s accumulating—you’ll have to manually search for the files (or use a tool like SpaceSniffer) to discover the real impact to your storage. Luckily, the problem is easy to rectify.

Photoshop已经是一个庞大的程序,建议安装大小为1.6GB(如果您拥有Creative Suite的其余部分,则不包括另外6-10GB左右)。 但这甚至没有触及Photoshop的临时文件可能会耗尽的空间。 更大,更频繁的项目加剧了这个问题。 我已经看到自己的Photoshop临时文件占用了超过50GB的空间。 最糟糕的是,该程序无法显示其累积了多少垃圾—您必须手动搜索文件(或使用诸如SpaceSniffer之类的工具 )才能发现对存储的真正影响。 幸运的是,这个问题很容易纠正。

什么是临时文件? (What Are Temp Files?)

Photoshop is a program that works with a lot of data at once, and not all of that data can be kept in your computer’s memory alone. So Photoshop saves a lot of your work to local “scratch” files. These files serve two purposes: they allow Photoshop to operate without relying exclusively on RAM, and they create a de facto backup file in case the program—or your computer—crashes. The files are supposed to be deleted automatically when you close Photoshop.

Photoshop是一个可以一次处理大量数据的程序,并非所有这些数据都可以单独保存在计算机的内存中。 因此,Photoshop将您的许多工作保存到本地“临时”文件中。 这些文件有两个用途:它们使Photoshop无需完全依赖RAM即可运行,并且它们可以创建实际的备份文件,以防程序(或计算机)崩溃。 当您关闭Photoshop时,应该会自动删除这些文件。

Unfortunately, Photoshop is kind of crappy at file management, and the temp files can often stick around after the program is closed. If you frequently work with large Photoshop projects, this means the files can be big in both size and number. Some users can fill up their entire hard drive with temp files without even realizing it. If this is a problem for you—or if you just want to do a quick cleaning—follow the steps below.

不幸的是,Photoshop在文件管理方面有些of脚,并且在关闭程序后,临时文件经常会残留在文件中。 如果您经常使用大型Photoshop项目,则意味着文件的大小和数量都可能很大。 有些用户甚至可能没有意识到就用临时文件填满了整个硬盘 。 如果这对您来说是个问题,或者您只是想进行快速清洁,请按照以下步骤操作。

You can get rid of some temp files, including most Photoshop files, with Windows’ Disk Cleanup tool. But for a faster and more hands-on approach (and a look at how huge some of these files really are), we recommend the manual method.

您可以使用Windows的磁盘清理工具删除一些临时文件,包括大多数Photoshop文件。 但是,对于更快,更动手的方法(并查看其中一些文件的实际大小),我们建议使用手动方法。

第一步:保存您的工作 (Step One: Save Your Work)

Before we go any further, open Photoshop and make sure you don’t have any current projects that you haven’t saved to a local file. Do so now: we’re going to clear out all the temporary files that Photoshop uses to make sure it doesn’t lose any of your work. Save the files in your normal work folder, and then close the program.

在继续之前,请打开Photoshop并确保您没有任何尚未保存到本地文件的当前项目。 现在就这样做:我们将清除Photoshop使用的所有临时文件,以确保它不会丢失任何工作。 将文件保存在您的普通工作文件夹中,然后关闭程序。

You might also want to open File Explorer to the “This PC” window, which gives you a quick look at how full each of your drives are. It’ll be useful to see how much storage you’ve cleared up when you’re finished.

您可能还需要在“此PC”窗口中打开文件资源管理器,以便快速查看每个驱动器的容量。 查看完成后清除了多少存储空间将很有用。

步骤2:关闭所有Adobe程序 (Step 2: Close All Adobe Programs)

Close Photoshop, as well as Adobe Bridge, Illustrator, and any other Adobe programs you might have running. Having them open can cause file access conflicts that keep you from deleting one or more of the temp files. Check the Task Manager to see if background programs like the Service Manager are running, too, and close them manually.

关闭Photoshop,以及Adobe Bridge,Illustrator和您可能已运行的任何其他Adobe程序。 打开它们可能会导致文件访问冲突,使您无法删除一个或多个临时文件。 检查任务管理器以查看诸如Service Manager之类的后台程序是否也在运行,并手动关闭它们。

步骤2:导航到Temp文件夹 (Step 2: Navigate to the Temp folder)

Open up a second File Explorer window, and then navigate to your temp data folder, usually found here:


C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\Temp

If you’re using macOS, open the Terminal application (either from Finder or in the Utilities folder), then type “open /tmp” and press Enter.

如果您使用的是macOS,请打开Terminal应用程序(从Finder或在Utilities文件夹中),然后键入“ open / tmp”,然后按Enter。

In this folder you’ll find quite a lot of stuff—possibly thousands of files and folders if you’ve been using your computer for a long time. The files you’re looking for are named “Photoshop Temp” followed by a string of ten semi-random numbers. Note the large file sizes in my temp folder below.

在此文件夹中,您会发现很多东西-如果您长时间使用计算机,则可能有成千上万个文件和文件夹。 您要查找的文件名为“ Photoshop Temp”,后跟十个半随机数字的字符串。 请注意下面我的临时文件夹中的大文件。

步骤3:删除文件 (Step 3: Delete the Files)

Highlight the files and delete them. If you get any “This action can’t be completed” messages, you’ve left an Adobe program open somewhere—check Task Manager to close them manually and try deleting them again.

突出显示文件并删除它们。 如果收到任何“此操作无法完成”消息,则表明您已在某个地方打开了Adobe程序-检查任务管理器以手动将其关闭,然后尝试再次将其删除。

When you’re done, empty the Recycle Bin or Trash folder to reclaim your storage space, and then check to see how much space you’ve saved.


Next time you’re low on storage space, check for these enormous files and make sure your PC isn’t hoarding a collection of temp files you don’t need.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/302544/how-to-manually-clear-out-photoshops-massive-temp-files/


本文标签: 临时文件文件photoshop