


  • 1.作业查词说明
    • 1.1第一次查词
      • 1.1.1Requirements baseline(需求基线)
      • 1.1.2Enterprise Architect(企业架构师)
      • 1.1.3Unified Modeling Language( 统一建模语言)
      • 1.1.3Unified Modeling Language( 统一建模语言)
      • 1.1.5Asynchronous Processes(异步进程)
      • 1.1.6association class(关联类)
      • 1.1.7behavioral model aspect(行为模型方面)
      • 1.1.8binary association(二元关联)
      • 1.1.9component diagram(构件图)
      • 1.1.10concrete class(具体类)
      • 1.1.11containment hierarchy(内容层次结构)
    • 1.2第二次查词
      • 1.2.1enumeration(列举)
      • 1.2.2formal parameter(形式参数)
      • 1.2.3implementation inheritance(实现继承)
      • 1.2.4interaction diagram(交互图)
      • 1.2.5interface inheritance(接口继承)
      • 1.2.6internal transition(内部转换)
      • 1.2.7metaclass(元类)
      • 1.2.8meta-metamodel(元模型)
      • 1.2.10Communication Diagram(通信图)
    • 1.3第三次查词
      • 1.3.1metaobject(元对象)
      • 1.3.2module(组件)
      • 1.3.3multiple inheritance(多重继承)
      • 1.3.4namespace(命名空间)
      • 1.3.5object diagram(对象图)
      • 1.3.6object flow state(对象流状态)
      • 1.3.8parameterized element(参数化的元素)
      • 1.3.9Object Diagram(对象图)
      • 1.3.10Composition of Activity Diagrams(活动图组成)
    • 1.4第四次查词
      • 1.4.1persistent object(持久化对象)
      • 1.4.2postcondition(后置条件)
      • 1.4.3precondition(预处理)
      • 1.4.4primitive type(原语类型)
      • 1.4.5pseudo-state(伪状态)
      • 1.4.6published model [MOF](发布模型(MOF))
      • 1.4.7qualifier(修饰语)
      • 1.4.8run time(运行时间)
      • 1.4.9schema [MOF](模式)
      • 1.4.10sender [object](发送方(对象))
    • 1.2 项目主题查词说明
      • 1.2.2 Internal Block Diagram(内部方框图)
      • 1.2.3 package diagram(包图)
      • 1.2.4 Requirement Hierarchy(需求层次结构)
      • 1.2.5 One Level Activity Hierarchy(活动的层次结构)
      • 1.2.6 Interface Diagram(界面示意图)
      • 1.2.7 Class Diagram(类图)
      • 1.2.8 Transaction Flow Diagram(业务流程图)
  • 2.读书笔记
    • 2.1读书笔记一
    • 2.2读书笔记二
    • 2.3读书笔记三
  • 3.对高铁订票系统的发展建议
    • 3.1建议一
    • 3.2建议二
    • 3.3建议三



1.1.1Requirements baseline(需求基线)

查找名词 Requirements baseline(需求基线)
名词解说 A baseline for a set of requirements.
查找网址 https://www.jamasoftware/blog/defining-requirement-baseline/
查找时间 2020/9/22
A requirements baseline is a snapshot in time that represents an agreed-upon, reviewed, and approved set of requirements that have been committed to a specific product release.
That “release” could be a complete delivered product or any interim development increment of the product. When stakeholders “sign off” on requirements, what they’re really doing is agreeing and committing to a specific requirements baseline (whether they think of it in those terms or not).
Once the project team establishes a requirements baseline, the team should follow a pragmatic change control process to make good business and technical decisions about adding newly-requested functionality and altering or deleting existing requirements.
A change control process is not about stifling change; it’s about providing decision-makers with the information that will let them make timely and appropriate decisions to modify the planned functionality. That planned functionality is the baseline.
Typically, a baseline is also given a unique name so that all the project participants can refer to it unambiguously. And good configuration management practices allow the team to reconstruct accurately any previous baseline and all its components.

1.1.2Enterprise Architect(企业架构师)

查找名词 Enterprise Architect(企业架构师)
名词解说 A visual platform for designing and constructing software systems, for business process modeling, and for more generalized modeling purposes.
查找网址 https://www.sparxsystems/enterprise-architect/index.html

查找时间 2020/9/22
What is Enterprise Architect?
Enterprise Architect is a visual platform for designing and constructing software systems, for business process modeling, and for more generalized modeling purposes.

