


AWS has a new Savings Plan that is pitched for Savings Costs for folks who don’t want to make an upfront cost commitment on their infrastructure. Here is our suggestion on what approach you should take in order to pick the right cost-saving option for REAL cost savings in Amazon Web Services.

AWS拥​​有一个新的储蓄计划,该计划旨在为那些不想在其基础架构上做出前期成本承诺的人们提供储蓄成本。 这是我们的建议,您应该采取哪种方法才能选择正确的成本节省选项,以实现Amazon Web Services中的真实成本节省。

预留实例或RI (Reserved Instances or RI)

This the most appealing offer that novice cloud enthusiasts go for and the only option that was available before Savings Plan came in (don’t rush to your DevOps folks and penalize them for picking this !). There are three sub-options available. We will only be talking about the 1-year option here since 3-year will go into your books as one of the worst decisions made in career and will haunt you for 3 years. Compute costs are getting lower day by day and the infra used today is drastically different from how it was a year back, the compute loads are also very different, as new languages and compute models come in every day, the processing power required by these software and application servers keep pushing the need for more computing power. E-Commerce and Digital channels have taken the main stage and will need more compute as we step into the office each day, so it is better to have a flexible plan without a long term commitment. There are also these standard and convertible plans that can add more options(confusion) to the decision making process.

这是新手云爱好者所追求的最具吸引力的优惠,并且是在加入储蓄计划之前唯一可用的选择(不要急于与您的DevOps团队合作,不要因为选择这个而受到惩罚!)。 有三个子选项可用。 我们这里只讨论1年选项,因为3年是您职业生涯中最糟糕的决定之一,并且会困扰您3年,这将成为您的账簿。 计算成本一天比一天降低,今天使用的基础设施与一年前相比已经大大不同,计算负荷也有很大不同,因为每天都有新的语言和计算模型出现,这些软件需要的处理能力应用服务器不断推动对更多计算能力的需求。 电子商务和数字渠道已成为主要阶段,并且随着我们每天走进办公室,将需要更多的计算能力,因此最好制定一个灵活的计划而不需要长期的承诺。 这些标准和可转换计划也可以为决策过程增加更多选择(混乱)。

Standard Plans let you switch between Availability Zones and Instance types within the same family, while Convertible plans let you to switch across Instance types. For example, we started with t instance family today and a Standard plan, we cannot switch to a m</

本文标签: 实例告诉您计划信息AWS