


Topic 3 - Product Planning

书接上文Topic1中的六个distinct phases

Phase 0 - Product Planning

This phase takes place before a product development project is formally approved,substantial resources are applied and the larger development team is formed


Product planning is an activity that considers the portfolio of projects that an organisation might pursue. i.e. what mix of new products and markets to develop, if they focus is on basic or applied research or diversification projects and determines what subset of these projects will be pursued over what time period


Phase 0 - Product Planning Problems

Organisations which do not plan carefully have the following problems


1. Inadequate coverage of target markets with competitive products


2. Poor timing of market introductions of products


3. Mismatches between aggregate development capacity and the number of projects pursued


4. Poor distribution of resources, with some projects overstaffed and others understaffed


5. Initiation and subsequent cancellation of illconceived projects


6. Frequent changes in the directions of projects


Phase 0 - Product Planning – Types of projects

There are four types of Product Development Projects        产品开发项目有四种类型

1. Fundamentally new products        全新的产品

        New product or production technology for new and unfamiliar markets


2. New Product Platforms                新产品平台

        New products for familiar markets and product categories


3. Derivatives of existing product platforms        现有产品平台衍生品

        Projects extend an existing product platform to better addresses familiar markets with one or two more products


4. Incremental improvements to existing products        对现有产品的增量改进

        May only involve adding or modifying some features of existing products to keep the product line current and competitive


Phase 0 - The 5-step product planning process

These 5 stages, enable the organisation to identify the Product Plan and Mission Statements


1. Identify Opportunities        确认机会

2. Evaluate And Prioritise Projects        评估并确定项目的优先级

3. Allocate Resources and Plan Timing        分配资源和计划时间

4. Complete Pre-Project Planning        完成项目前期工作计划

5. Product Development Process        产品开发过程

Step 1 – Identify Opportunities

The first stage of the planning process is to identify product development opportunities


Each of the ideas should be expanded into a short description – including the potential business opportunity


Each of the ideas should have a ‘champion’ who is responsible for supporting the idea through the process


Step 2 – Evaluate and Prioritse Projects

In this step, the organisation is looking to decide which of the projects to pursue


There are four perspectives that can be used to assist in the evaluation and analysis of each of the projects


1. Competitive strategy                竞争战略

        Four potential competitive strategies that an organisation could follow


        (1)Technology Leadership        技术领先

                A focus on basic research and development of new technologies


        (2) Cost Leadership        成本领先

                Competitive focus on production efficiency        


        (3) Customer Focus        客户导向

                The organisation works closely with customers to assess changing needs and         preferences


        (4)Imitative (market follower)        模仿(市场追随者)

                When a clear opportunity has been identified and has been successful, the         organisation launches a competitive version



2. Market segmentation               市场划分

        Divide the market into segments in order to be more focused on the customer and competitors


3. Technological trajectories        技术轨道

        i.e. when to adopt a new technology        即何时采用新技术

        When to shift to implementation of the new technology as part of the core product range


4. Product platforms                     产品平台   

        The product platform is the set of assets shared across a set of products


        An effective platform can allow a variety of derivative products to be created more rapidly and easily


        Each product can then provide features and functions desired by a particular market segment


When considering opportunities in either new markets or fundamentally new technologies, the following evaluation criteria can be used


1. Market size (units/year x average price)

        市场规模(单位/年 乘 平均价格)

2. Market growth rate (percent per year)


3. Competitive intensity (number of competitors and their strengths)


4. Depth of the firm’s existing knowledge of the market evaluation criteria


5. Depth of the firm’s existing knowledge of the technology


6. Fit with the firm’s capabilities


7. Fit with the firm’s other products


8. Potential for patents, trade secrets or other barriers to competition


9. Existence of a product champion within the firm


Step 3 – Allocate Resources and Plan Timing

There are two aspects of this step in the Process

1. Resource Allocation        资源分配

        Over commitment of resources will inevitably lead to a drop in productivity


        Aggregate Planning        总体计划

                Pursuing only those projects that can reasonably be completed with the budgeted         resources.This leads to a more efficient utilisation of the limited resources


        The primary resource for a project is the human resources, i.e. the engineers and developers


        This concept is used to assess how long each piece of the development will take


        Other critical resources include         其他关键资源包括

                (1)development equipment        开发设备

                (2)test equipment                       测试设备

                (3)manufacturing capacity          制造能力

                (4)availability of raw materials and components etc        原材料和零部件的可用性等

2. Project Timing                 项目进度

This is the set of projects approved by the planning process


The plan may include a mix of fundamentally new products, platform projects and derivative projects


Step 4 – Complete Pre-Project Planning

After project approval, but before the commitment of resources, a pre-project planning activity takes place


This activity involves a small, cross-functional team – the Core Team


During this step, the Mission statement is created,included in the Mission Statement are:


1. A brief description of the product        产品的简要描述

2. Key business goals        关键业务目标

3. Target market for the product        产品的目标市场

4. Assumptions and constraints that guide the development effort        指导开发工作的假设和约束

5. Stakeholders        利益相关者

Step 5 – Reflect on the Results and the Process

At this step, reflection is carried out to assess both the quality of the process and the results


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