Enterprise Architect is based on the latest UML® 2.5 specification (see www.omg). UML defines a visual language that is used to model a particular domain or system (either proposed or existing).

Enterprise Architect is a progressive tool that covers all aspects of the development cycle, providing full traceability from the initial design phase through to deployment, maintenance, testing and change control.

What differentiates Enterprise Architect from other UML tools?
Comprehensive UML 2.5 based modeling
Built-in Requirements Management
Extensive Project Management support, including resources, tasks, project calendar and metrics
Test Management built-in: Testpoint management, model-based test execution, test case specification and support for JUnit and NUnit
Flexible documentation options: HTML and Rich-Text (RTF) report writers
Code engineering support for many languages out of the box
An integrated Visual Execution Analyzer to profile, debug and document executing applications; instantiate run-time model objects; and record sequence diagrams from a stack trace
Extensible modeling environment that can host user-defined profiles and technologies
Usability: Enterprise Architect makes it easy to get up and running quickly with UML

Speed: Enterprise Architect is a spectacularly fast performer
Scalability: Enterprise Architect can handle extremely large models and many concurrent users with ease
Price: Enterprise Architect is priced to outfit the entire team, making collaboration and team development cost effectivelity from the initial design phase through to deployment, maintenance, testing and change control.
Enterprise Architect是一个可视化平台,用于设计和构建软件系统、业务流程建模以及更通用的建模目的。
Enterprise Architect基于最新的UML®2.5规范(请参见www.omg)。UML定义了一种可视化语言,用于建模特定的领域或系统(建议的或现有的)。
Enterprise Architect是一个渐进的工具,它覆盖了开发周期的所有方面,提供了从最初的设计阶段到部署、维护、测试和变更控制的完整跟踪。
全面的基于UML 2.5的建模
可用性:Enterprise Architect使得使用UML可以很容易地建立和快速运行
可伸缩性:Enterprise Architect可以轻松地处理非常大的模型和许多并发用户
价格:Enterprise Architect的定价是为了满足整个团队,使得从最初设计阶段到部署、维护、测试和变更控制的协作和团队开发成本有效性。

1.1.3Unified Modeling Language( 统一建模语言)

查找名词 Unified Modeling Language( 统一建模语言)
名词解说 A standardized modeling language consisting of an integrated set of diagrams
查找网址 https://www.visual-paradigm/guide/uml-unified-modeling-language/what-is-uml/

查找时间 2020/9/22
UML, short for Unified Modeling Language, is a standardized modeling language consisting of an integrated set of diagrams, developed to help system and software developers for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems. The UML is a very important part of developing object oriented software and the software development process. The UML uses mostly graphical notations to express the design of software projects. Using the UML helps project teams communicate, explore potential designs, and validate the architectural design of the software. In this article, we will give you detailed ideas about what is UML, the history of UML and a description of each UML diagram type, along with UML examples.

As the strategic value of software increases for many companies, the industry looks for techniques to automate the production of software and to improve quality and reduce cost and time-to-market. These techniques include component technology, visual programming, patterns and frameworks. Businesses also seek techniques to manage the complexity of systems as they increase in scope and scale. In particular, they recognize the need to solve recurring architectural problems, such as physical distribution, concurrency, replication, security, load balancing and fault tolerance. Additionally, the development for the World Wide Web, while making some things simpler, has exacerbated these architectural problems. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was designed to respond to these needs. The primary goals in the design of the UML summarize by Page-Jones in Fundamental Object-Oriented Design in UML as follows:

Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual modeling language so they can develop and exchange meaningful models.
Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts.

