


国内外数字音乐市场经过几百年的发展, 收录的音乐作品总数量已经达到了相当可观的程度, 面对数量如此庞大的音乐作品, 如何更加便捷、高效的让用户听到喜欢的音乐作品, 是音乐平台必须要考虑的事情, 也是科研人员非常感兴趣的研究课题。



After hundreds of years of development of digital music market at home and abroad, the total number of music works collected has reached a considerable degree. Faced with such a large number of music works, how to let users hear their favorite music works more conveniently and efficiently is a matter that music platforms must consider, and also a research topic that researchers are very interested in.
In this paper, data analysis involves techniques first. By climbing QQ music data, pandas library is used to analyze the data, and finally visual display is performed by flask. The specific functions include using Python to crawl music data, storing music data in MySQL database, and finally using Flask framework to display the analysis results of music data in a web page.
Key words: Data analysis; Python; Web crawler

目 录
1 选题背景分析
1.1.1 研究背景
1.1.2 研究目的及意义
1.2 国内外发展现状
1.3 研究方案
2 设计技术方案
2.1 网络爬虫技术
2.2 MySQL
2.3 Echarts
2.4 Flask
3 系统分析
3.1 可行性分析
3.1.1 技术可行性
3.1.2 经济可行性
3.2 业务需求分析
3.3 非功能性需求
4 系统设计
4.1 数据爬虫设计
4.2 数据分析设计
4.3 数据可视化流程
5 系统实现
5.1 界面实现
5.2 代码实现

本文标签: 数据大数据分析系统音乐