




类似地,当开始一个新的设备控制应用程序时,会有因为最终好的产品而产生的兴奋,但也有不知道最好从哪里开始的困惑。CIMControlFrameowrk (CCF)提供了一个很好的培训计划,帮助您入门,并提供了许多帮助创建一流设备控制应用程序的构件。即使有了这些优秀的入门工具,许多用户仍然会有这样的问题:“我该怎么办”?


  • 集成设备 - CCF提供了一个设备层,其中抽象了最常用的设备。将这些设备集成到CCF中只需要实现抽象接口。

  • 材料在设备内的移动 - CCF提供了一个灵活的调度,以及可以做到的不同类型调度的完整实例。

  • 实现工艺模块 - CCF提供了一个工艺模块接口,允许CCF的其余部分与您的工艺模块(您的秘密武器)进行通信。

  • 创建操作接口(OI)- CCF提供了一个OI框架,允许发送命令和实现更新。它还提供了一些使用此接口的默认界面。它还允许插入和使用定制的OI界面。

  • 模拟- CCF提供了一个可以代替真实硬件的模拟器。该模拟器可用于传送/移除材料,执行机器人移动,并进行模拟IO。这对于在硬件准备好之前或者开发人员的工具时间有限的情况下能够继续开发是非常宝贵的。

  • 配方(工艺配方和执行 - CCF提供了一个用于在设备内传递配方的配方管理器,可以使用默认配方,也可以添加自定义配方。

  • I/O - CCF提供ASCII串行驱动程序和其他通用IO提供程序。自定义IO提供程序也可以包含在CCF中。

  • 数据收集和存储 - 建议预先了解要存储什么数据和使用什么介质进行存储。

  • 工厂自动化 - CCF提供了完全集成的GEM、GEM300和EDA实现。

  • 诊断和测试 - CCF日志记录包是在工具上和远程调试应用程序的出色的工具。

  • 错误和恢复- CCF提供了一个警报包,用于发送信号和从错误状态中恢复。



CIMControlFramework Work Breakdown


“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu


“Watch out for that first step Mac, it’s a lulu!” – Bugs Bunny


These quotes by the great philosophers Lau Tzu and Bugs Bunny have more in common than would appear at first glance. At the beginning of a journey you have the element of the unknown. There is excitement that it could be a great journey, but there is also an element of the unknown that may make that first step the hardest to take. If you haven’t put in the preparation for a successful journey, that first step might be a lulu.

Similarly, when starting a new equipment control application, there is excitement for the great end product, but also some element of not knowing the best place to start. CIMControlFrameowrk (CCF) offers a great training program to get you started and many building blocks for helping create a first-class equipment control application. Even with these great starting tools, many users still have the question, “Where do I go from here?”

The first step is to create a work breakdown of what it takes to create a successful equipment control application. There will obviously be tasks that are unique to each equipment control application, but most applications have some common tasks or epic user stories that have to be completed during the project. The order in which these stories are completed may depend on milestones and expectations for when they are accomplished, but they generally all need to be completed during the project.

 Integrate Devices – CCF provides an Equipment layer with abstractions of most commonly used devices. Integrating these devices into CCF only requires the implementation of the abstract interface.

 Material Movement Through the Tool – CCF provides a flexible scheduler with complete working examples of different types of scheduling that could be done.

 Implement the Process Module – CCF provides a process module interface that allows the rest of CCF to communicate with your process module – your secret sauce.

 Create an Operator Interface (OI) – CCF provides an OI framework that allows commands to be sent and updates to be made. It also provides some default screens that use this interface. It also allows for insertion and use of custom OI screens.

Simulation – CCF provides a simulator that can be used in place of real hardware. The simulator can be used to deliver/remove material, perform robot moves, and do simulated IO. This is invaluable in continuing development before the hardware is ready or if there is limited tool time for the developers. 

Recipes (Process Recipes and Execution) – CCF provides a recipe manager for passing recipes through the tool. The default recipe can be used or custom recipes can be added.

I/O – CCF provides ASCII serial drivers and other common IO providers. Custom IO providers can also be included in CCF. 

Data Collection and Storage – Knowing what data to store and what medium to use for storage is recommended up front. 

Factory Automation – CCF provides a fully integrated GEM, GEM300, and EDA implementation. 

Diagnostics and Testing – The CCF logging package is a fantastic tool for debugging your application both on the tool and remotely. 

Errors and Recovery – CCF provides an Alarms package for signaling of and recovery from error conditions.

By going through CCF training and creating a work breakdown of the tasks that need to be done for your equipment control application, you can ensure that your first step will be the foundation of a successful journey.

To learn more about CCF, visit the CIMControlFramework page on our website!

Topics: Equipment Control-Software Products, Cimetrix Products

Posted by Derek Lindsey: Product Manager on Mar 15, 2016 1:00:00 PM

本文标签: 分解工作CIMControlFramework