Be independent of particular programming languages and development processes.
Provide a formal basis for understanding the modeling language.
Encourage the growth of the OO tools market.
Support higher-level development concepts such as collaborations, frameworks, patterns and components.
Integrate best practices.
UML是统一建模语言的缩写,是一种标准化的建模语言,由一组集成的图组成,开发用于帮助系统和软件开发人员指定、可视化、构造和记录软件系统的工件,以及用于业务建模和其他非软件系统。UML代表了在大型和复杂系统的建模中被证明成功的最佳工程实践的集合。UML是面向对象软件开发和软件开发过程中非常重要的一部分。UML主要使用图形符号来表达软件项目的设计。使用UML可以帮助项目团队进行交流,探索潜在的设计,并验证软件的架构设计。在本文中,我们将详细介绍什么是UML, UML的历史和每种UML图类型的描述,以及UML示例。

1.1.3Unified Modeling Language( 统一建模语言)

查找名词 Unified Modeling Language( 统一建模语言)
名词解说 A standardized modeling language consisting of an integrated set of diagrams
查找网址 https://www.visual-paradigm/guide/uml-unified-modeling-language/what-is-uml/

查找时间 2020/9/22
UML, short for Unified Modeling Language, is a standardized modeling language consisting of an integrated set of diagrams, developed to help system and software developers for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems. The UML is a very important part of developing object oriented software and the software development process. The UML uses mostly graphical notations to express the design of software projects. Using the UML helps project teams communicate, explore potential designs, and validate the architectural design of the software. In this article, we will give you detailed ideas about what is UML, the history of UML and a description of each UML diagram type, along with UML examples.

As the strategic value of software increases for many companies, the industry looks for techniques to automate the production of software and to improve quality and reduce cost and time-to-market. These techniques include component technology, visual programming, patterns and frameworks. Businesses also seek techniques to manage the complexity of systems as they increase in scope and scale. In particular, they recognize the need to solve recurring architectural problems, such as physical distribution, concurrency, replication, security, load balancing and fault tolerance. Additionally, the development for the World Wide Web, while making some things simpler, has exacerbated these architectural problems. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was designed to respond to these needs. The primary goals in the design of the UML summarize by Page-Jones in Fundamental Object-Oriented Design in UML as follows:

Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual modeling language so they can develop and exchange meaningful models.
Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts.

Be independent of particular programming languages and development processes.
Provide a formal basis for understanding the modeling language.
Encourage the growth of the OO tools market.
Support higher-level development concepts such as collaborations, frameworks, patterns and components.
Integrate best practices.
UML是统一建模语言的缩写,是一种标准化的建模语言,由一组集成的图组成,开发用于帮助系统和软件开发人员指定、可视化、构造和记录软件系统的工件,以及用于业务建模和其他非软件系统。UML代表了在大型和复杂系统的建模中被证明成功的最佳工程实践的集合。UML是面向对象软件开发和软件开发过程中非常重要的一部分。UML主要使用图形符号来表达软件项目的设计。使用UML可以帮助项目团队进行交流,探索潜在的设计,并验证软件的架构设计。在本文中,我们将详细介绍什么是UML, UML的历史和每种UML图类型的描述,以及UML示例。

1.1.5Asynchronous Processes(异步进程)

查找名词 Asynchronous Processes(异步进程)
名词解说 The caller must wait for the method call to return before continuing with the behavior
查找网址 https://trailhead.salesforce/en/content/learn/modules/asynchronous_apex/async_apex_introduction

查找时间 2020/9/22
An asynchronous process is controlled either via a pty (pseudo-terminal) or a pipe. The choice of pty or pipe is made when creating the process, by default based on the value of the variable process-connection-type (see below). If available, ptys are usually preferable for processes visible to the user, as in Shell mode, because they allow for job control (C-c, C-z, etc.) between the process and its children, and because interactive programs treat ptys as terminal devices, whereas pipes don’t support these features. However, for subprocesses used by Lisp programs for internal purposes (i.e., no user interaction with the subprocess is required), where significant amounts of data need to be exchanged between the subprocess and the Lisp program, it is often better to use a pipe, because pipes are more efficient. Also, the total number of ptys is limited on many systems, and it is good not to waste them unnecessarily.

An asynchronous process is job or function that doesn’t have direct interaction with user. Suppose you have implemented SFDC for a mobile company and the company has millions of customers using its services. Company decides to flag those customers as inactive that have not recharged in the last one year. For this you can create a nightly job (usually by a batch job) to do this activities. Here this job runs in the background and doesn’t have direct interaction with user.
异步进程可以通过pty(伪终端)或管道进行控制。在创建流程时选择pty或pipe,默认情况下,基于变量process-connection-type的值(参见下面)。如果可行,ptys对于用户可见的进程来说通常是更好的选择,比如在Shell模式中,因为它们允许在进程及其子进程之间进行作业控制(C-c, C-z等),并且因为交互程序将ptys视为终端设备,而管道不支持这些特性。但是,对于Lisp程序用于内部目的的子进程(即,不需要用户与子进程交互),在子进程和Lisp程序之间需要交换大量数据的情况下,通常使用管道更好,因为管道更有效。另外,许多系统上的ptys总数是有限的,最好不要不必要地浪费它们。

1.1.6association class(关联类)

查找名词 association class(关联类)
名词解说 a class that is part of an association relationship between two other classes.

查找时间 2020/9/22
In UML diagrams, an association class is a class that is part of an association relationship between two other classes.
You can attach an association class to an association relationship to provide additional information about the relationship. An association class is identical to other classes and can contain operations, attributes, as well as other associations.

For example, a class called Student represents a student and has an association with a class called Course, which represents an educational course. The Student class can enroll in a course. An association class called Enrollment further defines the relationship between the Student and Course classes by providing section, grade, and semester information related to the association relationship.

As the following figure illustrates, an association class is connected to an association by a dotted line.

1.1.7behavioral model aspect(行为模型方面)

查找名词 behavioral model aspect(行为模型方面)
名词解说 A model aspect that emphasizes the behavior of the
instances in a system
查找网址 https://file.scirp/pdf/JSEA_2013032915342168.pdf
查找时间 2020/9/22
Aspect oriented software development is an emerging paradigm of software development. The notion of this technique is separation of concerns which means to implement each concern in a single object in object oriented programming but still there are concerns which are distributed on different objects and are called crosscutting concerns while another form is Core concerns are the core fun ctionality provided by the system but cro sscutting concerns are the concerns like logging, performance etc. Modeling of aspect oriented software is different from the normal modeling of object-ori- ented or procedural language software, because aspects don’t have the independent identity or existence and they are tightly coupled to their woven context so it is difficult to model them. The one aim of our research paper is to explore the domain of Modeling of the aspect oriented software. The goal of this research paper is to give a UML Behavioral modeling techniques in the domain of aspect oriented software development. This technique of generating UML Be-havioral Model for aspects will give better understating of separations concerns.
面向方面的软件开发是一种新兴的软件开发范式。这种技术关注点分离的概念意味着实现每一个关注点在面向对象编程中一个单独的对象,但仍有担忧,分布在不同的对象和被称为横切关注点,而另一种形式是核心关切的核心系统,但提供的乐趣ctionality cro sscutting担忧关切像日志记录、性能等。面向方面软件的建模不同于面向对象软件或过程语言软件的常规建模,因为面向方面没有独立的身份或存在性,而且它们与它们编织的上下文紧密耦合,因此很难对它们建模。本文的目的之一是探索面向方面软件的建模领域。本文的研究目标是给出面向方面软件开发领域中的UML行为建模技术。这种为方面生成UML Be-havioral模型的技术将更好地理解分离关注点。

1.1.8binary association(二元关联)

查找名词 binary association(二元关联)
名词解说 An association between two classes. A special case of an n
ary association.
查找网址 https://www.sciencedirect/topics/computer-science/binary-association

查找时间 2020/9/22
Transforming the Conceptual Data Model to SQL
Toby Teorey, … H.V. Jagadish, in Database Modeling and Design (Fifth Edition), 2011

Binary Relationships
A one-to-one binary relationship between two entities is illustrated in Figure 5.1(a)–©. Note that the UML-equivalent binary association is given in Figure 5.2(a)–©.

When both entities are mandatory (Figure 5.1a), each entity becomes a table, and the key of either entity can appear in the other entity’s table as a foreign key. One of the entities in an optional relationship (see Department in Figure 5.1b) should contain the foreign key of the other entity in its transformed table. Employee, the other entity in Figure 5.1(b), could also contain a foreign key (dept_no) with nulls allowed, but this would require more storage space because of the much greater number of Employee entity instances than Department instances. When both entities are optional (Figure 5.1c), either entity can contain the embedded foreign key of the other entity, with nulls allowed in the foreign keys.

The one-to-many relationship can be shown as either mandatory or optional on the “many” side, without affecting the transformation. On the “one” side it may be either mandatory (Figure 5.1d) or optional (Figure 5.1e). In all cases the foreign key must appear on the “many” side, which represents the child entity, with nulls allowed for foreign keys only in the optional “one” case. Foreign key constraints are set according to the specific meaning of the relationship and may vary from one relationship to another.

The many-to-many relationship, shown in Figure 5.1(f) as optional for both entities, requires a new table containing the primary keys of both entities. The same transformation applies to either the optional or mandatory case, including the fact that the “not null” clause must appear for the foreign keys in both cases. Note also that an optional entity means that the SQL table derived from it may have zero rows for that particular relationship. This does not affect “null” or “not null” in the table definition.
The white diamond indicates a shared aggregation where the part may belong to different wholes at the same time. In Figure 6.20, a given Item must be part of an Order, but also may be part of a Sale.

Composite and shared aggregation are special associations and should be used with much parsimony, that is, they should be used only when the team is sure that it is the case that an object is really part of another, and not just a normal association. Even the UML specification (Object Management Group, 2011) states that the precise semantics of a shared aggregation varies between application areas and modelers.

It is common to see aggregation and composition being abused in models, when objects that are not part-whole related are linked by that kind of association. For example, a customer is not part of an order, if not for any other reason but the fact that a customer is a person and an order is not a physical thing, but a transaction. Composite and shared aggregations should unite elements of the same nature: physical with physical, and abstract with abstract. An order may be associated to a customer, but the order is not made of customers.

There are few real advantages in using aggregation in conceptual modeling. This is another reason to minimize or even abolish their use in conceptual models. Among the advantages is that composite or shared aggregation parts usually have attributes that are combined and derived in the whole. For example, the total value of an order is the sum of its items; the weight of a package is the sum of the weight of each book; when a car is sold, all its parts are sold too; and so on. However, these concerns usually appear only at design time.

图5.1(A) - ©说明了两个实体之间一对一的二进制关系。请注意,uml等效的二进制关联在图5.2(a) - ©中给出。
图5.1(f)所示的多对多关系对于两个实体来说都是可选的,它需要一个包含两个实体主键的新表。同样的转换适用于可选或强制情况,包括在这两种情况下外键必须出现“not null”子句这一事实。还要注意,可选实体意味着从该实体派生的SQL表对于该特定关系可能没有行。这不会影响表定义中的“null”或“not null”。


1.1.9component diagram(构件图)

查找名词 component diagram(构件图)
名词解说 A diagram that shows the organizations and dependencies among components
查找网址 https://www.guru99/component-diagram-uml-example.html

查找时间 2020/9/22
UML Component diagrams are used in modeling the physical aspects of object-oriented systems that are used for visualizing, specifying, and documenting component-based systems and also for constructing executable systems through forward and reverse engineering. Component diagrams are essentially class diagrams that focus on a system’s components that often used to model the static implementation view of a system.
Basic Concepts of Component Diagram
A component represents a modular part of a system that encapsulates its contents and whose manifestation is replaceable within its environment. In UML 2, a component is drawn as a rectangle with optional compartments stacked vertically. A high-level, abstracted view of a component in UML 2 can be modeled as:

A rectangle with the component’s name
A rectangle with the component icon
A rectangle with the stereotype text and/or icon
Looks of a Component
In the example below shows two type of component interfaces:

Provided interface symbols with a complete circle at their end represent an interface that the component provides - this “lollipop” symbol is shorthand for a realization relationship of an interface classifier.

Required Interface symbols with only a half circle at their end (a.k.a. sockets) represent an interface that the component requires (in both cases, the interface’s name is placed near the interface symbol itself).

Required and provided interface
Component Diagram Example - Using Interface (Order System)
Component interface example
The subsystem classifier is a specialized version of a component classifier. Because of this, the subsystem notation element inherits all the same rules as the component notation element. The only difference is that a subsystem notation element has the keyword of subsystem instead of component.

Component Subsystems
Ports are represented using a square along the edge of the system or a component. A port is often used to help expose required and provided interfaces of a component.

Component Diagram Port
组件表示系统的模块化部分,它封装了系统的内容,并且组件的表现形式在其环境中是可替换的。在UML 2中,一个组件被绘制成一个矩形,可选的分隔单元垂直堆叠。在UML 2中,一个高级的,抽象的组件视图可以建模为:





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